Bangkok, Thailand Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I stand my ground when I say that picture yesterday disgusted me. :lol:

Not a soul on earth would not be disgusted by it. Fortunately, there are a few laughs from it, too. I mean, just look at it! (you don't have to) Bogancentral!

If U2 did in fact break up in 1990, today Bono would be wearing a Bronco's guernsey and be on trial for raping a fourteen year old Aboriginal girl, knocking back three cartons of fourex in the process.
Bonnie's post #867 is an unremarkable little ditty inspired by The National. I have no hard feelings against this post.
Not a soul on earth would not be disgusted by it. Fortunately, there are a few laughs from it, too. I mean, just look at it! (you don't have to) Bogancentral!

If U2 did in fact break up in 1990, today Bono would be wearing a Bronco's guernsey and be on trial for raping a fourteen year old Aboriginal girl, knocking back three cartons of fourex in the process.
I certainly don't wanna see it again, but I can see what you mean. :lol:

The music world would have been a better place, too!
If U2 did in fact break up in 1990, today Bono would be wearing a Bronco's guernsey and be on trial for raping a fourteen year old Aboriginal girl, knocking back three cartons of fourex in the process.

It feels so awkward :lmao:-ing at that, quite likely because it's uncomfortably probable.
Bonnie's post #867 is an unremarkable little ditty inspired by The National. I have no hard feelings against this post.

Yeah, sorry about that. Will haunt me for the rest of my days. But you know, I couldn't say anything bad - I mean, Mike likes The National for one thing, and I love that man!
Hey, in all fairness that shag was almost 5.5 years ago!

And ... er ... :hides bottle of port: What booze?

Somebody was young. Which means you have even more explaining to do.

What booze? The Irish Cream.
I have a shag!

I have lots of shags!

So, so many shags, it's ridiculous!

:uhoh: Let's just put it this way, it was a mistake.

:hides that too: I see no Irish Cream.

I am implying you have regressed. Most sad bastards stuck on the Intarwebz may get lucky one day and proceed to a shag. You had a shag and have now receded to the Intarwebz.

Oh look, beer.
OK, post #868 by the Bonnie reviewing machine. This is again some of the finest reviewing ever. I have heard Iron & Wine before, a couple of songs, and they were just total garbage. Thus, let me quote Bonnie's post in full so that its glory may illuminate the Superthread and bring cheer to all who encounter it:

"So this is Iron and Wine. You know guys, I've heard a lot about you. I probably even downloaded some of your stuff and forgot to listen to it. Now I'm pretty positive that I won't bother listening to it, ever."
Post #869 was also wasted by that Assver twat. This time, Bonnie is unaffected by his worthlessness and just keeps going, oblivious to his presence. Points to Bonnie.
I am implying you have regressed. Most sad bastards stuck on the Intarwebz may get lucky one day and proceed to a shag. You had a shag and have now receded to the Intarwebz.

Oh look, beer.
:lol: Yeah, I wasn't active on the intarwebz when that happened. Then after it did, I was. I'm backwards like that.

Fuck! I forgot that was in the fridge. :throws it out the window: There!
:lol: Yeah, I wasn't active on the intarwebz when that happened. Then after it did, I was. I'm backwards like that.

Fuck! I forgot that was in the fridge. :throws it out the window: There!

See, I was still a nerdy sod before I had the Internet. I just read books a lot more.

I spy some wine hidden back there.
See, I was still a nerdy sod before I had the Internet. I just read books a lot more.

I spy some wine hidden back there.
All I did was draw and crap like that up until that point. Which is when I regressed and the relationship didn't work out anyway, so I guess that didn't help! :lol:

You're seeing things now. :tsk:
Posts #870-871 must be taken together. Here, Bonnie first makes the bewildering claim that New Order are objectively better than Joy Division, perhaps under the influence of a dangerous mindaltering drug called If You Shout. But then she goes on to call New Order boring and all is right with the world again.
All I did was draw and crap like that up until that point. Which is when I regressed and the relationship didn't work out anyway, so I guess that didn't help! :lol:

You're seeing things now. :tsk:

I read, I wrote, I ... still had no life. In fact, I had even less of a life. My life has forever been going nowhere.

OK, so I'm seeing what I WANT to be there.
Posts #870-871 must be taken together. Here, Bonnie first makes the bewildering claim that New Order are objectively better than Joy Division, perhaps under the influence of a dangerous mindaltering drug called If You Shout. But then she goes on to call New Order boring and all is right with the world again.

I read, I wrote, I ... still had no life. In fact, I had even less of a life. My life has forever been going nowhere.

OK, so I'm seeing what I WANT to be there.

I've not had much of one either! My ex was and still is about as nerdy as I am! If not moreso. I mean, come on. We went to museums and shit like that. What is it with nerds? :tsk:

Yes, you are. But I suppose if you want a bottle of wine that much, I can buy you one. :wink:
There's just one problem. The fucking Pacific!
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