mystery girl
The Fly
BonoVoxSupastar said:
So the amount makes a difference? So the person that makes a popular video that gets played a lot is wrong because it gets "shoved down their throats"?
Please!!! They said they were bigger than Jesus. They wanted, needed, and seeked out the interest more than anyone!!!
Popular videos being played a lot is just how the music industry works. I don't think that is under a band's control at all. I'm not saying people who make popular music are wrong, just that that if their aim in making the music is to be the biggest or best band - I think Bono said both, and I know he said the latter - then that is obviously going to be reflected in the marketing strategies. U2's marketing - even if you don't include videos and radio play - is pretty heavy compared to other bands'.
The Jesus comment was taken out of context. John said it at the height of Beatlemania; what he meant, according to what I've read, was that the Beatles seemed more important to people than religion - he meant it more as a comment on the importance of religion in people's lives at the time than as a "we're so great" kind comment.