Bono's intro to "Streets" from last night...

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Dec 25, 2002
From the swamp lands of Louisiana
To the high hills of Kilamanjaro
From the bridge of Selma
To the mouth of the Nile
Africa! Africa!
The journey of equality
Moves on, moves on
From the town centers
To the townships
Sacred ground
Proven ground
Sacred ground
Proven ground
Africa! Africa! Africa!
Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant brillliant. I love the intro, and its new African makeover. :drool:
You know I think its really cool Bono still creates Africa awareness and is doing at U2 concerts. This country has had so many issues and was left in the back burner in the late 80's and 90's. Bono seems like the only person with celebrity status who even metions Africa and its issues. U2 could have easily bashed the US administration (which they do with the new political trilogy, Bullet, LPOE, Sunday, but very subliminal ) like every other artist out there, but they send out a positive message of hope & awareness for a country in need for some major change. Props to Bono & U2 for that. Its also a fresh way to view "Where the Streets Have No Name" in the live relm. I agree with Shaun though that Bono should move to Africa. He just loves that place.
They did play in South Africa on Popmart, am I wrong?

I guess there is no audience.
I dare you to find 20.000 U2 fans in Guinnea Bissau who can afford a ticket.
It's just not possible.
It is a horrible intro. It sounds forced & stilted. Unworthy of a song like Streets.

As of now, it is part of the production with the Africa maps and world flags on the curtains.
God Part III said:
They did play in South Africa on Popmart, am I wrong?

Yep. Alas, I was not old enough to go. :sad: My parents' friends saw them in Jo'burg, and they had a great time.
phommel said:
Why don't they start touring there...

They did, on Popmart; Cape Town and Johannesburg were the last two dates of the tour.

Unfortunately, most African nations don't have the infrastructure to hold such a concert and the citizens don't have the disposable income to pay the ticket prices that would make the show break even. If they do another truly 'world' tour like Popmart again, though, I can very much see them visiting South Africa.
nbcrusader said:
It is a horrible intro. It sounds forced & stilted. Unworthy of a song like Streets.

As of now, it is part of the production with the Africa maps and world flags on the curtains.

thank you, my friend!! i want to get blinded by the lights in the beginning, myself.
nbcrusader said:
It is a horrible intro. It sounds forced & stilted. Unworthy of a song like Streets.

As of now, it is part of the production with the Africa maps and world flags on the curtains.

I didn't hear it as forced or stilted.

I think that this is a perfect merge of Bono's role in U2 and his "night job".

I cried when I hear the bootleg.
After hearing and reading this at the same time I have to say

Nº1 - really beautiful

Nº2 - what does he sing after that?

and nº3 - (and I think you'll be with me)


(I wish he had rehearsed The Fly as hard as this)
I dig it alot myself. It's a great intro and all, but it almost sounds like Bono's doing a tourist ad. I was almost ready for him to say, "Come visit AFRICA!!!!"
nbcrusader said:
It is a horrible intro. It sounds forced & stilted. Unworthy of a song like Streets.

As of now, it is part of the production with the Africa maps and world flags on the curtains.

:up: indeed

streets doesn't need an intro. it's a moment to just close your eyes and let hte goosebumps take over... yelling as loud as you possiably can, and to go absolutely ape shit

there's plenty of other times in the concert to preach about africa... and i'd be happy to listen any of those other times. but the intro to streets is holy ground for u2 fans. leave it alone.
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nbcrusader said:
It is a horrible intro. It sounds forced & stilted. Unworthy of a song like Streets.

As of now, it is part of the production with the Africa maps and world flags on the curtains.

I agree with you. It's good what he wrote, but it doesn’t blend in at the start of streets. It seems out of place IMO

I've listened to it a few times, and I have Africa! Africa! Africa! ringing in my head all day.:wink:


(I wish he had rehearsed The Fly as hard as this) [/B]

Agreed. Sing the songs, save the preaching for another time another place (no pun intended).
Headache in a Suitcase said:

:up: indeed

streets doesn't need an intro. it's a moment to just close your eyes and let hte goosebumps take over... yelling as loud as you possiably can, and to go absolutely ape shit

there's plenty of other times in the concert to preach about africa... and i'd be happy to listen any of those other times. but the intro to streets is holy ground for u2 fans. leave it alone.

What do you mean.
I consider myself as a U2 fan and I think this was the best intro I could ever imagine. :p
But that's just my opinion.
I hope they don't care what certain fans think about their performance of the songs, that would ruin everything.
Great intro and the additional singing he did that also sounded African-like.
Headache in a Suitcase said:

:up: indeed

streets doesn't need an intro. it's a moment to just close your eyes and let hte goosebumps take over... yelling as loud as you possiably can, and to go absolutely ape shit

there's plenty of other times in the concert to preach about africa... and i'd be happy to listen any of those other times. but the intro to streets is holy ground for u2 fans. leave it alone.

I agree
I think its a terrible intro. i don't like hearing Bono screaming about Africa when Streets is playing. Save that for another time. I just want to hear the song flood into its groove while getting the crowd pumped ala ZOOTV.
It almost ruins the song!
nbcrusader said:
It is a horrible intro. It sounds forced & stilted. Unworthy of a song like Streets.

As of now, it is part of the production with the Africa maps and world flags on the curtains.

totally agreed here,mate!!
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