8 Hiscock Road, Melbourne Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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I'm not sure what version the ones I used had. We had them all through school but now it just escapes me. I was used to those so figuring out Windows was a little bit of work but not too much. I was lucky enough to find my laptop with XP. That's the way to go.

Blueberry and Chocolate? :drool: SuperfuckingWin. You must conduct an experiment!

I remember the old versions of Mac OS we used in primary school were terrible. Think that was OS 6 or OS 7. I hated it and would always use the Windows computers ... hah, back then it was Windows '98.

I was just thinking that I will! Next choccie muffins, I'll only use half the normal amount of choc chips and use some blueberries and see how it goes. I see no outcome other than deliciousness.
It's more the whole, I'm not getting how the imdb system works thing that bothers me. Like Shawshank being in second (pre Dark Knight) even though it had the same score as The Godfather, and more votes as well. But I guess it must have something to do with having the same score with more lower marked scores or something :huh: Yeah....I'm sure TDK will go down, and obviously it deserves to be somewhere in the Top 40, my own opinions aside, I can't deny the masses, just not #1

It also has to do with "regular voters" voting on stuff, too. It's like the Top Critics thing on Rotten Tomatoes.

Citizen Kane and 2001 not being in the Top 10 piss me off, but again, it's statistics and a fairly arbitrary system. Subjectively, I can see why people disagree, but I have a problem when great films like that aren't objectively loved, as with anything that's "objectively" great.
Why does everyone suddenly care about the IMDB ratings having that bias? Did everyone not know that was going to happen? I was sure it would. It'll drop back to normal in time, and I've not given it a second thought. It happens all the time on there. Who cares?

It's not TDK so much as, those top two spots on IMDb have always bothered me, as I said, and now I'm even more confused
This movie aside, I'm contented with the fact that I can still say I never really cared for any previous Ledger movies...Oh except the Patriot. I LOVE The Patriot.

I'm sorry, but apart from it having gorgeous cinematography, it fucking sucks. When the guys who did Independence Day, Godzilla, and 10,000 B. try to do historical drama... I'm less inclined to believe it.

I'd take Last of the Mohicans any day of the week.
I remember the old versions of Mac OS we used in primary school were terrible. Think that was OS 6 or OS 7. I hated it and would always use the Windows computers ... hah, back then it was Windows '98.

I was just thinking that I will! Next choccie muffins, I'll only use half the normal amount of choc chips and use some blueberries and see how it goes. I see no outcome other than deliciousness.
We didn't have Windows computers. It was ONLY Mac. I didn't know about the different types back then, so a computer was a computer to me!

:drool: I must sample this.
Heath Ledger scared the bejesus out of me and several others. How do I know? The theatre workers complained about all the bejesus they'd have to clean up. Apparently bejesus is what makes the floors sticky.
It also has to do with "regular voters" voting on stuff, too. It's like the Top Critics thing on Rotten Tomatoes.

Citizen Kane and 2001 not being in the Top 10 piss me off, but again, it's statistics and a fairly arbitrary system. Subjectively, I can see why people disagree, but I have a problem when great films like that aren't objectively loved, as with anything that's "objectively" great.

THANK YOU! That is the first answer anyone's ever given me that has made any sense at all. This has bothered me for some time :coocoo:
Heath Ledger scared the bejesus out of me and several others. How do I know? The theatre workers complained about all the bejesus they'd have to clean up. Apparently bejesus is what makes the floors sticky.

I don't know why, but that just made me all kinds of nauseated :laugh:
Simple solution: kick him out of the band/sell him to Westlife. :up:
But then it wouldn't be all about the drooms anymore! :sad:

(when has it ever been all about the drooms? Seriously?)
THANK YOU! That is the first answer anyone's ever given me that has made any sense at all. This has bothered me for some time :coocoo:

You are welcome. I've been reading up on it since The Dark Knight hit #1.
I hate the single edit of NYD wtf why did you put that on here :grumpy: It's MISSING an entire verse!
We didn't have Windows computers. It was ONLY Mac. I didn't know about the different types back then, so a computer was a computer to me!

:drool: I must sample this.

Primary school in New Zealand was just Macs. Primary school in Australia, when I first started using computers heavily, was a mix. High school was just Windows - and Windows fucking NT at that.

Well get your arse down to Melbourne!
Heath Ledger scared the bejesus out of me and several others. How do I know? The theatre workers complained about all the bejesus they'd have to clean up. Apparently bejesus is what makes the floors sticky.


I dunno if I would ever watch it. I think he might creep me out too much.
But then it wouldn't be all about the drooms anymore! :sad:

(when has it ever been all about the drooms? Seriously?)

It's all about glaring at people and chosing radio-friendly hit singles, I think.

Larry hasn't properly "hit things" since the War era, really.
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