Bitche, France Superthread

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Can you be a little more in depth? Where did it strectch the rules? What made it strange? So on. :hyper:

Sorry, didn't think you were around so I didn't explain further

Well, like a lot of people were saying beforehand, some of your picks didn't seem like they'd be very New Wave, such as the Kate Bush song (which actually didn't sound too bad, I was more bothered by the Patti Smith song, but maybe that was more punk anyways so :huh: )

I say it was strange mostly because it wasnt' quite as upbeat as you would think of usually when listening to Retro/New Wave/Punk music ,but it wasn't depressing you were right about that :wink:
1. In a Different Place
2. Polar Bear
3. Kaleidoscope
4. Seagull

Pretty good shit, so far.
Ok, who is Major Tom? Bowie's always singing about him, and now so is this fellow
So in wrapping up hardyharhar's playlist...

A very strong entry indeed. Once you get past the Dead Kennedys track, it grabs a hold of you and doesn't let go. I like that.

There were a couple other songs that I didn't like as much, including that Sparks song towards the end (never cared for them, either), but everything went together very well - excellent cohesiveness. Finishing with that Specials song was great.

Great job.
Sorry, didn't think you were around so I didn't explain further

Well, like a lot of people were saying beforehand, some of your picks didn't seem like they'd be very New Wave, such as the Kate Bush song (which actually didn't sound too bad, I was more bothered by the Patti Smith song, but maybe that was more punk anyways so :huh: )

I say it was strange mostly because it wasnt' quite as upbeat as you would think of usually when listening to Retro/New Wave/Punk music ,but it wasn't depressing you were right about that :wink:

I can understand both those things. What did you like or not like?
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