Bono On The Cover Of NewsMax

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ONE love, blood, life
Jul 8, 2004
Bono's Sleeves
Yet another cover for Bono :happy:

Continuing the theme of Bono showing up in odd places ... yer man is on the cover of the new issue of the conservative magazine NewsMax. The feature article is titled "Bono's Politics", and promises to "reveal how Bono's ever-widening sphere of influence is changing politics." Judging from the other marketing hype, it doesn't sound as if there are any new interviews/quotes in this profile.

Bono's Politics
U2's lead singer Bono is waging a global battle against poverty, AIDS and famine. Can rock music and his faith transform politics?

NewsMax Magazine's special report "Bono's Politics" reveals how the music idol capitalizes on his superstardom to champion the cause of the world's poor, ailing and hungry and why the world's leading politicians - from George Bush, Tony Blair, the Pope and others are bending their ear for him.

The "Bono's Politics" edition of NewsMax Magazine is just hitting newsstands across the country (including many Barnes & Noble and Books-a-Million bookstores).

This special NewsMax report explores:

- How Bono got Tony Blair and George Bush to forgive Third World debt.

- The controversy over Rick Santorum and Hillary Clinton holding fund-raising events at Bono's concerts.

- The little known story of how the man once known as Paul Hewson survived a rough-and-tumble Dublin upbringing with his fists, wit, charm - to become a major cultural and political force.

- Bono's friendship with former Sen. Jesse Helms led the North Carolina Republican to a "startling confession."

- The two simple concepts that color Bono's worldview.

- The family tragedy that affected Bono deeply.

- Why Christianity Today magazine castigated Bono.

- Bono's patriotic gesture that brought down the house during the Super Bowl.

- Bono's unlikely alliance with Pat Robertson.

- Details of Bono's unpublicized visit that brought cheer to hospitalized children.

- Bono's meetings with President Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Tony Blair, Nelson Mandela and other political luminaries.

- Why Bono once contemplated suicide.

- How God and faith are elemental to Bono's music.

- Why Bono loves the American people.

- The major charity group is alarmed by Bono's fund raising.

- The self-described "inner restlessness" that drives Bono.

- More rockers in politics: Bruce Springsteen, Toby Keith, Ted Nugent, Melissa Etheridge and other singers have used their celebrity to advance their political agenda.

This blockbuster edition of NewsMax Magazine reveals how Bono's ever-widening sphere of influence is changing politics. Find out why Bono says his surprising hope is that his activism will be "forgotten."
That's an adorable picture. Thanks for posting, looks interesting!

"Why Bono once contemplated suicide." :sad:
It was the NewsMax Web site that had that news article insinuating that U2 was teaming up with Rick Santorum for a fundraiser at the U2 concert in Philadelphia in October, when it reality it was just Santorum's people buying a bunch of seats at the show and re-selling them, with the money going toward his campaign, and Bono and U2 had nothing to do with it.

I wouldn't believe a word published in this rag, so I'm sure that thing about Bono contemplating suicide is a gross exaggeration.

I also fail to understand why Bono is giving this publication the time of day.
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Yes, Bono does look adorable in the pic. However, I don't want any of my hard-earned money going to this rag (I've looked at it before and it looks like it was done on Power Point). However, I probably will read the article the next time I'm at Barnes and Noble.
It sounds has though the person(s) responsible for writing the article just read Michka Assayas 'Conversations with Bono' book and/or maybe a few other recent interviews Bonos done i.e. Rolling Stone, Time, and written a hodge-podge of 'highlights' from the said publications. Which is typical practice for this type of publication.:eeklaugh:
Gah? Bono contemplated suicide? Must have been during that two weeks he lost as a kid. :shrug:

That /is/ a cute smile. Very..boyish.

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