Cutie Pie Friday!

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dsmith2904 said:
Saw the pics of Edge and Bono from the Clinton Library opening today and was once again struck by how completely adorable Edge can be. How about a thread dedicated to Edge in all his cute glory? Of course, any and all pics are always welcome.



sooooooooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuute. when i look at his smile i know why his small children are so cute :)
dsmith2904 said:
Definitely cute...


Edge looks really great when he's smiling :).

(and i always appreciate every Larry's smile too. anyway on this pic they all look quite amused. even Clayton seems to be stoping himself from bursting into laughter. but that's not the topic of this thread. sorry, couldn't stop myself from writing that :heart:)
Miroslava said:
I never realized what nice eyes Edge has... very purty! Young!Edge does nothing for me, but he has definitely aged very nicely. So damn cute.

And not to turn this into a Bono thread anymore, but Lemongrrrrrrrrll I am seriously, seriously happy and extremely jealous of you. This from a girl that has a folder labelled Bono Bites. :drool:

I know, I know, I'm sorry for ruining the Edge buzz! I just want to cuddle up with him like a big ol' teddy bear! Here's a few more Edge photos I've found, none of them are mine.

"I pledge allegiance, to The Edge..."

Edge as one of Santa's little helpers??? (I've no clue where I got this, or if it's even authentic, but it's funny!)


Edge all dolled up:
Lemon Grrrrrl said:

Well, nibbling is the best I can come to describing it.


Um, well, I guess that's not the short story version. Sorry! :macdevil: But anyway, my last quote is referencing that incident - I really have had my fingers in Bono's orifice! And I'm still so entranced by that fact that whenever I see photos of him or singing somewhere (as in Arkansas today), I think, "Wow! My fingers have been in that mouth!"

WOW i remember reading your story back in the Zootopia days and I still get super excited for you/and hopeful for me:wink:
I was there that faithful night in L.A, obviously not close enough to get my fingers nibbled on by the B-man!.....:|
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