Cockburn Street, Edinburgh, Scotland Superthread

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Also, in the interests of research of seeing what's not been played that was on the remaster, I am confused as to why this demo wasn't on the UF remaster. A slowed down, moodier version of this (like the first few bars) could be a really good addition to the set, especially if they slowly built to the studio ending.
I can't believe they even rehearsed Wire in 2009 and didn't do it. :(

When U2 signed up for Pop on the Box, I'm 105% sure that they mistakenly thought they were about to perform Top of the Pops.


I wonder if they thought the Harp Lager Talent Contest was Eurovision?

To be fair, Bono still has the same badger on his head today, it's decaying a bit...

Even the dead badger's balding now.
I love Disappearing Act so much. Wave of Sorrow felt like a boring modern U2 song, but Disappearing Act keeps the sound of the era intact despite the vocals.
I don't know how extensively they actually PLAYED Wire in rehearsals, but it was definitely under consideration.

And I must admit I've largely failed to return to the new songs on the remasters, including Disappearing Act. I just hate that they felt the need to touch up the old unreleased stuff. Rise Up, for example, is better for having 1987 Bono on it. Bono just can't sing any more.
It's pretty similar to The Glove remaster with 2006 Robert Smith singing instead of 1983 Robert Smith. It just sounds like someone croaking through these songs which they wrote under a lot of influences 23 years earlier. That detachment is really damaging to the final work, I think.

Also yeah, I think Disappearing Act is sort of okay, not great, aside from that weird synth thing through two of the choruses, which is pretty neat. Is it just me or was part of it used in that Unforgettable Fire documentary from 1984?
I don't know how extensively they actually PLAYED Wire in rehearsals, but it was definitely under consideration.

And I must admit I've largely failed to return to the new songs on the remasters, including Disappearing Act. I just hate that they felt the need to touch up the old unreleased stuff. Rise Up, for example, is better for having 1987 Bono on it. Bono just can't sing any more.

I can honestly say I dislike every "new" track on the JT remaster. Terribly disappointing shit. Rise Up is possibly the most tolerable.

Drunk Chicken is the one I return to most because I struggle with depression from time to time and it has given me many hearty laughs. It's still one of the worst songs I've ever heard.
Just saw the RYM score for SOI damn that's bad, well at least I don't take RYM seriously otherwise the 15th best album of all time would be a shit Pixies album
I like Saturday Night more than Fire. But, still, it's Fire, so I guess it's still not a favorite of mine.
Saturday Night is an original vocal, yeah, not a re-record? Both it and Fire are great, fuck you guys.

And Drunk Chicken should open the next tour.
I'm pretty sure I incurred some serious wrath on EYKIW when I suggested that Rise Up is a better song than ISHFWILF.

But fuck a duck does ISHFWILF get boring after a few listens. How do people keep caring about it?
I love Edge's guitar on ISHFWILAKSMFEHVNR, particularly during the outro. It's beautiful and simplistic. No unnecessary layers. I find the lyrics very inspiring and Bono's vocal is stellar. I don't get why there's any backlash over it, but to each his own.
I'm pretty sure I incurred some serious wrath on EYKIW when I suggested that Rise Up is a better song than ISHFWILF.

But fuck a duck does ISHFWILF get boring after a few listens. How do people keep caring about it?

Ax be honest does anything you say not incur the wrath of EYKIW?
I've just found ISHFWILF to have little to offer repeated listens. The lyrics are fairly trite in my view, the music is pretty simple, and my opinion is of course coloured by the way Bono uses it as a breather to let the crowd sing for a couple of verses mid-show because he's got lazy.

I am legitimately disappointed that they didn't include Womanfish or Be There or anything of that ilk in the 2008 remasters, but I guess they gotta have some stuff for the 40th anniversary...

Be There is surprising. Womanfish? Bono probably hates that I love posting about it on U2gigs.

Ax be honest does anything you say not incur the wrath of EYKIW?



One Tree Hill rules?

Other than that...
By the way, I'm writing a series of articles for U2gigs to run over the next couple of weeks with the likelihood of songs from each album being played again. The problem is that songs are either in the range of 90-100% or 0-20%. There aren't many where I think "well they might, but they might not, so let's give this a 50%". It's either "no shit this huge hit is a lock" or "here's a rarity or fan favourite that I hope somehow fits with the next tour's theme" or "NO NEVER NO GODDAMN NO".
I'd give Gone higher than a 20%, lower than a 90%. Like 30-40%. It's been too damn long. I think acoustic SATS is due back as well.

It's also possible that they will, as hypothesized, play some early material. It makes sense, considering the subject matter of the album. The Boy tracks were great fun on Vertigo.
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I'd give Gone higher than a 20%, lower than a 90%. Like 30-40%. It's been too damn long. I think acoustic SATS is due back as well.

This is true. To be fair I've only written Boy to UF, which is pretty clear-cut.

JT may be interesting. I think In God's Country is due, and Bullet's about a 60% chance of returning. Dare we hope Exit will rise from the dead? Surely U2 have got over it being cited in a random murder trial?
Missed your edit re: early material. Has there been much hypothesising about that? I haven't been reading every thread intently. I'm sceptical though - they rode that card pretty hard with the Vertigo Tour. Still, I've thrown in wildly speculative picks of Another Time Another Place (2%!) and Twilight (1%!!), along with a slightly more realistic Electric Co. pick (15%).
Ha, I was just referring to our joking about pre-Boy demos. But I think there may be something to it, albeit with far more well known tracks. It would fit the subject matter of the new tracks very well and U2 enjoys tours with some thematic coherence, at least early on.

Maybe we'll just get a Beat on the Brat cover.
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Perhaps the real miracle of Joey Ramone will be a mid-set cover sequence of Ramones songs in place of a shitty acoustic snoozefest. U2's age, I'm not sure which would suck more.
Perhaps the real miracle of Joey Ramone will be a mid-set cover sequence of Ramones songs in place of a shitty acoustic snoozefest. U2's age, I'm not sure which would suck more.

What about acoustic Ramones covers?

Sounds like a success to me!
Also, there's been at least one old song that was never played live revived on the past two tours (Scarlet, The First Time, arguably Miss Sarajevo, Your Blue Room, Electrical Storm), which is hopefully a trend that will continue. Promenade would make a decent choice for an interlude.
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