A question for the conservatives here

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Blue Crack Supplier
Mar 30, 2001
Orange County and all over the goddamn place
And, yeah, I'm baiting you somewhat, but I also really want to know, so here goes.

You are having dinner with Bono, pretend you won a contest or something; anyway, you've been having a great conversation, intelligent fan to intelligent musician. It's been great. Suddenly, he starts talking politics, and it's stuff you don't agree with: gay rights, abortion rights; hell, let's throw in his work in Africa, asking for your tax dollars to bail out the continent. Do you argue with him? Try to help/make him see the other side? Let it slide, why piss off your favorite musician? What do you do?

And don't split hairs with me; you know he supports gay rights and abortion rights.

If this question pisses you off, I apologize in advance, but I'm really curious how conservative U2 fans handle this.
Being non-American, I am guessing that being against abortion means I am a 'conservative'.

It certainly depends on the chemistry between Bono and I on that particular night at that dinner table. If I am not feeling overwhelmed by his presence and instead feel warm and close to him, I'd be more willing to discuss the issue. And I'd go about it more in the spirit of curiosity: How will he persuade me otherwise? Does he have an interesting point of view that I haven't considered? etc

It also depends on whether his attitude gives me the impression that he has made up his mind completely; in that case, I wouldn't bother pursuing the subject cos that'd defeat the purpose of discussion.

How would "liberal" U2 fans feel in the same situation listening to Bono's support for "W" and the war in Afghanistan and the war on terrorism?(He does, I have the HOT Press article to prove it for the skeptics here) Did it occur to you that there are "conservative" U2 fans that support gay rights, aid to Africa, and other supposedly "liberal" only positions and "liberal" U2 fans who might be against some of the "liberal" policies?

Instead of framing the situation in a liberal/conservative way, I think it would be better to ask: what if you as an individual had a difference of opinion on a particular policy issue with Bono and how would you choose to resolve that in a conversation or not? Very little is known about Bono's views on many issues and everyone here, liberal or conservative, probably would have disagreements on certain issues with him as well as things we would agree on.
i hate labels

STING2 said:
Did it occur to you that there are "conservative" U2 fans that support gay rights, aid to Africa, and other supposedly "liberal" only positions and "liberal" U2 fans who might be against some of the "liberal" policies?

Totally agree STING2. :up:

I'd talk to Bono about anything and everything, and if we had a disagreement I'd love for him to hear my side and me to hear his.

:shrug: easy as that.

I think that two people can have an intelligent conversation and agree to disagree on issues. Bono has proven he is capable of working with people who have a different opinion from his. I wonder if by your question, you are implying that conservatives could not handle behaving in the same manner?

Anyways, here goes.

Abortion...I am against it I would have no problems telling him that. They are legal now and just as you and others have said you are doing your part trying to prevent GW from going to war, I will be doing my part to change the legality of them. I am not saying I support what is happening outside the clinics. DO not get me wrong.

Gay rights. Why would a conservative be against them? That is an assumption on your part that a conservative would be against this topic. There are Gay republicans. There are very Conservative Christians who would be against this topic. I hate how the two have become one.

As for my tax money going to Africa, I would turn it back on you and say hasn't this administration been working with Bono on this issue? Granted many think they are not doing enough, however, it is evident that Compassionate Conservatism does exist. Does that change my belief that I think it is 100% wrong that anywhere between 1/3-1/2 of people's checks are taken from them and given to others? No. I would rather see the individual decide what charities they put their money towards. If we truly believe that people have good hearts, and that the human spirit can rise up and do the right thing, then there should be no need for anyones money to be taken from them. One thing Bono and I would have in common is that we both believe that LOVE is powerful and people will rise up to the occasion.

I agree, I think Bono is willing to discuss and debate any topic, as long as it is a rational discussion. It's just like in here....you are not going to get you're point across with beligerance(sp?), however a calm and rational discussion can do more to "free your mind." People are more willing to listen to a well thought out argument and consider what is said, as opposed to "well my view is right and if you disagree you can fuck off."

Personally I agree with his views on the topics Martha listed...with the exception of his idea to have sweatshops in Africa to help boost the economy. I would definately like to hear his reasoning behind it.
i'm not sure what you mean by conservative. i consider myself liberal in most scenarios, except i'm pro-life. i'm not sure who your question is aimed at.

I did not know Bono was pro choice. I must admit, I am surprised. I consider myself fairly knowledgeable about Bono, reading everything I can get my hands on. However, I guess perhaps I skim the political stuff since politics don't interest me at all (although I should make more of an effort). It especially surprises me considering his Christian background. I would have thought him to not support abortion, but still to accept those who have had abortions.

If I was sitting down at dinner with him and started with politics, I would try to change the course of conversation because I don't follow politics and there is nothing worse than someone spewing their views when they have no clue what they are talking about. If abortion specifically came up, I would challenge his pro choice views.

I'm disappointed that he is for abortions.
he is pro-choice, not pro-abortion--it's different

from Mother Jones magazine interview, May 1989

MJ: U2 doesn't seem to tackle the kind of politics that might truly trouble or alienate their fans. In the film you go on about apartheid and then ask, "Am I bugging you?" Just about everyone in the U.S. Is opposed to apartheid. Yet you never speak out on issues like abortion, Israel and the Palestinians, the death penalty, AIDS, gay rights. Let's talk about some of those. How do you feel, for instance, about abortion?

BONO: I just have my own ideas. I believe that it's a woman's right to choose. Absolutely.
It especially surprises me considering his Christian background

Not to start another abortion argument, but you should be careful in your assumtions. There are a lot of Christians who believe in pro-choice.
STING2 said:
How would "liberal" U2 fans feel in the same situation listening to Bono's support for "W" and the war in Afghanistan and the war on terrorism?(He does, I have the HOT Press article to prove it for the skeptics here) Did it occur to you that there are "conservative" U2 fans that support gay rights, aid to Africa, and other supposedly "liberal" only positions and "liberal" U2 fans who might be against some of the "liberal" policies?

Instead of framing the situation in a liberal/conservative way, I think it would be better to ask: what if you as an individual had a difference of opinion on a particular policy issue with Bono and how would you choose to resolve that in a conversation or not? Very little is known about Bono's views on many issues and everyone here, liberal or conservative, probably would have disagreements on certain issues with him as well as things we would agree on.

Exactly! Let's face it, it is not a yes or no issue. Everyone has their own opinions and how it pieces together whether liberal, conservative, or mixed shouldn't matter. All that is anyway is a grouping of similarities. What we agree/disagree on should be our own. To each his own....
BonoVoxSupastar said:

Not to start another abortion argument, but you should be careful in your assumtions. There are a lot of Christians who believe in pro-choice.

Hmmm....good point. One I neglected to ponder. I want to talk about what the Bible has to say about it, but I don't want to be preachy or start arguments. :silent:

I will simply say: you are right. I should be careful with my assumptions. :)
Notice how I am answering the question

STING2 said:
How would "liberal" U2 fans feel in the same situation listening to Bono's support for "W" and the war in Afghanistan and the war on terrorism?(He does, I have the HOT Press article to prove it for the skeptics here) Did it occur to you that there are "conservative" U2 fans that support gay rights, aid to Africa, and other supposedly "liberal" only positions and "liberal" U2 fans who might be against some of the "liberal" policies?

Yes, that occured to me, but most conservatives tend to not favor gay rights to the extent that liberals do; same with abortion rights. There are always exceptions to the rule.

To answer you question, I would like Bono to tell me how this war isn't going to piss off and radicalize a whole new generation of people willing to blow themselves up to kill me because my government bombed their homes. I would ask him that. I would. Then I'd ask him why his ear piercings are so cockeyed.
UltravioletU2 said:
I did not know Bono was pro choice. I must admit, I am surprised. I consider myself fairly knowledgeable about Bono, reading everything I can get my hands on. However, I guess perhaps I skim the political stuff since politics don't interest me at all (although I should make more of an effort). It especially surprises me considering his Christian background. I would have thought him to not support abortion, but still to accept those who have had abortions.

If I was sitting down at dinner with him and started with politics, I would try to change the course of conversation because I don't follow politics and there is nothing worse than someone spewing their views when they have no clue what they are talking about. If abortion specifically came up, I would challenge his pro choice views.

I'm disappointed that he is for abortions.

Does this affect your opinions of his music? Why does it surprise you? He is usually for individuals having control over their own lives, which extends to their bodies, no matter what their gender.
martha said:

Does this affect your opinions of his music? Why does it surprise you? He is usually for individuals having control over their own lives, which extends to their bodies, no matter what their gender.

You pose some very interesting questions here. I suppose in a sense Bono is a shocking person, so in one aspect nothing is surprising about him (think when he sat nude at a restaurant because a reporter was boring him [or however the story goes]!) It does not change my opinions of his MUSIC, but perhaps a small smidgen of disappointment about HIM sneaks in. Sometimes I find myself "glorifying" Bono too much because I think "look of all the good he is doing in Africa!" I also hear him praying at the Superbowl and singing Hallelujiahs at the Grammies. Then I hear how he thinks it's ok to terminate the life of an innocent human being and I am brought down out of my "Bono world" (which is probably a good thing). I guess that answers the question of why it surprises me. Bono often quotes the Bible and I guess I assumed that since he seems to believe in God and view the Bible as the Truth, then he would have seen the verses that make me believe God does not support abortion.
And yes, I know I shouldn't assume. :p

I hate it when people phrase abortion as "a woman has her own right to choose what happens to her body" , and apparently that's how Bono stated it. I agree with that statement alone. We are all independent people and we all have a right to choose what is done with our bodies. Some people get odd piercings, some men get vasectomies, some smoother their body with tatoos...it's OUR choice. However, when a woman is pregnant she is dealing with ANOTHER HUMAN BEING. Thus, it is not solely HER choice, it is affecting the life of another living being. Ok, I'll stop, I REALLY don't want this to turn into an argument about abortion. :silent:

Back on topic...I guess we all want our pop stars and heroes to be full of chivalry, bravery, and perfectionism. We need someone to look up to, so we look at them through rose coloured glasses. Part of making someone your hero is taking a few of their qualities and ASSUMING that because of those qualities, they have all the same morals you do.

Now I'm rambling. :)
Al-Quada does not exist because the USA bombed someone's home. The USA does not target the homes of civilians but rather terrorist themselves. Al-Quada exist because of a lack of education, and poverty, creating the opportunity for desperate uneducated people to be brainwashed by the evil of a strong vocal minority.

I'm not sure if Bono would say it like that, but I'm sure he would say that military force is needed to combat the terrorist organizations(as he already has said) while at the same time economic development is also a key weapon against the terrorist. Both are needed.
Re: Notice how I am staying on topic

martha said:
These are the kinds of answers and discussions I was aiming for. :up:
And no one mentioned the unmentionable names:laugh:
Bono knows Im a Republican:)

My hope is MarthaCakes will rethink her definition of "Conservatives" after reading some of the responses here:)

Conservatives are people too..:)

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martha said:
And don't split hairs with me; you know he supports gay rights and abortion rights.
i just wanted to say really quickly that i agree with you, that i think he does support these. this may sound off the wall, but given his liberal approach on some things, and that he's supported the need for ireland to legalize contraceptives leads me to think that he'd also support gay/abortion rights.

and although i am not a conservative, i hope i'm not being considered as a troll, i just thought i'd point that out. :)

but i would also like to say if i were sitting with bono, and he brought up things a typical liberal person would disagree with (war on afghanistan and terrorism, etc.) as sting2 pointed out, that i'd probably just say that i valued his opinion but disagree with him, as i try to convey when i occasionally post here in fym. then change the topic to something else we both agreed on! :laugh:
Khanada > he supports a woman's right to choose. See previous quote.

And again, I quote from Mother Jones, 1989:

MJ: Aren't these issues, the tougher issues, the ones that actually demand that people give something up, that actually rub people and force them to look at themselves? Don't you let yourself and your fans off awfully easy by failing to talk to them? About gay rights, say, or AIDS?

BONO: I have talked about AIDS. Did you see that in Cuba anyone with the antibody, not even the disease, is being put under quarantine for life? What interests me is that AIDS patients are being seen as the new lepers.

MJ: And aren't those attitudes, and that policy, rooted in homophobia? Isn't that an argument to speak out about gay rights?

BONO: OK. My bottom line on any sexuality is that love is the most important thing. That love is it. Any way people want to love each other is OK by me. That's different from abuse, be it homosexual or heterosexual.

And on nonviolence (although now he seems to make an exception on the Iraq thing):

On nonviolence, Bono sticks to his guns. He "understands" violent tactics against apartheid. And he "sympathizes" with the IRA's opposition to British occupation. Still, "there is no justification for killing. Nonviolence is the best way, and
ultimately the most successful."
See I would steer the conversation into things we both aggreed on..
I would also ask him to enlighten me on a few of his views ect..
Then we would drink alot of alcohol and I would ask if he needed ME yes me to help him write any new songs w him or anything else:sexywink:
So there:)

He would leave that evening thinking to himself-"that DB9 is an intersting , mildly strange but yet intriguing cat":up:

Thats the deal:)

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And on nonviolence (although now he seems to make an exception on the Iraq thing):

On nonviolence, Bono sticks to his guns. He "understands" violent tactics against apartheid. And he "sympathizes" with the IRA's opposition to British occupation. Still, "there is no justification for killing. Nonviolence is the best way, and
ultimately the most successful." [/B]

Bono has not in anyway articulated his position on the US Iraq situation. He supported military actionin Afganistan in response to September 11th. IMHO, I doubt he would support a unilateral attack on Iraq. That is the first interviewer that got him to speak about his belief in such a clear manner.

Then we'd definitely get into the alcohol to talk religion and sex also!
joyfulgirl said:
Sorry Scarletwine--I meant Afghanistan.

Sorry too!
Even on Oprah he stated that since having children he understands war, but believes it to something an individual must fight against those feelings. I think the article in Hot Press was done not too long after 9/11/01. As a sometime resident of NYC, I'm sure he was stirred by the massive destruction the way non-residents are not. He and his family could have been there shopping while he politiced(?)

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