30 Sec Clips of NLOTH!!!! DISCUSSION ONLY (Do not post download links!!)

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Chords to NLOTH

Am loving this tune ...

Chords - Emaj to G#maj to Emaj (verse) Cmaj to Am to Emaj

Edge doesn't seem to be playing the major 3rds but the vocals fill them in. Beautiful. I don't think the chorus is clunky at all - it's brilliant. The entire song could be epic (like Magnificent w/ that Eno treated repeated vocal)
all the tracks sounds AMAZING...."Stand Up" is a little shaky b/c i'm not really feeling the lyrics, but its a damn 30 sec clip so who knows

i dont know how people are giving opinions on some of these, like MOS...its a 7 1/2 minute song! We've heard 30 seconds of no singing...

gonna wait to hear everything before going crazy, but this sounds incredible.
Well f&$k off and read a different thread a$$hole. Coz this one's about discussing the 30 sec clips. ALL of it's is speculation. That's why I started by saying "first impression". Didn't say it was "fact".

Please stop the name calling.. if you don't agree with him that's fine but leave the personal attacks out of it.
MOST of the clips are obviously not from the beginning.... We KNOW Get on Your Boots isn't..... :hmm:

Oh wait... did you mean Beach clip? My bad......

Not right at the beginning, but early in the song. By the sound of it most seem to start somewhere between the 15 second mark and the 45 second mark.
U2 totally ripped off $ting's Desert Rose from Brand New Day by recording in Morocco and using Arabic musicians and now the whole album's going to sound the same.



Well, I wanted to read everyone's reaction, but this thread is way too freakin' long already.

My initial reaction...

This stuff is pretty damn good; however, where is this innovative record we've been promised so many times? Ah, perhaps I'm reacting too quickly to clips that are only 30 seconds long.
Well, I wanted to read everyone's reaction, but this thread is way too freakin' long already.

My initial reaction...

This stuff is pretty damn good; however, where is this innovative record we've been promised so many times? Ah, perhaps I'm reacting too quickly to clips that are only 30 seconds long.

I was thinking the same thing. The clips sound good but not that innovative if you ask me...but hey its only 30 seconds.
Well, I wanted to read everyone's reaction, but this thread is way too freakin' long already.

My initial reaction...

This stuff is pretty damn good; however, where is this innovative record we've been promised so many times? Ah, perhaps I'm reacting too quickly to clips that are only 30 seconds long.

I don't think we'll ever see that "innovative" record. Not just from U2 but from other successful mainstream bands. Theres not much more new ground to break with a standard 4 piece band.

That being said, the feel of this album is unique. They took the craziness of Zooropa, the swagger of Rattle & Hum/Achtung Baby and the pictures that Bono painted in Joshua Tree and put it into a single album.

Anyway I'm not worried about whether or not this is an innovative record or anything. If its good music and I don't get bored of it then its good in my book :up:. For me, the sign of a great album is one that doesn't make me skip any tracks, and I don't know for sure, but that possibility is there for me with this album after hearing the clips.

On an aside, when I play a video game I don't worry if its innovative, when I watch a movie I don't worry if its innovative, when I read I book I don't worry if its innovative. If its a solid piece of work and I enjoy "consuming" it then its something that I consider is good.
haha, yeah, I know :)

some people were disappointed by the Magnificent clip though cause they thought they changed it too much from the beach clip version, and I'm mainly just saying that I'm sure they haven't changed it too much and that when we get the full song it will have all the awesomeness we hear in the beach clip :)

It's interesting reading everyone's point of view. I agree with you. 30 seconds is not very representative of what a 7 minute song like Moment of Surrender, for example, will sound like.

I have not heard the magnificent beach clip but so far of the 30 second clips, the Magnificent clip is my favorite :drool:

For some reason Cedars of Lebanon reminds me of If You Wear that Velvet Dress :hmm:
:lol::lol: what is "sucking them marrow"?? I believe i'm doing this too! I think this album is going to be great!

I probably didn't spell it right. (I'm not very good at that.)...sucking the life out of them for everything they have to offer. I am honestly not as desperate as I seem. If I didn't like the clips I would say it regardless of how much I"m looking forward to this album. But shit, I couldn't disagree more with anyone who doesn't like these clips. To be fair though, U2 always throw that one or two in there that could have been replaced by something better and I can already tell for me that will be Stand Up Comedy. Reminds me of Dave Matthews Band's last album called Stand Up for some reason - at least from the clip. But for the rest....:drool:
Does any one else find the quick uhh ooh ooh ooooo on NLOTH sample familiar?

So far I'm digging the clips. From what I can tell they are sticking with the thick production, which I can't blame them too much it's almost an industry standard, but it's not to my liking.

But everything else sounds great, I'm excited.

Bono sounds great, he's definately taken a different turn with the lyrics some are quite weird...
That being said, the feel of this album is unique. They took the craziness of Zooropa, the swagger of Rattle & Hum/Achtung Baby and the pictures that Bono painted in Joshua Tree and put it into a single album.

Hell yes. You hit the nail on the head. But I'll add that it sounds like there is a little something new there too. Even if it's not prominent.
After a couple listens...i think everything sounds promising except for maybe Magnificent (i really hope this is the pulsing, transcendant, holy sounding epic i thought i heard on the beach clip and not just some dance song with too much unneccesary production), Stand Up Comedy sounds like Matchbox 20, Breathe sounds like all the life has been drained out of it, too held down by a clunky, lazy Larry Mullen beat, and Crazy Tonight sounds pretty good 'til that chorus hits, and it just sounds like any other U2 song ever written during this decade, too wide eyed and optimistic with predictable, boring chord changes. With a title like IGCIIDGCT i was expecting something totally ridiculous sounding and hyperactive. But whatever, i still need to hear everything to make a fair judgement. I think the title track, MOS, White as Snow, and Cedars Of Lebanon sound the best.
I have to say after listening to the clips from Walmart three times in a row my first reactions are to agree with someones album review that I read a couple of weeks ago.This album does not seem to have as big as a departure as was once thought in all the hype.With that being said I've only heard 30 SECONDS OF 11 TRACKS which are at least 4-6 mins long on average.So its really much to early to tell.Im sure that this album will grow on me and have some really great songs on it anyways.
I don't think we'll ever see that "innovative" record. Not just from U2 but from other successful mainstream bands. Theres not much more new ground to break with a standard 4 piece band.


On an aside, when I play a video game I don't worry if its innovative, when I watch a movie I don't worry if its innovative, when I read I book I don't worry if its innovative. If its a solid piece of work and I enjoy "consuming" it then its something that I consider is good.

Don't get me wrong, this material sounds great so far. I also understand that there really aren't too many new genre lines to cross; especially for a band like U2 that has reinvented itself so many times. I just like my new music to make me go "Where on earth did this come from?". It's hard for me to stay interested in something that sounds like a re-tread of certain sounds and such. There are certain bands where I would never be angry of getting "more of the same" (I use that phrase loosely), however, and U2 is definitely one of them.

What makes U2 my favorite band is by far the material from the 90's. I definitely don't want them to re-use old ideas from that decade, but I just long for the same kind of "spirit" that got them there and that carried over into the music that had a sort of "Wow, this is totally out of left field for this group" thing to it; and so far, I'm not getting that vibe much at all.

I'm not trying to be picky or nothing. I was indifferent about a lot of material on Bomb when it came out, but it is now my 4th favorite U2 album. U2's music grows and I can always trust them not to produce crap.
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