2012's Misc Pictures

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Oh love wedges! I own several pairs and have a pair of wedge sandals (the sole of which is 1 inch/2,5 cm high and the highest point of the wedge is at abt 3 ½ inches, 8,5 cm) that I wear nearly all the time, inside and out (when the Finnish weather permits that is!? :wink: ) and they're positively the most comfortable shoes I've ever had!! So I love all the wedges I've seen Ali wearing. By the way, has anyone else noticed that she seems to be wearing an ankle bracelet on her left ankle? I've encircled the area in the below pic....


....it looks like a very fine chain, either gold or silver, and barely noticeable but it's definitely there! :hmm:
Disclaimer: I haven't actually tried wedges yet, but I'm getting there.

My irrelevant shoe comment was more about the heel coming away from the shoe, which is one of the reasons I don't wear heels anymore - I have such a hard time keeping my heels in them, no matter what devices (heel pads, etc) I try. And sometimes I can go a half size smaller, but then the rest of my foot hurts.

Woe. :(

So that's all I can think of when I look at that picture. I can feel that sensation of the foot coming away from the shoe and then slapping back down, and hoping it doesn't make you stumble. :lol:
Wedges: I just wouldn't be able to walk with shoes like these and they don't look exactly very "healthy", to be honest. I like to wear shoes with small heels as long as they are broad enough not to get hurt. I like to be able to walk fast and even run in a shoe, so I don't like to have any footwear that keeps me from walking fast. I haven't worn shoes with high heels for many years because of my orthopedic problems and I also got serious troubles with the tendons in my feet. It's all better now but I am always surprised to see the incredible footwear some women are actually able to walk in. For me, it looks painful.
I'm with hcb on this one. Wedges can be super comfortable and with many of them the front is nearly as high as the back meaning you really are actually wearing a low heel as far as your foot is concerned, but you still get the bonus height.

:hmm: At the Rose Bowl U2 show I was GA and wanted my most comfortable shoes for the long day (in the summer). I actually chose my shoes that were similar to Ali's because they were so comfortable! (The front and back were more closer to the same height compared to hers, but still.)
Oh and as to what cori said about the heel coming up from the shoe? I noticed mine do that with slings, like she's wearing. I can't wear a sling back style because of it. But regular strap wedges I don't have that problem. :)
That's why I'm tempted to finally try them - my issue with heels these days isn't just the heel slipping out, but my big toe joints just don't want to bend that much anymore, so higher heels are out. :(

But with a wedge, the arch isn't as bad, so I'm leaning towards finally at least trying a pair.
I have never wore them, and I definitely don't need the extra height. Besides, I don't think they come in my size either. :wink: In the footwear department, I'll side with Edge tyvm.
That's why I'm tempted to finally try them - my issue with heels these days isn't just the heel slipping out, but my big toe joints just don't want to bend that much anymore, so higher heels are out. :(

But with a wedge, the arch isn't as bad, so I'm leaning towards finally at least trying a pair.

This is so funny I was just complimenting a co-worker today on her new shoes, a pair of wedges that she got a Nordstrom Seattle downtown. They are SUPER comfy, and they look really cute/sexy! The brand name is EARTHIES and the foot bed is structured to give you more support but it doesn't look like it at all. It's the Founder's Day sale she said and her mom in law got them for her. THey are so cute! I found this link. Some of their sandals are too "earthy" looking for me but these are very cute but pricey for me. :(
To keep on topic, I wonder if Ali is starting her own shoe line too? :)
I like the idea of the support, but I'm really funny about open-toed shoes. (I kind of hate my toenails. :lol: :reject: )
This is so funny I was just complimenting a co-worker today on her new shoes, a pair of wedges that she got a Nordstrom Seattle downtown. They are SUPER comfy, and they look really cute/sexy! The brand name is EARTHIES and the foot bed is structured to give you more support but it doesn't look like it at all. It's the Founder's Day sale she said and her mom in law got them for her. THey are so cute! I found this link. Some of their sandals are too "earthy" looking for me but these are very cute but pricey for me. :(
Earthies® 'Bellini' Wedge Sandal (Exclusive) | Nordstrom
To keep on topic, I wonder if Ali is starting her own shoe line too? :)

Oh these are cute! I'd definitely wear these! Love the zipper up the back. Though I don't think I could justify $100 on a pair of summer sandals. :sigh: Dangit.

Splendid 'Wishful' Platform Sandal | Nordstrom
My rule is this: Only tolerate uncomfortable shoes if you have somebody to give you a foot rub. And it's for a limited appearance. Like a seduction or something. I want to be able to run from danger if I need to.
I don't wear uncomfortable shoes, period. I'm not going to be miserable just to impress someone else (which would be the only reason). Bad shoes are meant to make women look a certain way and be unable to run or walk properly, like footbinding in China. (Well, that might be a little extreme, but that's what comes to mind.)
I like to have a beautiful pair of "sittin' shoes." But when I have a need to wear some "sittin' shoes," I have a spare so I can walk to and from the event.

Case in point, the shoes I wore to my NYE party. Bringing a cute pair of flats as back-up and to wear to and from the hotel was one the smartest things I've ever done.
Rachel D. said:
I don't wear uncomfortable shoes, period. I'm not going to be miserable just to impress someone else (which would be the only reason). Bad shoes are meant to make women look a certain way and be unable to run or walk properly, like footbinding in China. (Well, that might be a little extreme, but that's what comes to mind.)

I agree wholeheartedly! There is something to the idea that stupid shoes hobble a woman.
I agree wholeheartedly! There is something to the idea that stupid shoes hobble a woman.

I don't have the impression that those who can walk in high heels feel it that way.
I have a friend who has walked in high heels since she was little and for her flats are uncomfortable. She says that flats make her twist her ankles and make her feel like she falling backwards.

I do like heels, they're elegant, give a great posture and height. Unfortunately living in North-Norway isn't the best place for heels, I can only wear them in the summer. I have a pair of winter shoes with high heels but they don't go well with icy hills. :sad:
Do we still only have one pic of Larry so far for 2012? I hope that if they make an appearance at the Aung San Suu Kyi thing in Dublin that the whole band is there.

Also, I saw this video interview with Danger Mouse from May 24 where he confirms that he's been working with U2, but he can't talk about it.

Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi of Rome (120 Seconds Interview w/ Matt Pinfield) - YouTube

Why not?! :angry: :waiting:

I don't have the impression that those who can walk in high heels feel it that way.
I have a friend who has walked in high heels since she was little and for her flats are uncomfortable. She says that flats make her twist her ankles and make her feel like she falling backwards.

It sounds like they messed up her feet/ankles! :ohmy: Is she stuck standing on her toes?
Hmmm interesting not that I have any idea who this Danger Mouse is?! :shrug:

And oh I have the same problem with flat shoes, I can't wear them, especially if the shoe is totally flat and has absolutely no support for the high arch of my feet. I had to give up my job as a gardener coz for the job I had to wear either sneakers or wellie boots all day and I even developed a painful foot condition called Plantar fasciitis because of it and one of the best treatments, for me anyway, is to wear high heels or wedges!! No more pain!! :wink:
Do we still only have one pic of Larry so far for 2012? I hope that if they make an appearance at the Aung San Suu Kyi thing in Dublin that the whole band is there.

Also, I saw this video interview with Danger Mouse from May 24 where he confirms that he's been working with U2, but he can't talk about it.

Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi of Rome (120 Seconds Interview w/ Matt Pinfield) - YouTube

Why not?! :angry: :waiting:

It sounds like they messed up her feet/ankles! :ohmy: Is she stuck standing on her toes?

Hey Rachel_D :wave: i posted this link on Moobday i believe it belongs here too with a new pic i guess of Larry for 2012 since it was posted on fb on May 18th https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=416909561663133&set=o.163128870374538&type=3&theater
It sounds like they messed up her feet/ankles! :ohmy: Is she stuck standing on her toes?[/QUOTE]

I actually can't recollect seing her without shoes, I only got aware of her high heels and asked her why she never wore flats.
She lived in North-Norway for many years so she must have been forced to use heel-less winter shoes sometimes. I do prefer to wear very thick sole (like Bono's Elevation shoes) in the winter-time.

It a bit strange that high heels is considered as something that force women to lose ability to move freely around, because high heels have been used by men too. The same with make-up, ruffles,lace etc. :huh:
He is a music producer that has worked with Black Keys, Beck and Cee Lo to name a few. He's been working with U2 as well.

Yep, he's been linked to them since the whole "tree albums" thing.

His real name is Brian Burton by the way, but he's most famous as Danger Mouse. He also collaborated with the Gorillaz, and he's half of Gnarls Barkley.
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