Arcade Fire on Conan Obrien tonight - 2/1

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kakvox said:
Can it get any better than Conan and The Arcade Fire? Methinks not!

I pondered this question deeply. I must answer, no, it cannot. :up:
i'm glad i checked b&c when i did


now to remember what channel conan is on....
IWasBored said:
i'm glad i checked b&c when i did


now to remember what channel conan is on....

NBC. Whatever channel that is in Crazyland.
IWasBored said:
that was rad. i liked the percussion.

I completely agree (especially when the drum stick nailed the singer in the face). It's also rad to see the violins and accordian played in a live setting. Man, I'd love to see them perform live.

What song did they play? It's not on till later here. Also, did they play towards the beginning or the end of the show?
I screwed up the taping. :mad: I'll have to wait for that site to be updated.
u2popmofo said:

I completely agree (especially when the drum stick nailed the singer in the face). It's also rad to see the violins and accordian played in a live setting. Man, I'd love to see them perform live.


hahaha, it did hit him in the face? i thought he just dropped it.

not one violin, but two! that was rad.

i'd go see them if i got the chance.
I caught the rerun. That was more fun than a barrell full of monkeys. :up:
I liked when the guys in the helmets were hitting each other on the head with their drumsticks. :laugh:
yertle-the-turtle said:
i think they'll play neighbourhood#3.

Why doesn't anyone listen to our musical musings yertle?

I was rooting for Power Out too... but whatever. It was still good.

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