A Message To Everyone, But Especially Young People

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ONE love, blood, life
Sep 7, 2004
Kettering, Ohio
You need to vote. I am 20, and I am a college student. I would like to re-enforce to everyone, but especially young people: You need to vote. You need to know what's going on in the world and you need to use your vote every four years.

This is about more than just having the right to vote and using it, although that is MASSIVELY important. It's about the fact that everybody needs to be familiar with the world they're living in. I cringe when people say things like 'I don't like either but candidate A seems friendlier(or insert other superficial adjective here) so I'll vote for him'. That indicates that the person either doesn't know the issues or doesn't care about the issues. If it's the latter, go get somebody to beat you up. If it's the first, you're not alone. All too often I see people my age who just do not know enough about what's going on in the world. I really do not want to be part of a generation that gets remembered for its idiocy and/or ignorance.

Even if you're in your teens and not yet old enough to vote in THIS election, pay attention to it, pay attention to world issues, keep up with the news for the next four years, so in 2008 you can make an INFORMED decision and VOTE.

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PS-i just got back from a democrat club meeting at school where we made posters and put them all over the school. people are already trying to tear them down (one guy started to rip a poster off RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!!!! idiot.) on november 1 i'm trying to organize a kerry rally at my school. i think alot of people will be voting.
Well, if you aren't informed about who to vote for, there's no shame in not voting.
If you do not know anything and will vote depending on what some celebrity tells you about the election and don't care then dont vote!
i've been trying to educate my friends who are old enough to vote. hopefully they'll have a good opinion of why they're voting for who on nov. 2 and not just because their parents tell them to vote a certain way.
A_Wanderer said:
If you do not know anything and will vote depending on what some celebrity tells you about the election and don't care then dont vote!

True. Luckily I've been raised to care alot about politics, so I'm well enough informed I suppose.

Funny you'd say the thing about celebrities because they're telling everyone to vote for Kerry!!! [face_laugh]
Don't just vote in the presidential elections, vote for your local officials and domestic representatives.
FullonEdge2 said:
Don't just vote in the presidential elections, vote for your local officials and domestic representatives.

Yes, the first election I'll be able to vote in is for governor here in VA which is VERY exciting because i LOVE our democratic candidate, lt. gov. tim kaine. I plan to do lots of campaigning for him and then, of course, vote. People really do taking voting for granted, it drives me nuts.
My 19 year old son will be voting for the first time this year and I think he's better informed than I am. I was actually quite shocked when I realized how seriously he's taking the issues and his right to vote. I'm really proud of him :)
Phalanx said:
Well, if you aren't informed about who to vote for, there's no shame in not voting.

then get informed silly! hehe

Honestly though, so many people complain about this that or the other thing and then they don't vote. D'oh!

This is the ONE time that each and every single person in America who is over 18 becomes equal. We ALLLLLLLL get a say so use i!
U2demo -- did you check your state? some states allow you to vote if you are turning 18 anytime that year. I'm sure you checked on this Ms. Smarty. :)

And yes, don't just vote every four years. Bloomberg is up for reelection here in NYC next year. I will probably have to vote against him.
A_Wanderer said:
If you do not know anything and will vote depending on what some celebrity tells you about the election and don't care then dont vote!

That kind of apathetic attitude is exactly what will lead this country further and further away from what it should be, because it harbors the idea that it is ok not to be aware of what is going on in the world around you, and that is crap. If you do not know anything regarding the issues and such, research it and learn it. It's important. We need to be harboring the idea that is absolutely NOT ok to not care or not know what is going on in the world around you, NOT this apathetic idea that if you don't know what's going on, it's ok not to vote. The only thing you and I agree on here is that people shouldn't vote based on what celeberties or anyone else says.
Then people who don't want to vote and who dont want to learn about the issues should be forced to vote?

We have mandatory voting (well at least turning up and getting your name ticked off the rolls) here, at least it ensures that we dont have any "disenfranchised minorites" whining about how they were robbed of the vote.

In a free country you shouldnt be shamed into voting let alone coerced into voting for a particular candidate - there should be no shame in not voting.
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