2022 Kennedy Center Honors

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Love it when people are surprised and disappointed when U2 events and awards based on goodness and decency turn into liberal love feats. Of course they are. The left is the side of decency, progression and community. If you are surprised or disappointed in this you are pretty thick.

It’s almost as if the band never abandoned its principles…
This was once a bipartisan event up until the last guy decided to make it one.

There were also many republicans in attendance last night. Just not the ones who believe in Jewish space lasers.
It was a bit bipartisan, I read that a few Republicans showed up. Romney, Youngkin maybe some others.

Maybe those who weren't into it could have held a non liberal hatefest, Kanye would be a good invite for that one.
Love it when people are surprised and disappointed when U2 events and awards based on goodness and decency turn into liberal love feats. Of course they are. The left is the side of decency, progression and community. If you are surprised or disappointed in this you are pretty thick.

When I read “liberal love fest” I don’t think about party affiliations - I think about people motivated by love and community vs people motivated by fear and hate and selfishness
When I read “liberal love fest” I don’t think about party affiliations - I think about people motivated by love and community vs people motivated by fear and hate and selfishness

I actually meant to write liberal love “feast” in honor of Bono. A buffet filled with pandering, critical race theory and sexualizing children in the classroom.
I actually meant to write liberal love “feast” in honor of Bono. A buffet filled with pandering, critical race theory and sexualizing children in the classroom.

If they had done this when Trump was President, I wonder if Trump would have stole Bono's lyrics. He's pretty good at stealing documents from what I hear.
...entitlement, handouts, hypocrisy, victimhood...

Like all those whiners in Africa Bono campaigned for in the early 2000’s to erase their debts (pay off your own debts, ya spoiled brats!) and to give them access to HIV meds (shoulda worn a condom, ya sluts!)
Sad that people feel compelled to troll on a thread about U2 receiving an award for their contributions to the arts.

Trump gave Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal Of Freedom
Eddie was freaking great, and a mistake to me to go with Walk On and not Still Haven’t Found, as everyone in that awkward crowd would have known that, and devastated no Mary J, but that was on the whole pretty good.

Sean Penn with Joyce reference.
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