Crapaud, Prince Edward Island Superthread

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Can you understand why this summer, where the ONLY thing I've done is worked, gone to the movies, ONE concert, and post on interference is driving me INSANE? I need to keep myself busy or I feel super lazy.

Welcome to the last 17 years of my life.

I'll be honest: hearing about other people's lives depresses the fuck out of me, because I seldom have anything to add.
This is the other thing that makes American university sound so shithouse to me: the fact that it sounds just like high school, with having to do courses from disciplines well outside what you're actually studying. I've never done anything other than History and Political Science courses. Sure, the option's there if I want it (though anything outside the faculty of Arts, e.g. a science or engineering course, would 1. require special permission and 2. not count towards my degree), but I haven't taken them up on it. Some sociology might have been fun, but I'm comfortable with what I'm doing.

I'm going to take this down after you've seen it due to sensitive information, but the top main section on this page are the cores I have to take in order to graduate (the classes listed are the ones I took to fulfill said core) Makes no sense does it :lol:

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Welcome to the last 17 years of my life.

I'll be honest: hearing about other people's lives depresses the fuck out of me, because I seldom have anything to add.

I promise to never tell you about my life again elMel :wink:
I'm going to take this down after you've seen it due to sensitive information, but the top main section on this page are the cores I have to take in order to graduate (the classes listed are the ones I took to fulfill said core) Makes no sense does it :lol:

WTF. Biology?! How the hell is that of any relevance?
What are you doing now? Have you ditched journalism?

And I was lucky that when I changed majors from International Relations to PolSci, it didn't really change anything for me since every IR course counts as a PolSci course too.

Last year we did a lot of historical and theoretical stuff, now it's got some relevance.

I'm still stuck in a journalism for a bit yet, but I'm definitely not making it my major. The other choices are radio or PR, neither of those seem great either. I may choose the generic major where you can just pick a handful of papers and come out with a straight Bachelor of Communication. It's very appealing, and given I'm hoping that I won't exactly need a BCS in the future, my preferred option.

It's cool that the papers are the same for all in the first year, you then break it down to three choices in the second year (with a handful of remaining core papers, again, still relevant), and then a major for the third year, so you aren't wasting your time.
you're doing better than me! i have some...not so good grades. i've made some As and Bs though :wink:

That was sarcasm my friend. I have no self esteem when it comes to grades since all my best friends either had 4.0s in high school, or currently have them in college
That was sarcasm my friend. I have no self esteem when it comes to grades since all my best friends either had 4.0s in high school, or currently have them in college
:lol: i hear you. my ex has something like a 3.9 or 3.8 gpa, and it embarrasses me how low my gpa has gotten. i WAS on a full scholarship when i started, now...i don't think i could get a scholarship if i tried.
I don't doubt that.

I haven't done any science since the end of grade nine. :up:

Know what's even better? When I finally get around to taking that second Science class, it will probably be GEOLOGY

Fuck yeah m i rite?
:lol: i hear you. my ex has something like a 3.9 or 3.8 gpa, and it embarrasses me how low my gpa has gotten. i WAS on a full scholarship when i started, now...i don't think i could get a scholarship if i tried.

I'm so scared of losing my scholarships. If it weren't for these damn core classes I wouldn't have to worry. I have to stay above a 3.2, right now I'm like 3.45 or something, and about to enter into my first 300 level courses.
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