War Child
You said this....
Yo, Angel! Im sorry but I cant remember meeting you.....remind me who you are and in which pub I met you in Dublin......I have met so many that weekend that I was bound to forget a few names (and faces!).
In any case, thanks for asking for me....Im fine just stuck in a moment here in London right now and wishing I was in Notre Dame this Wednesday night.....oh well at least I can see it live on the net....however I dont think I will be up at 3am to watch it live! I will be just content to watch it at a more convenient time of 9pm our time.....
Now its well over a month since Slane, Im saving up for a trip to the States late next year (for a possible 4 weeks so it'll be quite a dent to my bank account!). Unless U2 is touring in Europe again next year (but at this time just a rumour) thats what Im planning to do.....Ive been to States twice (NYC, Tampa, DC) so I now want to go to S. Francisco, LA, Las Vegas, Seattle etc etc well, really the entire West Coast! lol!
Gotta go now so hope to see you around again soon.....till then cheerio!
You said this....
Originally posted by Angel:
Btw- Hi Dougal55!! Met you in Dublin! How's things?
Yo, Angel! Im sorry but I cant remember meeting you.....remind me who you are and in which pub I met you in Dublin......I have met so many that weekend that I was bound to forget a few names (and faces!).
In any case, thanks for asking for me....Im fine just stuck in a moment here in London right now and wishing I was in Notre Dame this Wednesday night.....oh well at least I can see it live on the net....however I dont think I will be up at 3am to watch it live! I will be just content to watch it at a more convenient time of 9pm our time.....
Now its well over a month since Slane, Im saving up for a trip to the States late next year (for a possible 4 weeks so it'll be quite a dent to my bank account!). Unless U2 is touring in Europe again next year (but at this time just a rumour) thats what Im planning to do.....Ive been to States twice (NYC, Tampa, DC) so I now want to go to S. Francisco, LA, Las Vegas, Seattle etc etc well, really the entire West Coast! lol!
Gotta go now so hope to see you around again soon.....till then cheerio!