Brown Willy, Cornwall Superthread

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awesomeness is my redeeming factor! pfffft.


is One the most perfect songe EVER?

or is it
a- all i want is you
b- Bad
c- with or without you/

d- OMG will we get another masterpiece on the new album ?
UGH so I had three wines and one beer tonight or was it three beers and one wine tonight - it was the latter. I don't drink wine much and those Cooper's were totally off, so I'm feeling kind of fucky.

I was just reading some posts on another forum I lurk/sometimes post for a certain video games series. There's a thread named "Do any females play this?" and some of the answers are so misogynistic I feel like I'm reading scripture from the goddamn middle ages. I've known girls that play video games all my life, and not all of them are nerdy /fuck this rant.
UGH so I had three wines and one beer tonight or was it three beers and one wine tonight - it was the latter. I don't drink wine much and those Cooper's were totally off, so I'm feeling kind of fucky.

I was just reading some posts on another forum I lurk/sometimes post for a certain video games series. There's a thread named "Do any females play this?" and some of the answers are so misogynistic I feel like I'm reading scripture from the goddamn middle ages. I've known girls that play video games all my life, and not all of them are nerdy /fuck this rant.

Kill them.
Ax is at FAR's place?

They must be totally jumping and jiving shit all over the place right about now. On the dot. On the GODDAMN dot they're fucking shit up.
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