10 Things

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Jul 15, 2003
I got this from a friend's blog, I thought of some interesting things...

1)List ten things you want to say to people but know you never will.
2) Don't say who they are.
3) Never discuss it again.

here's my list...

1. you’re not better than me even though you like to think you are.
2. I wish you knew how much I care about you.
3. Why didn’t you tell me your name? What were you playing at?
4. I love you. I think about you all the time, even though you never will.
5. You’re an arrogant prick, you don’t deserve the life you have, you don’t have to work for anything and you have everything I want.
6. I can’t believe it took you so long to catch on, stop taking me for granted .
7. Shut the hell up, no one wants to hear you.
8. I hope that someone hurts you as much as you hurt me.
9. You try too hard.
10. I hope that some day our paths will cross again.
This is great.

1. I never loved you anyway.
2. Your family are all idiots.
3. I loved you more than you will ever know.
4. You are so full of shit your eyes are brown.
5. I wish they would fire all of you.
6. My job is perfect, it's management that sucks ass.
7. I really wish you'd leave your wife!
8. I'm sorry I hurt you.
9. I wish you would stop drinking.
10. What you did was wrong and you know it.
i'll do 11 :tongue:

1. you're not morally superior to the world
2. you should really stop bugging people about the "specks" in their eyes while you have "logs" in yours
3. you have this wonderful oppertunity to do what you've always wanted....so do it already!
4. don't tell me what to do with my life, i mean, just look at yours
5. why did you marry him?
6. did you really think about my life before we moved 1/4 of the way around the world?
7. you're a hypocritical, deluded bunch of people and you disgust me.
8. i'm not going to church because the ones i've been to here are full of people i cannot stand & double standards.
9. stop manipulating him, just stop it. you know you literally drove him to the edge in south america.
10. you ruined my high school sports career, you're an awful coach and although you couldn't stop my love for the game i believe you did to others. and that is truly shamefull.
11. i don't need your approval to do something.

good thread :shifty:

and i may actually say a couple of those one day :shifty:
Sly Stallone said:
1. Stop posting


though mines more like this

1. Stop posting
2. Stop posting
3. Stop posting
4. Stop posting
5. Stop posting
6. Stop posting
7. Stop posting
8. Stop posting
9. Stop posting
10. Stop posting
oh good, I feel the need to vent:

1) somehow I believe my life would have been better if I had never met you.
2) You should really stop talking, you're just sucking up and it annoys me to tears.
3) I know we're family, but you're like a stranger to me.
4) If you insist on frivolous spending, you need a real job.
5) I have no idea why people like you so much.
6) You're pissed off at the world because of your own horrible existence.
7) I've liked you since I met you... please tell me how you feel so we can cut the small talk.
8) please remove your head from your ass.
9) We should just run off together.
10) I cannot stand working with you.
1) I am not an idiot, so fuck you for treating me like one.
2)I would be better off if I had never met you.
3) You're an arrogant soon of a bitch.
4) Whether you think so or not, you are one of the biggest liars I have ever met.
5) You are a fake.
6) I do not need you for anything.
7) You need to get your head out of your ass and think about someone else for a change.
8) You are not good looking so stop acting like you are.
9) I do not want to go out with you because I don't like you so please stop asking me.
10) Just fuck off and let me live my life.
1. You're not hot. Stop kidding yourself. You smell like cigarettes and sweat
2. You're a psycho bitch and everyone else thinks so too
3. You chew with your mouth open and annoy the piss out of me
4. Stop playing guitar. You suck
5. You're seriously pathetic now
6. If I wasn't sort of tied down I'd definitely want to nail you
7. You don't know shit about basketball or the Mavericks so stop pretending to
8. You're probably the rudest, most obnoxious teacher I've ever had and your mustache is lame
9. If you don't want me to catch you having a wank, lock the door
10. Haha you have herpes. Hate to say I told you so.
1. You're a weirdo.
2. I'm so glad you are out of my life because you were a horrible boyfriend.
3. I don't know you anymore and I don't think I ever did.
4. You're a disgusting pig.
5. Are you sure you're doing the right thing?
6. You're boyfriend is trash and you've become trash with him.
7. Your wife looks like a horse.
8. You used to be a wonderful guy and now you are the most selfish arrogant prick.
9. I would punch your wife right in the face until my knuckles were raw.
10. I miss being your friend.
Wow, this is very interesting. I’m going to really have to think about this before I post my list.
1. Fuck you
2. Fuck you
3. Fuck you
4. Fuck you
5. Fuck you
6. Fuck you
7. Fuck you
8. Fuck you
9. Fuck you
10. I love you so much.
Here is my list, in no particular order:

1. I pretend I don’t care, when really I care way too much
2. You’ll never know that extent what you did effected me
3. You don’t deserve the power I’ve given you
4. Thank you for paying for my college education
5. I should never have trusted you
6. You are too hard on yourself and others
7. I think you are full of crap, I see through what you do
8. If your husband ever lays a hand on one of your daughtersI’ll never forgive you or myself
9. I’d rather never have to see you again
10. Please see though my facade
1. you're my best friend.
2. i wish we were as close as we used to be
3. i used to like you, now i can't fucking stand you.
4. see #3
5. i really don't understand you at all.
6. you're one of the coolest guys i know
7. i dont hate you but you're a total jackass sometimes
8. shut the fuck up.
9. i dont really want to go to college
10. let's try that again sometime
This is hard, I had 6 and couldn't think of any more and the ones I did have were pretty dumb, things I shouldn't be thinking anyway. These are really the ones that really matter to me:

1. I miss you and even though we haven't talked more than 5 minutes at a time in the past three years, I still consider you my best friend ever.

2. You were the kindest most perfect person I've ever known and I'm sorry I never got to say that before you died.
1. i really wish you would have the same feelings that i do...though im glad we have become such close friends and i wish we had still gone together
2. you're stupid go away
3. why are you different when certain people are around? thats really freakin annoying..you're nice only sometimes
4. thanks for being there..though i wish i could have the feelings for you that you have for me...it just isnt happening right now
5. you're a great friend thanks for helping me through all the crap
6. what happened to you? you have gone and become someone completely different
7. come back dude...we need our drummer!
8. wish i could get to know you better
9. come back from china! i need to talk with you and stuff
10. sorry im kinda mean sometimes

wow my life IS messed up...lol nah thanks guys i needed to vent some
1. You're the only person I've ever known in my entire life who has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, and I regret every second I ever spent on you.
2. Thank you for being you, and for making me feel loved and protected. I miss you every second of every day. I don't think I told you I love you often enough, but I hope you knew. I hope you'd be proud of me.
3. I don't think you realize the scars I carry with me because of your manipulation, you smug bastard. I'm only civil to you because I have to be.
4. It was really disappointing to discover that you, who I respected and admired so much, is so ignorant and small-minded.
5. Your life sucks because you create your own drama. Get a clue.
6. The one time I needed you, I felt like you weren't there for me, and that hurt, a lot.
7. I really believe you were the one. I wish circumstances had been different.
8. You've turned into a superficial, self-absorbed, shallow bitch, and I don't like you that much anymore.
9. Get control of your children! They drive people insane, and you're the only one who finds them remotely tolerable.
10. I need more from you.

I sound like a really bitter, petty person. Really, I'm not. :reject: :lol:
1. I don't owe you a thing
2. I kept track and your grandma has died 7 times since I've known you and it won't work the next time you need a day off.
3. I can't stand the way you act like nothing is a big deal. And nobody thinks its cute. People look at you and wonder how much air is in your head. They think you are a terrible mother.
4. I don't like you, nobody likes you, go away.
5. I know that you used me and I'm ok with it because you didn't have anyone else to do those things to and I an big enough to get over it. Someone else would not have been.
6. You asked for it, now deal with it.
7. I think of you all the time.
8. I will leave you with no warning.
9. Stop smiling so much. Your breath stinks and you have something black stuck in your front teeth.
10. Saying that you were sorry would have made it all go away.
1. You are one arrogant, egotistical, sex obsessed, phony SOB and you need to get a clue. But in spite of all that, I really belive on the inside that you mean well, and are a good person.

2. I've had a crush on you for almost four years now. I can't stop thinking about you but don't say anything because I value our friendship too much.

3. You call my friend all the time, have no hobbies, and your only ambition in life is working in Wal*Mart. You're not good enough for him, and you're lucky he loves you.

4. While I enjoy hanging around you, and you are pretty much a nice guy, the things you told me make me know that deep down inside, you hold these beliefs and intolerences that make me think you are an asshole. Stop following the path you are trying to go down, because it will just make you not liked, and the nice guy I know you once were will be gone.

5. I wish I had gotten to know you better.

6. I'm sorry I failed you.

7. You hurt my friend for no good reason. You were never good enough for him, and even though he's sad, he really is better off without you in his life, and in a few months, he will realize that.

8. I'm not friends with you anymore, and it is because you chose not to be friends with me.

9. Why can't you be more accepting?

10. Who am I?
You don’t deserve the power I’ve given you

Please see though my facade

You are a fake.

Just fuck off and let me live my life.

I'm not friends with you anymore, and it is because you chose not to be friends with me.

I will leave you with no warning.

I was just REPEATING the most brilliant sentences to me, but this one is the hardest of oF all TO ME:

I need more from you.
Maybe i will come up with my own original list

okay, well that was kind of fun :hyper:

1. You're a disgusting 8th-grade-slut molesting pervert and I don't think it's cute.
2. I can't tell you often enough how much I love you.
3. Try being *nice* to people once and awhile, being hurtful to someone's face is kind of shitty.
4, I'm so scared that something is going to happen to you.
5. You think you're so "in touch with God" but you're so superficial and cultish and condascending, it makes me want to throw up.
6. You were right, and I can't admit it.
7. You reek of BO
8. I don't find the touchy-feely business amusing.
9. You act like you're so changed, but I know you're not and it's only a matter of time. I'm not sure if you understand how much you hurt me, but you're obviously not willing to admit it.
10. Fuck off to hell.
Achtung_Bebe said:
oh good, I feel the need to vent:

1) somehow I believe my life would have been better if I had never met you.

call me brash & rude, but i find myself saying this line to certain people very often. in fact, it's almost become as common as, "excuse me, i need to get by". :slant:
1. I'd marry you if you were straight. XD
2. I love you more than anyone else ever will which sounds selfish, but...wow.
3. You really hurt me a few days ago. I don't know who you think you are. Stop being so full of yourself.
4. Don't...
5. If you ever break up with that girl, you'll never find another one like her.
6. If you ever break up with that boy, you'll never find another one like him.
7. I want to be just like you.
8. You irritate me a LOT, sometimes. If you were more considerate, maybe it would be different.
9. I think you'll be able to accomplish anything you ever set your mind to, no matter what.
10. Ohhh the hypocrisy...
this is such a great venting thread. :up:
I feel like I might have to post again sometime in the future :wink:

1. You think that being a nice guy is the right way to go, but with you, you're just a hypocritical jackass. I hate you, but for the obvious reason, I can't.
2. I hate how you changed so much. You say you're happy, but all you did was conform with idiots who just brought you down lower than what you were before.
3. You're so annoying and self-centered. I know you know that I ignore you on purpose. You're an immature brat who will never learn how to grow up.
4. I'm only friends with you now because of our past together. Without it, I doubt we'd even talk.
5. I wish you'd change but I know you can't. You've been this way for more than five years.
6. Why can't you just find your own personality rather than leeching off of everyone elses character traits?
7. I can't get you out of my mind. I'm worried about what you'll do when you go away to college next year.
8. Don't say you love me when you don't mean it. Put away the disguise, both of us know you're lying, cause when I say I hate you, I know you feel the same.
9. I wish I never knew you. My mindset is so fucked up because of you. Thanks a lot for making me feel so shitty all the time.
10. It's okay to dream.
1. I only love you because I have to.
2. You're a horrible person and I'm glad life is treating you shitty now. I can see right through your act.
3. Stop being so needy. Maybe the reason you're such an idiot is because you refuse to think for yourself.
4. Your daughter is ugly, and she's a spoiled little bitch.
5. I need you.
6. I hate you.
7. I wish that you told me you loved me or hugged me every once in a while.
8. Even though I tell you that I love you almost every time we speak, I wish you'd understand how much you really mean to me.
9. I love you, and I wish you were with me instead of her.
10. One of the main reasons I want to go far, far away is just so I don't have to see or hear you anymore. You're an animal and a jackass and I hate you. I know you have a good heart, you just don't know how to show it.
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1. Thank you for being there for me.
2. I miss you so much. It's been many years, but I wish you were still here.
3. I've loved you for so long, but I'm too scared to say it.
4. Will you just shut the fuck up, and stop complaining?! I'm sick and tired of hearing your constant moaning and groaning about stupid shit. Grow up, and grow a pair.
5. I feel like we're growing apart, and that makes me sad.
6. You annoy me. Please leave me alone.
7. Your encouragement means the world to me. Thank you.
8. You're sexy as hell, and I love it!
9. I wish I could be more honest with you, but it's so hard for me to be that vulnerable. Give me time, and I promise I'll say it all.
10. I hope that one day we can become friends. I treated you like shit, and I'm sorry for doing that. You treated me like shit too, but I'm willing to forgive you and move on. I really love you, despite what I've said in the past.
1. Your very existence has kept me alive when I had nothing else to go on for

2. Every night I pray that you will just come home

3. What you did may have taken just a few moments, but it will effect dozens of people for the rest of their lives

4. Get over yourself; we all have 'issues' to deal with - you aren't special because you're :censored: up emotionally

5. Don't judge me, don't pity me, and don't try to change me - just love me for who I am

6. Everyone told me I would stop loving you someday - but I haven't yet

7. I was a vulnerable kid, and you took advantage of me once. I know better now.

8. I wish you knew the pain you caused; just that you could understand how your actions effected me - but I know you never will

9. Stop trying to save the world and save yourself, instead

10. You were worth it all. Every sleepless night every tear that fell.
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1. I'd go out with you again in a second if you asked. You were the best boyfriend I've ever had, and I should've crossed the border every weekend I could to see you, but I was too afraid of pushing too hard. I'm glad it didn't change our friendship.

2. Show us some respect. Both of my coworkers worked in banking before you'd even left high school, and one of them was a manager herself.

3. Listen our suggestions once in a while.

4. I love you, and I don't say that enough.

5. I love you, and I don't say that enough.

6. You were the biggest mistake I ever made. I was an idiot to believe someone who claimed to love me for three months, then suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth, not responding to calls, emails or messages. The worst part was you - a year later when I ran into you at Con - saying to me "Didn't you break up with me and tell me to fuck off?" when I hugged you, crying and happy that you were at least alive. What I said, you fucking asshole, when I was desperate to hear from you, was "Even if you tell me to fuck off, just SAY SOMETHING." I was stupid enough to keep trying for a couple months before sending you that breakup email, and I know much better now.

7. I should've realized you were offering to buy me a drink that night, and I'm still kicking myself for being an idiot. There were a few opportunities that night for me to take the chance that you felt the same way and say something - maybe you'd be with me now instead of her if I hadn't been so damn shy.

8. I went further with you than with any other man in my life. Thank you for showing me that there are men who consider women my size sexy and giving me more confidence, despite the fact that we were never officially dating. She's perfect for you, and you two are absolutely adorable, especially when you're singing together on stage.

9. Get your asses in gear and get the damn album out already. You know we're going to bug you till it's done - it's been "almost ready" for over two years now!

10. I've had a crush on you since we met eight years ago. You're smart, funny, considerate and caring, and I should talk to you more often than I do. Wish I had more time to go visit you - it's been too long since we've been to a concert together, or even just seen each other.

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