10 Things

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
6. I don't mean to be mean, I'm sorry, you really do mean alot to me even though sometimes you piss me off so much I could scream..
7. How do you fit feet that fat into shoes?
8. On a scale of 1 - 10, how much do you regret being a 45 year old virgin?
1) i've never loved anyone as much as you
2) why have you changed
3) you are not the only gay guy in the world
4) stop fucking around with my mate
5) if you cheat on her i swear to god i'll kill you
6) stop treating everyone like shit coz soon no one will like you
7) get over him
8) don't you dare talk to me like that again
9) please die
10) you dumb bitch he's only gonna treat you like shit again

woo great way of venting
1) I wish I had said yes. You have no idea how much I loved you.
2) I secretly hope that you are jealous and will want me again.
3) You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life.
4) Why do you have to be so ignorant and awkward?
5) Can you just leave us alone already? Why do you have to always be around?
6) I'm sorry for the way I treat you, but you drive me absolutely insane.
7) I really really look up to you, and I hope that you take special interest in me.
8) You are so closed-minded it's unbelievable.
9) Stop saying that every five fucking seconds!
10) I love you, but I still think that this is wrong.
Adding to my #11

I can't stand to see you so depressed. Every day, you get worse and worse. I'm so scared that one day, I'm going to wake up and get a call that you killed yourself. Stop cutting. Stop ignoring people who want to help you. Stop hiding things from me because you're afraid that I'll get scared. Stop pretending that everything's fine because if thing were fine, you wouldn't be doing the things you are. I loved you and I still do. You were my first love, and no matter what happens, part of me will always love you. Open up and let me back in. I want to hold you and keep you from everything that's out to hurt you, but I can't do that if you don't break down that little glass box you put yourself in. I'm so scared for you that I put in a request to see my councelor. Please don't hate me for this, but I don't want to blow this off as nothing and then have it turn out to be something terrible. I miss the smiling, happy person that I fell in love with, and I'm going to do anything at all to get him back. That's why I didn't audition for the play today. I didn't want anything else to keep me from helping you. You're my everything.

Yeah...sorry for that rant, but I needed it. :sigh: :wink:
I felt this need to return to this thread (posted here before)..

1. You think you're so superior that you make me feel so bad about myself. I don't understand why you have to talk like you're the one who is right and everyone else is wrong. You say that I have problems, well I say you fix yourself up first before you point out my flaws.
2. Get a clue. Try to be a bit more modest. You act like you are the most talented person in this world, but you can't even tune your guitar right. Don't act like you know me like the back of your hand when we've only been introduced. I hate being in this position with you because I know your intentions are good, but your too self-absorbed to realize what your saying.
3. Your so close to me and I know I can trust you. I feel at such ease when I'm around you, and I can't help but feel like I'm even opening myself up too much. I love you, and I tell you that everytime we talk. Your so young but you mean the world to me. The only question I have for you is if you can trust me just as much as I trust you.

woo. what a relief. :|
1.javascript:smilie(':madspit:') javascript:smilie(':mad:') #%¤#*^;#"!!
2. I need you so much and I don´t know why I don´t say that I love u
3.You´ve changed so much...I don´t know you anymore,,,
5.......hug me...
6.you don´t need to act tough…cos I don´t like you anyway
7.don´t know what to do without ya
8.you´re my target…watch out
9.jack in the box!!!! Hahaha...
10.why can´t I have you in my pocket...?
1.:smilie(':madspit:') :smilie(':mad:') #%¤#*^;#"!!
2. I need you so much and I don´t know why I don´t say that I love u
3.You´ve changed so much...I don´t know you anymore,,,
5.......hug me...
6.you don´t need to act tough…cos I don´t like you anyway
7.don´t know what to do without ya
8.you´re my target…watch out
9.jack in the box!!!! Hahaha...
10.why can´t I have you in my pocket...?
1. Thank you for holding me while I cried.
2. I've never been completely assurred that you love me.
3. This passive-aggressive behaviour really has to stop. Do you even realize what you just said? Or how much it hurts?
4. You've been taking advantage of this situation and me for far too long. I'm partially to blame; I let it get that way. However, you do not have the right to treat me like crap. I tried standing up for myself and you continued to treat me like I was below you, or stupid. I've had enough. It ends here.
5. I said I was okay. I'm not.
12. Stop giving me that look and talk to me instead of asking other people what is going on with me. If you just don't feel like doing that...fuck off and get out of my life.
1. I can't believe how petty and immature you can be sometimes. I still love you, but you need to grow up, for fucks sake your 46!
2. Fuck you!
3. You can be a real self-absorbed drama queen sometimes
4. Stop treating my like a stupid piece of shit, I'm neither one of those things
5. You are such a fucking twat
6. Dude, you need some Rexona, you smell really bad

That's all I can think of for now, it's nice to let off some steam :)
1. Yes, we all know how fucking thin you are. There's no need to ram it down our faces all the time.
2. If he treats you so badly, then you need to say something to him. Otherwise quit complaining.
3. The reason I never call you is because I can't deal with your constant lies and hypochondria. I hate how you take illnesses and abuse them to your own ends. Kind of odd that your panic attacks only happen when everyone can see them, huh? Insanely bizarre that you're so depressed that you can't go to school, but that you can go out with your friends all the time and work shifts at the supermarket.
4. I left you because I loved you. I didn't mean to hurt you.
5. The reason I can't stand to be in your company is because you represent everything that I never want to be. Everything I perceive as weak. I don't want to be your mountain.
6. It's all your fault. All of it.
7. I hate that you're getting the life that I always dreamed of as a child, and don't appreciate it one little bit.
8. I'm not going to let you hold me back. I'm going to make something of my life, and one day I'll call all of you and rub it in your faces (with two exceptions). You're nothing to me except a source of pain.
9. I enjoy arguing with you, and I know that you enjoy it too.
10. If I thought it would help, I would give up my life to help you.
11. I had a dream about you last night... and I think I may have a crush on you. I want to see you again and ask you so many questions, but I know I'll never get the chance, and the only thing I know is that I'll be reminded of you wherever I go.

12. We're almost hitting the three year mark and I'm already feeling tired of this. It seems we have nothing good to converse about anymore and I wonder if we can fix this before it turns into something platonic.

And I totally agree, this really helps a lot. :up:
Fabulous thread...:up:

1. You are excessively cheap and it annoys the fuck out of me.
2. I hope they are what you always wanted me to be.
3. Just because you are nice to me now (fake) doesn't mean I've forgotten.
4. I love you but I can't listen to your bitterness any longer...it's been almost 20 years, can you please get a life?
5. You are the biggest hypocrite EVER. You once stood on a pedastal, but you seem to have fallen off.
6. STOP giving people the benefit of the doubt, you're going to get screwed royally...AGAIN.
7. I have my issues but you are losing your mind.
8. I didn't need to know half of what you told me...thanks for fucking me up.
9. One of the worst things I've ever done was give you my phone number...really I'm not kidding.
10. I love you so very much and I'm ashamed because I know I took you for granted.
Lemonchick said:
12. Stop giving me that look and talk to me instead of asking other people what is going on with me. If you just don't feel like doing that...fuck off and get out of my life.

fuck...that actually gave my stomach a jolt! :huh: Like someone i know was saying it to me...though i'm not going round asking people about them BUT ANYWAY I'M WASTING TIME TYPING THIS...

11. Tell anyone and I swear to god i will kill you.

man this exercise is GREAT.
Great Thread! :up: :up:
1. I wish you would call me
2. Your a snobby bastard and you hurt the ones who love you
3. Stop dwelling, get out and do something about it
4. If I could help you, I would
5. You can be a spoilt little brat, get over yourself
6. You are a boring boring person, you need to get out more, live life
7. You want to be good, but your not willing to try and you say you don't care. Your taking him down as well
8. I'm not ashamed of you, I'm ashamed of your habits
9.For godsake take a stand, stop letting her walk all over you.
10. Your getting older but your not growing up, its time to wake up into reality, stop living in your dream world, its going to ruin your life.
good topic...

1. You made me feel used and worthless. I don't know if I'll ever get over such a mindless decision or regain my confidence, but I hope that I do soon and that someone makes you feel just as bad.
2. You know why we're not speaking anymore even if you pretend not to know: you're an insensitive hypocritical bitch and I'm sorry I ever told you anything about my life--you only used what you knew to hurt me even more.
3. I miss everything you brought into my life and I've forgotten all the good stuff you taught me about life, too. You're the closest to my equal that I'll probably ever find, and it hurts me to know that you probably have completely erased me from your memories.
4. I hate how she walks all over you and that you take it. I hate even more than people can get away that behaviour. You deserve better and you know it.
5. You've always meant more to me than I can ever mean to you. I wish I could give you up.
6. You're the best guy in my life and I wish we could see each other more. I want you to find someone but I know the minute you do I will lose you. I wish I could be your someone and that you could be my someone but we both know that's impossible...
7. You're making so many bad choices I can't even deal with you anymore. I remember when you had so much potential and could do anything and I hate to see you settle for so much less in your life. You deserve better but you're afraid to ask for more...and I hate how you keep all the bad things in your life but push one of your good friends out of your life immediately.
8. I still talk to you because you flatter me enough that it almost makes up for every guy who thought I was ugly and every guy who still thinks so.
9. I used to criticize you all the time until I started to realize that I was turning into you. I don't think that's a good thing, either.
10. Now that I have a chance with you, it's too late and too many people would get hurt. I still wish we could be together.
12. We care about you, but if all you're going to do is ignore our efforts and say that no one cares about you, then we're sick of your emo crap. Either accept our help or quit whining to us. And next time, get a girlfriend that you're not going to use. This has been about your third or fourth in a row. Quit hurting people that care about you. I really think you need to stay out of relationships for a while...at least six months.
awww :( :hug: i feel for you guys having all these arseholes in your life!! :madspit:

1. I love you, i really do, im just scared you'll break my heart because im too cynical to believe in happily ever after

2. you make the worst choices with men. You are too beautiful to let them hurt you so much

3. If you want to fuck him, fuck him, but don't ruin our holiday by going on and on about him

4. I love you so much. Im glad I got you as my mum (oops thats telling :wink: )

5. Im sorry i dont call as often as i should, i really love you and love our friendship. i'll make it up to you

6. ^

7. ^

8. ^

9. Just because you are skinny doesn't make you pretty. I'm sorry but your face looks like its been stretched and someone sat on it. Plus your personality really sucks. And i don't like you for making me think this about you.

10. I want to be good friends with you because i believe we could have the most amazing time together. Get to know me?!
This is a great idea, Dani :up: :)

1. You've been with me my whole life, but sometimes you can get a little controlling
2. When you scream at me, I don't feel safe.
3. You don't think so, but you're my best friend.
4. You don't think about other people at all.
5. You let your mother control everything you think and her opinions are starting to cloud your thoughts about me.
6. When you're not obsessing about a certain someone, you're really cool to talk to. But, you're always obsessing.
7. You use your messed up family life to get symphathy and it doesn't work. You've been like this the entire time I've known you and you won't change. You will always be a jerk and I don't respect your opinion at all.
8. You're really superficial and the only reason I talk to you is because you think I'm really cool and funny.
9. You complain about how people never accept you and your beliefs, but you are the most bigoted person I know.
10. I like you, more than I know I should and it scares me. I think we could be great friends though.

:( This was more difficult than I thought it would be, but it feels really good to get it off. Once again, thanks for the idea, Dani :)
this is great for getting things off your chest..

It's pathetic how you go along like a sheep on order to be popular, I thought you had some integrity. Bingo, I was wrong

You are all so extremely annoying, it's like those snooty girls in HS all over again

You are a silly little girl, get over yourself and grow up. And to think I once gave you a compliment, what an idiot. But you have shown your true colors and they're so ugly

You are an overgrown fratboy and probably always will be

I'm so tired of being treated like I am invisible by you. I think if I disappeared it wouldn't matter at all to you-except for the fact that you'd have to do everything that I do for you

You smell so bad sometimes :silent:

A kind message from you could make my day, I don't know why you can't even give me that.

You are such an insensitive, egomaniacal a hole

You're adorable, I'd love to kiss you just once even though the thought of it scares the crap out of me :wink:

An e-mail isn't a marriage proposal or really all that difficult to do
yeah I think I'm gonna actually post something more indepth here... gotta get some things off my chest...

1. Stop hugging me, especially from behind. It really creeps me out; I don't like hugs from you. I don't even like talking to you much. Notice how I never try to hug you back or start a conversation with you. I might not be bothered so much if I thought you legitimately liked me or something, but I know you hit on every girl. Which is quite unfortunate for them.

2. Don't you realize that you're just as bad as your sister? I don't even know which of you to believe. To be honest, I take everything you say with a grain of salt.

3. There are some things I don't think you understand. Don't try and tell me how I feel about him. I know how I feel. I do appreciate your advice and respect your opinions, but I don't always agree with you.

4. I like you and I wouldn't mind messing around. It wouldn't have to be a serious, committed relationship.

5. I don't even know what to think about you. I don't hate you and you haven't done anything to me exactly, but I hate the way you're so flirty with every guy, and I think you were a bitch to him, but at the same time I don't think you were totally in the wrong. You can't help the way you feel, and I feel bad because everyone else seems to be leaving you. I wish that whole thing hadn't happened, and I know you think you did nothing wrong, but I don't think that's completely true. I don't even know what to think about it, but I can't quite view you the same way anymore.

6. You're so fake. I'm glad you like me, but I think your favoritism is bullshit, and I think your genetics and arrogance spiel is bullshit, and you really should quit smoking. In fact, you should have quit like 40 years ago.

7. I am happy for you, but admittingly a bit jealous, though I don't like you that way. I just wish I had what you have, even if it is ridiculously lovey dovey.

8. I think you're an idiot and I'm glad we never hooked up. Enjoy your techno music.

9. I'm hesistant to believe half of what you say. Furthermore, I really don't think you deserve him. You're lucky he loves you. You're so lucky, but do you even realize it? It seems like you take him for granted. I guess you've just gotten used to each other. I just wish you weren't such a bitch to him sometimes. Do you know what I'd give to be in your place?

10. I love you. You have no idea how much I love you. I'm sure if you could get into my head you'd never talk to me again because you'd think I'm insane and obsessed with you. I guess I am. I don't even know. I love you so much and the idea of going away from you terrifies me. I know it's stupid. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I still feel guilty even though I guess I technically didn't do anything wrong. I hate that I haven't gotten over it. I feel like a dumb little kid with a stupid crush. But I promise I just want you to be happy. So I won't say anything about it anymore. I don't know if you even care. Sometimes I feel like maybe I'm just an annoyance to you. But that's okay. I'll always be here if you need anything, anything at all. Always.

wow...that felt...good...sort of... I don't know :huh: this thread is something else!
AtomicBono said:
10. I love you. You have no idea how much I love you. I'm sure if you could get into my head you'd never talk to me again because you'd think I'm insane and obsessed with you. I guess I am. I don't even know. I love you so much and the idea of going away from you terrifies me. I know it's stupid. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I still feel guilty even though I guess I technically didn't do anything wrong. I hate that I haven't gotten over it. I feel like a dumb little kid with a stupid crush. But I promise I just want you to be happy. So I won't say anything about it anymore. I don't know if you even care. Sometimes I feel like maybe I'm just an annoyance to you. But that's okay. I'll always be here if you need anything, anything at all. Always.

:hug: I could have copied and pasted that onto my list...
13. That was really nice today...it was probably nothing special to you, but I like seeing you, talking to you even for a short while made my day, and thanks for being the only one to notice that I wasn't being my normal self. Thanks for saying that I'm a really good friend...hearing that made my day. And then there's more...:heart:
This is a great idea! :up:

1. I'm so sorry I ever told you about my problems, you couldn't care less anyway.

2. Sometimes when I look at you, I want to slap you, 'cause you're so pathetic.

3. When it comes to certain things, I actually do know more than you, so please just listen to me.

4. I love you, but I'm scared of losing you as a friend.

5. You know, I'll just live my life the way I want to, and you can take care of yours.

6. You're going senile, and I hate that you can't accept that things aren't like they were fifty years ago.

7. I wish I could have gotten to know you better, as a grown up.

8. I love you because you're family, but I hate what you did to me.

9. You asshole, it would have been nice of you had told me about a lot of things, before you ran off with that bitch.

10. Honey, half the people you think love you, doesn't even like you, so wake up and smell the coffee.

So many of those were really difficult. :|

Oh, I have another too...

11. Yes, I actually do blame you, a little bit, for introducing us and pushing me into a relationship I'm not sure I even wanted.
AtomicBono said:

1. Stop hugging me, especially from behind. It really creeps me out; I don't like hugs from you. I don't even like talking to you much. Notice how I never try to hug you back or start a conversation with you. I might not be bothered so much if I thought you legitimately liked me or something, but I know you hit on every girl. Which is quite unfortunate for them.

:ohmy: You know my ex?! :wink:


/cattiness regarding the ex


"6. You're the best guy in my life and I wish we could see each other more. I want you to find someone but I know the minute you do I will lose you. I wish I could be your someone and that you could be my someone but we both know that's impossible..."

Oh I hear ya, sister. :sigh: To add on to that, about the person I feel that way about...

(I've forgotten what number this is already, probably at least 13 or 14, I know I've gone way past 10! :wink: )

- You are such a good person. I really admire what you're doing to save a life, and I wish I had your guts and determination. I know you're not perfect (no one is, right?), but I can't help but look up to you. You have so much to give to the world, and instead of just sitting on your ass and talking about it like I know I am guilty of sometimes, you get out there and make things happen. I think maybe this is one of the reasons I'm so attracted to you - and also one of the reasons I know it could never work between us. :( Besides the fact that I'm pretty sure you don't feel that way about me, I feel like I would just bring you down and lessen you in too many ways. But somehow, I still really wish that I was "good enough" for you - good enough to love you and to have you love me, although it will probably never happen. You deserve someone much better - someone who will go with you instead of distracting you and dragging you down. I hope I haven't done that too much even just as a friend. I know I can be sort of immature and crazy around you, and I'm not entirely sure why - all I know is that you are one of two people I can completely be myself around (besides family), and the other person I have known practically since birth. To feel so free to "be myself" around you to such a huge extent seems quite significant to me, then, since we've only known each other for two years, and I've felt that way since our first regatta. I'm sorry for maybe being irritating and annoying you with my silly outbursts of randomness, but I feel like I am my true self around you, with nothing held back (except these feelings for you, now), and I can't change that. And even if I could, I wouldn't...I just wish I was somehow better for you. I want to make you happy, but I know I'm not what you need.

Wow, that was long. This is really great, though...it really helps to get these things off your chest, doesn't it? :)
LikeNoOneBefore said:

:hug: I could have copied and pasted that onto my list...

wow, maybe we're the same person...we even have the same birthday. different year though.

man I just gotta add one more thing, I'm pissed off right now.

- Your bullshit pisses me off. You get caught running your mouth, so what do you do? Lie more. You could have just said "maybe I was confused," but instead you fucking lie to him. And of course he'll believe you because you're his girlfriend. it wasn't even a big deal, why couldn't you just have admitted you were wrong? are you TRYING to make him think I'm stupid or a liar? How often do you bullshit him?

Honesty is xtreme. lying is not. word life.

Cabcere, that last paragraph you wrote was really beautiful. I feel weird reading into other people's lives, but if there's one thing I've learned from this thread it's that a lot of us have similar problems :lol:
AtomicBono said:

Cabcere, that last paragraph you wrote was really beautiful. I feel weird reading into other people's lives, but if there's one thing I've learned from this thread it's that a lot of us have similar problems :lol:

"We're one but we're not the same, we get to carry each other, carry each other......" :whistle:


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