am i an idiot, or...

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Paper Gods
Staff member
Jun 5, 2001
a vampire in the limousine U2 supposed to be on mtv2 right now? the guides on every tv in our house (i have regular cable while my parents have digital) says it's supposed to be U2 @ madison square gardens, i turned on the tv and saw creed!

i'm just afraid they're not gonna show anything now.

when you stop taking chances, you'll stay where you sit. you won't live any longer, but it'll feel like it.
*pat, pat* You're not an idiot, honey. The concert will be shown on Feb. 2. At least that's what they said. The jokers who run MTV2 apparently changed their minds and forgot to tell us.

They say that magic and the science world collide
Oh, but Einstein saw me lookin' at her and he joined my side

Jonathan Richman
"A Higher Power"
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