And the Oscar goes to... Dick Poop!

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Well, Ghibli's only won once ever, so while disappointing, not unexpected.
the cinematography award for Birdman is the biggest joke considering the competition.

Also I won't say the Imitation Game screenplay award is the biggest foul of the night having not seen it, but it obviously still is.
Birdman's cinematography was fucking pretty. Predictable win considering the man behind it but IMO deserved.

Boyhood flopping hard after a year of ceaseless undeserved hype made this a worthwhile Oscars.
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This was a good Oscars. I'm happy for Ida, Lubezki, and Birdman wasn't my favourite but it was still a good choice considering the good writing. The acting awares (albeit predictable) is what it should be.
Mildly disappointed that Ida won over Leviathan (it's still a good film in its own right), but no surprise there really. I mean fuck, it even got a second nomination. For a Polish film, that's a juggernaut.
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the cinematography award for Birdman is the biggest joke considering the competition.

I think it's lame that he won for two long-take gimmicks in two years. Especially when he's proven cable of some beautiful imagery with natural light as well as controlled environments like Sleepy Hollow.

Dick Pope was far and away the most deserving of the nominees.

As for Birdman, whether you like the film or not, you should still be able to admit that it's a refreshing choice for BP in terms of how bonkers it is. Lot of jazzy energy in that film, it's a sign that the voting body is ok with thinking outside the box.

I feel bad for Linklater but the execution of Boyhood wasn't as impressive as the conception or the patience involved. Would have been a refreshing BP choice in another way but it's pretty devoid of creativity.

Anderson would have been a worthy direction winner but he's made better films. Still, a screenplay win for Inarritu on top of the other big wins seems like overkill this category likes to award idiosyncratic voices (Eternal Sunshine, Her, Juno, Tarantino, etc) but this year Anderson was up against an uncommonly strange frontrunner, which stole the thunder in the eccentric department.
Mildly disappointed that Ida won over Leviathan (it's still a good film in its own right), but no surprise there really. I mean fuck, it even got a second nomination. For a Polish film, that's a juggernaut.

Just wait til you see Wild Tales. Not as "important" as either of those two, but I'd rather watch it again than either.
Heh...this morning on local radio "Eddie Redmayne somewhat surprisingly winning Best Actor".
Really ? After winning Golden Globe, BAFTA and SAG award it's any surprise he won ?

It might be a surprise to Keaton/Cumberbatch fanboys on Youtube and no one else.
I actually don't mind Birdman winning BP because it is a different kind of film for them at least. I object more to director, since it shows almost zero creative restraint, and screenplay which is super groanworthy at times.
Just wait til you see Wild Tales. Not as "important" as either of those two, but I'd rather watch it again than either.

I don't understand what hey were thinking with that movie. Easily could have held on to it for 2015. How many people even saw it? It was at Sundance ffs, isn't even done with the festival circuit. This reminds me a lot of what happened with The Wind Rises, and honestly that's too bad, because it does sound like Wild Tales is great, and it could have received a lot more attention.

Heh...this morning on local radio "Eddie Redmayne somewhat surprisingly winning Best Actor".
Really ? After winning Golden Globe, BAFTA and SAG award it's any surprise he won ?

Physical transformation + biopic = Oscar

It's a formula, Dennis, but it bloody works.
Very very happy for Whiplash. It was my favourite from last year.

Pretty happy with Birdman winning Best Picture. It's good to see an off-the-wall film win, though on the other hand the voters do seem to love movies about movies/acting since three out of the last four Best Picture winners fall under that.

Neil Patrick Harris deserved better writing.

Apart from the generic inspirational song sung by Rita Ora musical numbers were actually good/awesome. I had no idea Lady Gaga had been wasting her voice all this time.
I actually don't mind Birdman winning BP because it is a different kind of film for them at least. I object more to director, since it shows almost zero creative restraint, and screenplay which is super groanworthy at times.

Better a lack of creative restraint than Linklater's lack of creativity in Boyhood, which was a producer's film if anything.
The only categories I have any real stake in this year are Animated Feature (as When Marnie Was There is the best film nominated for anything this year, despite being a 2014 film) and Supporting Actor (I'll be thrilled to see Stallone get his due, and if that's the only way we're getting a Creed nomination in anything so be it).

Other than that, I guess I'll root for Mad Max and Steve Jobs in all their categories, the latter being snubbed for Best Picture and especially Screenplay. I like, Hateful 8 for cinematography, and if anything else Sicario. The Editing category is a joke, if that horrid Bond song wins I'll have a conniption, hope The Revenant wins jack shit, and if Best Picture is anything besides Mad Max, it deserves to be Brooklyn which is a marvelous movie that has the least chance of winning anything probably.
Wooow, these are some underwhelming nominations. But I'll watch them all anyways.
Probably for sure the least excited I've been about the Oscars in a while.

A fantastic Ghibli film is about to be sacrificed to Pixar yet again. Only this time I won't actually mind that much.
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