Best and Worst Songs Since The 00's

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War Child
Dec 8, 2004

What do you think are the 5 best and worst U2 songs since the 00's? Here's my opinion...

1. Moment of Surrender
2. Kite
3. The Ground Beneath Her Feet
4. Invisible
5. Mercy

1. Stand Up Comedy
2. The Miracle
3. All Because Of You
4. Get On Your Boots
5. Grace
1 Moment of Surrender
2 Kite
3 Invisible
4 This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now
5 No Line On The Horizon

1 Stand Up Comedy
2 Wild Honey
3 Crumbs From Your Table
4 Elevation
5 Breathe

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1. Every Breaking Wave
2. In a Little While
3. Beautiful Day
4. Cedars of Lebanon
5. City of Blinding Lights


1. I'll Go Crazy Tonight or whatever it's called
2. Stand Up Comedy
3. Get On Your Boots

Not sure about others. A lot are kind of 'meh', but nothing mines the depths of the above three.

1. Moment of Surrender (arguably the last great U2 song)
2. Mercy
3. The Troubles
4. Beautiful Day


oh where to begin...

All Because of You
All Because of You
All Because of You
Get on Yer Boots
The Miracle of Joey Ramone
All Because of You

I'm not counting 'best' songs like The Ground Beneath Her Feet or Stateless. I don't care what anyone says, those recordings fundamentally belong to the tail end of the nineties, and everything about them reflects that.
In no order:

Top 5:

Beautiful Day
City of Blinding Lights
Stuck in a Moment
The Troubles

Bottom 5:

A Man and a Woman
Love You Like Mad (might just be my least favorite U2 song)
Are You Gonna Wait Forever

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5 Best

Moment of Surrender
Beautiful Day
The Troubles
Mercy (b-side)

5 Worst

Stand Up Comedy
Love and Peace or Else
Peace On Earth
All Because of You

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1 Moment of Surrender
2 Kite
3 Invisible
4 This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now
5 No Line On The Horizon

1 Stand Up Comedy
2 Wild Honey
3 Crumbs From Your Table
4 Elevation
5 Breathe

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Forgot "Love and Peace" on my worst list. Maybe the worst U2 song ever recorded and by far the worst song title they've ever had.

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Moment of Surrender (easily their best song of the century)
Mercy (original; remake might be bottom 5)
Beautiful Day
When I Look at the World


North Star
Stand Up Comedy
Big Girls Are Best
Original of the Species
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No line on the horizon 2
Mercy (studio)


Wild honey
All because of you
One step closer
Peace on earth
Song for someone

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Out of curiosity, what do you dislike so much about this particular song?

It feels very forced and pasted-together, to me. And, given its ostensible subject matter, awfully 'old school'. I mean, Jesus guys, you're the band who were lit up by Patti Smith and The Ramones and Television and whoever, so why come out with something that Billy Joel might have recorded?

I think of it as U2's 'Old Time Rock and Roll'.
Forgot "Love and Peace" on my worst list. Maybe the worst U2 song ever recorded and by far the worst song title they've ever had.

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It is really bad all around. It doesn't know what it wants to be musically and ends up being a hokey lounge version of Bullet with no guitars. Add to it cringeworthy lyrics trying to heal the conflicts of the monotheistic sects. Barf

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I'm honestly struggling to think of five U2 songs from the 00's that I really enjoy. BD and MOS, certainly. But after that the songs fall into one or more of the following categories: "overcooked", "bland", "sickly sentimental", "atrocious" with dollops of cringeworthy lyrics and an overall lack of imagination and creative chutzpah. I could easily list ten "how the fuck did this get beyond the initial sessions?" numbers. GBHF and Stateless are the exceptions, I listen to them on a regular basis, but as a poster above stated they belong to the spirit of nineties U2 in every conceivable way.
It is really bad all around. It doesn't know what it wants to be musically and ends up being a hokey lounge version of Bullet with no guitars. Add to it cringeworthy lyrics trying to heal the conflicts of the monotheistic sects. Barf

I take it you've missed the spirit of the song. :wink: Funny stuff.

5 Favorites:

1-Walk On
3-City of Blinding Lights
4-Moment of Surrender
5-Reach Around

5 Least Favorites (There is no "worst" :wink:):

1-Stand Up Comedy
3-One Step Closer
I'm honestly struggling to think of five U2 songs from the 00's that I really enjoy. BD and MOS, certainly. But after that the songs fall into one or more of the following categories: "overcooked", "bland", "sickly sentimental", "atrocious" with dollops of cringeworthy lyrics and an overall lack of imagination and creative chutzpah. I could easily list ten "how the fuck did this get beyond the initial sessions?" numbers. GBHF and Stateless are the exceptions, I listen to them on a regular basis, but as a poster above stated they belong to the spirit of nineties U2 in every conceivable way.

I completely forgot to list the MDH stuff. That does feel as if it's from an entirely different era.

1. The Troubles
2. Moment of Surrender
3. Kite
4. City of Blinding Lights
5. The Crystal Ballroom

5. Stand Up Comedy
4. Window In The Skies
3. Get On Your Boots
2. Unknown Caller
1. Grace
It feels very forced and pasted-together, to me. And, given its ostensible subject matter, awfully 'old school'. I mean, Jesus guys, you're the band who were lit up by Patti Smith and The Ramones and Television and whoever, so why come out with something that Billy Joel might have recorded?

I think of it as U2's 'Old Time Rock and Roll'.
Are you getting Billy Joel confused with Bob Seger? (I have certainly not heard Billy Joel produce a song that sounds like 'The Miracle'.)

I do find the song's catchy "Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh"'s a bit overcooked and desperate for 'hit' status, but other than that I think the song itself is really good. I like the raw guitar tone and basically the production is good. For me, it's a really solid composition with a nice lyric and an undeniably great tune.

I actually thought U2 were probably incapable of ever producing another 14-carat classic recording again, but I was proved wrong with "Every Breaking Wave". That song is just too good. I'm now certain it's the best thing they've done since "One".

1. Kite
2. Moment of Surrender
3. The Troubles
4. Stuck in a Moment
5. City of Blinding Lights


1. Grace
2. Love and Peace
3. Volcano
4. All Because of You
5. Crumbs from Your Table
Ground and Stateless were originally recorded for ATYCLB; its amazing the lengths and leaps of logic some will go to justify their hatred of anything released after January 1, 2000

And Billy Joel?! Really?

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  1. This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now
  2. Beautiful Day
  3. Invisible
  4. California
  5. Kite

  1. All Because of You
  2. Yahweh
  3. Peace on Earth
  4. Stand Up Comedy
  5. One Step Closer
In no order.

- Best -
Kite (not much to say here - just gorgeous and it truly came alive in concert with the strummed acoustic outro and of course - the didgeridoo.)

Mercy '04 (the old of the few U2 songs of this century that is preserved before heavy-handed contrivance found a way to wash it out. And the only reason we have this version is because Bono leaked it out to a fan)

Fez/BB (Fez feels like a natural progression to the Road Not Taken exhibited by Stateless. To me, that was the fork in the road for U2. Moodier, atmospheric, contemplative U2 was left behind and they went down Bumper Sticker Street sometime after Stateless - but here 9 or 10 years later - I think we got a small glimpse of that moodier U2. Or - simply a glimpse of the alternate reality NLOTH, with more conceptual ideas and less Sexy Boots. )

Invisible (the first 70-80% is simply fantastic. It's a shame it wasn't a true lead single for an album release that wasn't bungled. Also, it's a shame it has no ending, and therefore had no real chance of being a song with staying power. Still - it's been a while since U2 had a song with a chorus that good - with the music and the lyrical theme melding and then exploding like that. This song is, to my mind, what Beautiful Day wanted to be - but BD had a great ending and fell into a culture that wanted/needed exactly that song. Whereas Invisible was doomed in a lot of ways from the outset, with many people refusing to give New U2 much chance at all - but it was so good even most fake snobs would have to admit it.)

Iris (I'm convinced Bono should do an album and sing about his mother the entire time. I Will Follow, Tomorrow, Mofo, Lemon, Iris...they're all great, I feel like U2 from 1999-2009 would have butchered this song but somehow it managed to stay in its form. That's a win for someone. I'm not even sure who the primary producer was. Credit them and the band. Anyway - I chose this track, barely, over a few other options on SOI - an album that has already aged better than NLOTH and was already better than HTDAAB and ATYCLB when it was released. Iris seems like the one that will stand the test of time)

Rounding out a top 15 in no order - Honorable Mentions: California, Every Breaking Wave, Song For Someone, No Line (title track), Beautiful Day, Smile, Vertigo, City of Blinding Lights, Xanax and Wine, Moment of Surrender.

- Worst -
Stuck In a Moment (acoustic it's good - on the album - SHIT warmed over)

Summer Rain (sure it's only a B-side, but it's also pretty much a 16-year-old-with-an-acoustic-and-a-drum-machine-writing
it's-the-best-thing-ever-but-it's-totally-awful - kind of song. I'd rather hear Red Light on an endless loop. )

Stand Up Comedy (it sounds just like a parody but it isn't. Enough said)

In A Little While (It sounds like what folks on American Idol or The Voice think 'soul' is. Worse, Bono is singing with a bad voice in an era when he didn't really have a good voice to begin with. Cringeworthy begins to describe it.)

The Miracle - The basic chorus melody is not bad - and it has at least that one cool moment - (roughly 3:27-3:52) where the shit musical backing is replaced by something more sparse (atmospheric) and thus - actually decent. But the rest ain't there. The guitar is a turn off. And my musical background is fortified with metal, so it's not like I'm averse to distortion. It just evokes to me that dialed-up intro from that Hole song (with the riff written by Corgan) that itself was a gross throwback (those tones have evolved for a reason). I don't like Edge sounding like a generic guy that could have been backing fucking Demi Lovato with that preset "hard rock" tone. Almost every time he plays the electric but drops delay and/or reverb, or flange - he's average at best. I'm not talking technical playing, just the tone. It makes him totally unremarkable. And worst of all with this poop song - the oh-oh-ohs that seem forced into it - it makes it an insufferable slice of desperation.

Bonus choices - Elevation, Hands That Built, Grace, Crazy Tonight, Yahweh, Love and Peace, Boots, White As Snow, Cedarwood, Window In the Skies

10 Alternate Reality tracks I would love to hear.

1. Kite - A proper studio version of the live version with digeradoo.

2. Unknown Caller - with better chorus lyrics and better production. It needed to be more atmospheric and haunting. And with a more tight and powerful greek chorus that said something other than shit like "force quit - move to trash". I honestly think this song was a few core tweaks from being one of the 10 or 20 best songs they've ever written. As is, it's far too flawed.

3. Smile - fucking love this little throwaway gem. Like Mercy, reminds me of the "Luminous Times" U2 of old that could - seemingly - draw up a magical song practically from the ether or whatever. I'd like to hear a studio version with more polish and completed lyrical ideas

4. Some hybrid of Vertigo and Native Son that was a bit less cheesy than Vertigo and less raw and a different lyrical subject matter than Native Son. I'd want the punk and pop sensibility/musicality of the live versions of Vertigo, with the bridge and the chorus vocal pattern of Native Son.

5. When I Look At the World - with a better, more uplifting vocal take on the chorus. I've said it for 15+ years. That song was maybe a moderate hit single with a big classic Bono vocal "so I try to be like you..." Instead of sighing.

6. Raised By Wolves - with a less jarring, more flowing chorus. Such a propelling churn, great lyrical takes from Bono - it should explode UP and still be riding up and along as fast or even faster - something like Exit. Instead, it's a halting chorus that drops down and of course, actually draws some laughter from some - from me anyway with its screeched "RAISED!".

7. Beautiful Day - It's hard to be fair to this song. So I imagine an alternate reality where I'm not completely burnt on it - and Bono had his present voice on the track and not his '99/'00 voice.

8. Breathe - more like the beach clip structurally, in terms of the "born of sound" part being the walk-up to the chorus in all parts - and most DEFINITELY put in 4/4 time and out of the sleepy 3/4 waltz.

9. Magnificent - rearranged, with lots more dynamics instead of repeating over and over again. I'd axe that shit intro and look for something a bit strange that slowly morphs into a different (musically) first verse. I'd bury that fantastic chord progression until the first chorus. You climb up the hill (oh oh!) - only to keep hearing the same shit you heard when the song first kicked off. You've heard the whole song in the first 60 seconds and it still trudges on for like five minutes. Great core idea for a tune - wasted

10. Sometimes - Lillywhite isn't invited to this party - this is my alternate reality - and I'd want something resembling the alternate musically. More sedate and without that clunky acoustic accompaniment - a lone piano would have been my choice (w/bass and hats). But also with the explosive crescendo still in there. The whole song is too big as is on the album - and loses the intended drama when it crests. I'd want something more intimate that arose more seamlessly and even subtly - like the studio take of 'One' (though Bono barely raises his voice in that "Love is a Temple" crescendo) - I'm talking about how the song LIFTS so naturally without sounding like someone is hitting the BIG MOMENT button (like an APPLAUSE button). That is hard to do but that's exactly what the studio is for. Creating moments that sometimes can't be replicated. And that's okay.
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Ground and Stateless were originally recorded for ATYCLB; its amazing the lengths and leaps of logic some will go to justify their hatred of anything released after January 1, 2000

I just forgot they came out this century.

The Miracle sounds like a clunky Black Keys song more than it does Bob Seger, though I can understand the lyrical comparison to Old Time Rock and Roll.
I was riffing off of Bob Seger but also thinking of Billy Joel a little as he too was notably very 'pre 1977' in his musical outlook. In both cases yes. Yes, really. Old Time Rock & Roll, It's Still Rock & Roll To Me, at some point it all bleeds into one.

The reference by U2DMfan above to Edge's extremely ho-hum 'hard rock' guitar on that track The Miracle, also hints at what I think about it all. Which is not that much... it doesn't even elicit strong revulsion in me, the way something like All Because of You or Get On Yer Boots does.
In no order.

- Best -
Kite (not much to say here - just gorgeous and it truly came alive in concert with the strummed acoustic outro and of course - the didgeridoo.)

Mercy '04 (the old of the few U2 songs of this century that is preserved before heavy-handed contrivance found a way to wash it out. And the only reason we have this version is because Bono leaked it out to a fan)

Fez/BB (Fez feels like a natural progression to the Road Not Taken exhibited by Stateless. To me, that was the fork in the road for U2. Moodier, atmospheric, contemplative U2 was left behind and they went down Bumper Sticker Street sometime after Stateless - but here 9 or 10 years later - I think we got a small glimpse of that moodier U2. Or - simply a glimpse of the alternate reality NLOTH, with more conceptual ideas and less Sexy Boots. )

Invisible (the first 70-80% is simply fantastic. It's a shame it wasn't a true lead single for an album release that wasn't bungled. Also, it's a shame it has no ending, and therefore had no real chance of being a song with staying power. Still - it's been a while since U2 had a song with a chorus that good - with the music and the lyrical theme melding and then exploding like that. This song is, to my mind, what Beautiful Day wanted to be - but BD had a great ending and fell into a culture that wanted/needed exactly that song. Whereas Invisible was doomed in a lot of ways from the outset, with many people refusing to give New U2 much chance at all - but it was so good even most fake snobs would have to admit it.)

Iris (I'm convinced Bono should do an album and sing about his mother the entire time. I Will Follow, Tomorrow, Mofo, Lemon, Iris...they're all great, I feel like U2 from 1999-2009 would have butchered this song but somehow it managed to stay in its form. That's a win for someone. I'm not even sure who the primary producer was. Credit them and the band. Anyway - I chose this track, barely, over a few other options on SOI - an album that has already aged better than NLOTH and was already better than HTDAAB and ATYCLB when it was released. Iris seems like the one that will stand the test of time)

Rounding out a top 15 in no order - Honorable Mentions: California, Every Breaking Wave, Song For Someone, No Line (title track), Beautiful Day, Smile, Vertigo, City of Blinding Lights, Xanax and Wine, Moment of Surrender.

- Worst -
Stuck In a Moment (acoustic it's good - on the album - SHIT warmed over)

Summer Rain (sure it's only a B-side, but it's also pretty much a 16-year-old-with-an-acoustic-and-a-drum-machine-writing
it's-the-best-thing-ever-but-it's-totally-awful - kind of song. I'd rather hear Red Light on an endless loop. )

Stand Up Comedy (it sounds just like a parody but it isn't. Enough said)

In A Little While (It sounds like what folks on American Idol or The Voice think 'soul' is. Worse, Bono is singing with a bad voice in an era when he didn't really have a good voice to begin with. Cringeworthy begins to describe it.)

The Miracle - The basic chorus melody is not bad - and it has at least that one cool moment - (roughly 3:27-3:52) where the shit musical backing is replaced by something more sparse (atmospheric) and thus - actually decent. But the rest ain't there. The guitar is a turn off. And my musical background is fortified with metal, so it's not like I'm averse to distortion. It just evokes to me that dialed-up intro from that Hole song (with the riff written by Corgan) that itself was a gross throwback (those tones have evolved for a reason). I don't like Edge sounding like a generic guy that could have been backing fucking Demi Lovato with that preset "hard rock" tone. Almost every time he plays the electric but drops delay and/or reverb, or flange - he's average at best. I'm not talking technical playing, just the tone. It makes him totally unremarkable. And worst of all with this poop song - the oh-oh-ohs that seem forced into it - it makes it an insufferable slice of desperation.

Bonus choices - Elevation, Hands That Built, Grace, Crazy Tonight, Yahweh, Love and Peace, Boots, White As Snow, Cedarwood, Window In the Skies

10 Alternate Reality tracks I would love to hear.

1. Kite - A proper studio version of the live version with digeradoo.

2. Unknown Caller - with better chorus lyrics and better production. It needed to be more atmospheric and haunting. And with a more tight and powerful greek chorus that said something other than shit like "force quit - move to trash". I honestly think this song was a few core tweaks from being one of the 10 or 20 best songs they've ever written. As is, it's far too flawed.

3. Smile - fucking love this little throwaway gem. Like Mercy, reminds me of the "Luminous Times" U2 of old that could - seemingly - draw up a magical song practically from the ether or whatever. I'd like to hear a studio version with more polish and completed lyrical ideas

4. Some hybrid of Vertigo and Native Son that was a bit less cheesy than Vertigo and less raw and a different lyrical subject matter than Native Son. I'd want the punk and pop sensibility/musicality of the live versions of Vertigo, with the bridge and the chorus vocal pattern of Native Son.

5. When I Look At the World - with a better, more uplifting vocal take on the chorus. I've said it for 15+ years. That song was maybe a moderate hit single with a big classic Bono vocal "so I try to be like you..." Instead of sighing.

6. Raised By Wolves - with a less jarring, more flowing chorus. Such a propelling churn, great lyrical takes from Bono - it should explode UP and still be riding up and along as fast or even faster - something like Exit. Instead, it's a halting chorus that drops down and of course, actually draws some laughter from some - from me anyway with its screeched "RAISED!".

7. Beautiful Day - It's hard to be fair to this song. So I imagine an alternate reality where I'm not completely burnt on it - and Bono had his present voice on the track and not his '99/'00 voice.

8. Breathe - more like the beach clip structurally, in terms of the "born of sound" part being the walk-up to the chorus in all parts - and most DEFINITELY put in 4/4 time and out of the sleepy 3/4 waltz.

9. Magnificent - rearranged, with lots more dynamics instead of repeating over and over again. I'd axe that shit intro and look for something a bit strange that slowly morphs into a different (musically) first verse. I'd bury that fantastic chord progression until the first chorus. You climb up the hill (oh oh!) - only to keep hearing the same shit you heard when the song first kicked off. You've heard the whole song in the first 60 seconds and it still trudges on for like five minutes. Great core idea for a tune - wasted

10. Sometimes - Lillywhite isn't invited to this party - this is my alternate reality - and I'd want something resembling the alternate musically. More sedate and without that clunky acoustic accompaniment - a lone piano would have been my choice (w/bass and hats). But also with the explosive crescendo still in there. The whole song is too big as is on the album - and loses the intended drama when it crests. I'd want something more intimate that arose more seamlessly and even subtly - like the studio take of 'One' (though Bono barely raises his voice in that "Love is a Temple" crescendo) - I'm talking about how the song LIFTS so naturally without sounding like someone is hitting the BIG MOMENT button (like an APPLAUSE button). That is hard to do but that's exactly what the studio is for. Creating moments that sometimes can't be replicated. And that's okay.

We rarely agree...and I can't co-sign 100% of everything you say here...but man, these are some really really good calls. Love the alternate reality ideas for the most part also.

Props on recognizing the genius in Invisible and Iris, they are really holding up well for me.

I'd slip in Crystal Ballroom too.
It's 2016 now. The term "cringeworthy" has ironically become cringeworthy... and also a cliche...and always... lame. Y'all need to come up with a more creative description.
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Great question.

Thinking about it, there are a lot more good U2 tracks than I thought and just as many bad as I feared but I have settled on these 10.

1 The Ground Beneath Her feet
2 Beautiful day
3. the Troubles
4. Reach Around
5 Magnificent


1 North Star
3 Miracle drug
4 Yahweh
5 Peace On Earth
1. Moment of Surrender
2. Stuck in a Moment
3. Every Breaking Wave
4. Beautiful Day
5. Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own

Can't believe Iris missed out, so many great songs.


1. Love and Peace (Or Else)
2. All Because of You
3. The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone)
4. This is Where You Can Reach Me Now
5. New York

Only don't care much for the first two.
The Miracle sounds clunky and contrived on the album, but it was pretty fucking awesome live. Sounded raw and energetic, and just functioned really well as the opener.
Different strokes for different folks and all that, but I'm still surprised by how many people AREN'T picking "I'll Go Crazy Tonight" as the single worst U2 song ever issued.

I mean, what more do you want? Where do I begin with this one...

- Embarrassing lyrics, to the extreme:

"There's a part of me in the chaos that's quiet
And there's a part of you that wants me to riot

Every sweet tooth needs just a little hit
Every beauty needs to go out with an idiot

The right to appear ridiculous is something I hold dear

It's not a hill, it's a mountain
As we start out the climb
Listen for me, I'll be shouting"

I mean, just on lyrics alone it guarantees its own place in the bottom-5...

- Most embarrassing vocal moment of Bono/U2's career: the awkward jump into falsetto in this song.

- the boy-band melody

- the horrible, embarrassing title

- the crap production

- The 'Edge-by-numbers' guitar sound

I honestly would rather listen to the local bar band in my parents' cowboy town covering Garth Brooks' hits than cue up this track ever again.

I think something in my U2 appreciation died the day I heard this song back in early '09... it's like when you find out one of your male friends wears leopard-spotted underwear briefs. There's just no going back.
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