Alrighty - X-Men2: X-Men United - Who Saw It?

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that long ago? Yikes...I've seen X2 twice now. How can I gold out until 2006?

Well, I'm sure I could, in theory, as long as there are plenty of Hugh movies in the interim..


Really, though, regardless of Hugh, the movie did rock. I'll miss Jean Grey...:wink: I'd love to know where the series is going next and which X-Men will be introduced, if this is gearing up to be the 'Fall of Magneto' movie...
I wouldn't believe it if they told me a month ago that X2 will kick my ass more than Matrix Reloaded, but it did! Although to be fair the original X-Men movie was a waaay easier film to follow than The Matrix.

I wish they showed a bit more of Wolverine's past life rather than just hint that he was some sort of henchman for Stryker and altogether a nasty piece of work.

It's a testament to the acting powers of Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen that it never came to me to think, hey Captain Picard is talking to Gandalf! :)

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