Alternative JT listing?

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Sep 6, 2004
Does anyone have a note of the alternative listing for the JT that someone pieceed together from the rumours about it being a double album at one point? I had it bookmarked but now I've come to put a copy together, the site doesn't seem to be there any more.

Thanks in advance,

To make your own "restored" Joshua Tree, you will need your Joshua Tree album, plus the first three singles 
(or at least the 2 CD
version of the Greatest Hits). 
These singles were released on CD and were available here in
 the US in the import section of your favorite local music store. In order of release, these singles are: With Or Without You,
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, 
and Where The Streets Have No Name. 

Track Listing for restored Joshua Tree
Side A and B are for those making cassettes. You can also fit the entire 18 tracks on an 80 minute CD if you have a burner!

Side A: 						Side B: 
Where The Streets Have No Name 				Red Hill Mining Town 
Silver And Gold (Studio Version) 			Race Against Time 
I Still Haven't Found... 				In God's Country 
Spanish Eyes 						Trip Through Your Wires 
With Or Without You 					Sweetest Thing 
Luminous Times						One Tree Hill 
Walk To The Water 					Deep In The Heart 
Bullet The Blue Sky 					Exit 
Running To Stand Still 					Mothers Of The Disappeared 

So now what?
Once I began to listen to The Joshua Tree with my "restored" track listing, 
I find that I cannot listen to it any other way.
 As fans of the band, a concerted effort by us could generate a response and possibly a restored release. 

Maybe someday, the band will release the full version (At least they corrected on the Gold release that annoying track index 
problem that was on most releases with 
Exit and One Tree Hill)

There you go:wink:
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Put this onto the iPod and listened to it a couple of times today. I tell you what, if you haven't done this, I highly recommend it. Its much much better than I could have hoped for tbh.
ahhh, this was so freakin awesome, I love how Race Against Time flows into In God's County, puts JT in a whole new light for me
Anywhere know where I could get Race Against Time and Deep in the Heart? I'd love to test out this new tracklisting.

And thanks God Beautiful Ghost wasn't on the album, it's the most hilarious thing U2 have ever done. The whole thing reminds me of the Stonehenge scene in Spinal Tap!

dr DOT nefarious AT gmail DOT com

if you could e-mail those songs. :-D
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