Ok, you would think I would have figured this out by now, but alas, I have not, first is there a place to dowload all of U2's videos, on the net somewhere? I know where to download music, but not videos. Second, is there a way to save these videos once I find them? For instance, I really like the Macintosh commercial that features U2, so I would like to save it. I have RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, and MusicMatch Jukebox, I would like to permenantly save these on a disc if I could, does anyone know if this is possible? Thanks in advance for any help!
Fishy <><
The Bedazzled Merch-Maid and Fashion Chair of Orgasmaton
The Original Hot Potato of LAYS
You put on the leather pants and the pants start telling you what to do. -Bono
Fishy <><
The Bedazzled Merch-Maid and Fashion Chair of Orgasmaton
The Original Hot Potato of LAYS
You put on the leather pants and the pants start telling you what to do. -Bono