(03-10-2004) Exclusive: New U2 2005-06 Tour News - Interference.com*

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Reggie Thee Dog said:

Please, please someone explain to me why this (playing stadiums) is such a bad thing? I've seen U2 in the Arenas, and Stadiums and their show does not suffer in either venue. Sure it's a personal preference, but it's not going to be the downfall of a great band if they wish to reach a broader audience. Give Stadiums a chance, they're fun shows.

I just don't like stadium shows. The last U2 show I saw in a stadium wasn't that great, that's all. There was no connection with the audience. Granted, it was JT, and they weren't used to stadiums all that much. I guess. Anyway, I don't want to start a stadium fight. I already created a thread for that a long time ago.
well, perhaps, I don't know, would this be the last tour? It's strange, 18 months on the road... while they said tours would be shorter in the future.
I hope it isn't going to be a long - and great - farewell tour.

Am I too pessimistic?
Elvis said:
Originally posted by Headache in a Suitcase
perhaps elivs' inside source is this mysterious cousin of the edge that some of us, no names mentioned, claim to get information from...


yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hawwwwwwwwww

awww come on elvis

you can tell 'em it was me


the corner, cousin to the edge
So if this is all true..... when do you think the tickets will go on sale? If I remember rightly for the Elevation tour, tickets were on sale at least 6 months before they were due to play my country (UK) I can't remember if it was jan/feb/march when I purchased my tickets for the gigs at Earls Court in august of the same year!
Just think the hell and cold sweat to go through to get the tickets before they sell out! :yikes: :faint:
If they are playing stadiums maybe it will be easier to get tickets. I managed to get tickets to two shows on the Elevation tour (both Atlanta dates) but it was a b:censored:h getting them.
Great news. It also reveals a good deal about what the new album will be like.

Bono has said that the music dictates where it should be played, with ATYCLB being more intimate music that called for the more intimate setting of an arena.

By planning on hitting the stadiums, it must mean that the music on their new album is going to be bigger, broader, and bolder in scope than ATYCLB.

I think the new album will merge the heart and joy of ATYCLB with the larger-than-life sound of their stadium albums along with the more gritty guitar side of Achtung Baby (due to Edge allegedly playing like a "madman") to become perhpas the ultimate culmination of everything that U2 does well.

As Bono himself said, they are coming closer and closer to making the music that they've always wanted to make.
Reggie Thee Dog said:
A couple of things I would like to comment on:

1) I've been coming to Interference since its inception in, hmmm, was it 1996 Elvis? Elvis is very trustworthy and has always been on the cutting edge of U2 info. I don't believe he would have posted this if it were not a complete possibility.

2) In all my years (over 20) of being a U2 fan have I ever seen them tour an album for more than one year. Zoo TV came close, but they dropped Zooropa in the middle of it. My guess, and it is completely a guess, is that they will tour for a full year, hitting AustralAsia, and South America

3) If this album rocks like it's been reported too, then I think it will be a huge hit and they will have to tour the US and European Stadiums.

Please, please someone explain to me why this (playing stadiums) is such a bad thing? I've seen U2 in the Arenas, and Stadiums and their show does not suffer in either venue. Sure it's a personal preference, but it's not going to be the downfall of a great band if they wish to reach a broader audience. Give Stadiums a chance, they're fun shows.

Regarding #2. The Zoo tour was technically stretched out over a year and a half. Yes, the Zooropa album was done after the Outside broadcast. But the original intention and plan was that Australia and possibly S. America would be toured between the Outside Broadcast tour and the Zooropa tour. They decided to take a break instead and work on a new album. So really, Zooropa and Zoomerang were both part of the same Zoo tour and were planned to be that way even before they decided to do a new album. So 18 months from the time the tour starts to the time it ends is similiar in scope to Zoo. U2 will take some breaks in there so it wont be 18 months straight on the road.

I agree with the rest of what you said. I see stadiums actually as benefiting fans ticket wise. Most likely there will be no more Propaganda this time out. So we will have to get tickets on our own completely. Its easier to get stadium show tickets than it is arena show tickets by far.
stadium shows have ther pros and cons. it's good cause a lot more people get to see them and you have less of a chance of missing out but on the other hand you could end up a million miles away and would probably get a better view from your own roof top. :wink:

personally i just don't want to see my first u2 show in a stadium.
martha said:

I just don't like stadium shows. The last U2 show I saw in a stadium wasn't that great, that's all. There was no connection with the audience. Granted, it was JT, and they weren't used to stadiums all that much. I guess. Anyway, I don't want to start a stadium fight. I already created a thread for that a long time ago.

I don't know about the rest of the world but in Europe outdoor shows are totally different to indoors. I've been to Cardiff, Leeds, Dublin and Wembley (which isn't quite the same) over the last 4 outdoor tours, and there is a carnival atomosphere on concert day. Usually there are seveal support bands throughout the day, often local bands and the excitement builds in the sunshine (if you're lucky) over many hours. It's a day long event. The pubs are filled out and there is a fantastic vibe all day long.

I loved the Elevation shows but for most of the audience it's an after work rush (if it's a weekday show) and it's more like going to the theatre that an all day party with 80,000 revellers. And if you are worried about getting a bad view at outdoor shows - get there early! it's all part of the fun!

The opening of ZooTV outdoors was a million times more spine-tingling than the indoor show...I hppe the next tour is the same..
Jim said:

I don't know about the rest of the world but in Europe outdoor shows are totally different to indoors. I've been to Cardiff, Leeds, Dublin and Wembley (which isn't quite the same) over the last 4 outdoor tours, and there is a carnival atomosphere on concert day. Usually there are seveal support bands throughout the day, often local bands and the excitement builds in the sunshine (if you're lucky) over many hours. It's a day long event. The pubs are filled out and there is a fantastic vibe all day long.

I loved the Elevation shows but for most of the audience it's an after work rush (if it's a weekday show) and it's more like going to the theatre that an all day party with 80,000 revellers. And if you are worried about getting a bad view at outdoor shows - get there early! it's all part of the fun!

The opening of ZooTV outdoors was a million times more spine-tingling than the indoor show...I hppe the next tour is the same..

Exactly! You are at an "event", not just a concert. I like arena shows also but I wouldn't pass judgement on stadium shows from the upcoming tour after you have seen it. Zoo TV was much better on a BIG scale IMO. Some of the best U2 shows I have seen over the last 17 years have been stadium shows. U2 has something up their sleeve for the stadium shows, trust me. ;)
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i've only seen u2 in areans :sad:

i want a stadium!!!

i saw springsteen in a stadium twice... the time at shea, where i was in the nosebleed, was just so-so (then again bruce doesn't have the multimedia extraviganza that is expected with any potential u2 stadium tour)

at giants stadium i was on the field, and it was simply amazing being able to look all around you and see 50,000+ people on their feet singing along... how i yearn for that same feeling with u2... :faint:
Here's hoping for an early Charlotte show again and then maybe a return trip to fill our football stadium for the first time, that would be unbelievable, 70,000+ and I'm sure they could fill it no problem!!
I am SO excited! Starting out with arenas means that there's a possibility that they might come back to my home town! YAY! I've never seen them before and I would definately go see them more than once with an 18 month long tour!

danisanchez_85 said:
i think arenas in USA and stadiums in europe is a good thing.
:dance: :dance: :dance: :larry: :edge: :bono: :adam: :dance: :dance:

Actually you are probebly going to get both arenas and stadiums in both markets. N. America will almost definately get both.
I really hope US gets Stadiums again... I wanna see them out doors this time around..

Saw them six times on Elevation and really, really, really wish I could have seen POPMART, but I was only 9 or 10
Headache in a Suitcase said:
i've only seen u2 in areans :sad:

i want a stadium!!!

i saw springsteen in a stadium twice... the time at shea, where i was in the nosebleed, was just so-so (then again bruce doesn't have the multimedia extraviganza that is expected with any potential u2 stadium tour)

at giants stadium i was on the field, and it was simply amazing being able to look all around you and see 50,000+ people on their feet singing along... how i yearn for that same feeling with u2... :faint:

I'm the exact opposite. I've only seen them twice and it was on ZooTV and Pop, neither of which could have been squashed into an indoor arena. Zoo was at the cricket ground with about 100,000 people and Pop was next door to that at the Footy Stadium, with possibly similar numbers give or take. Zoo I was pressed right up against the rail at the front and with Pop, right up in the nosebleeds.
I dont think it is possible to describe how BIG these shows can be. They are absolutely immense. They may only be 4 guys, but they entertain 110,000 with the sound, 2 stories of screens, effects, lighting and presence. It is something you must see.

I might be biased, but give me stadiums any day. It is almost too much to take in when you are there, but you are physically experiencing something I doubt can be felt the same way in a small indoor venue.

If they tour Australia, I doubt they can do small venues. We only have a few choice ones in each major city and it simply couldn't be viable for them to travel all this way for a small return.
Angela Harlem said:

I'm the exact opposite. I've only seen them twice and it was on ZooTV and Pop, neither of which could have been squashed into an indoor arena.

Actually I saw ZooTV on the floor in the Providence Civic Center (now called the Dunkin Donuts Center) which is an arena, when they played there in March of that year. It was an AMAZING show even indoors. I also saw the outside broadcast at Foxboro Stadium a few months later. I loved both of them, they were immense.
U2luv said:
the Providence Civic Center (now called the Dunkin Donuts Center)

This is the problem with renaming stuff. Providence Civic Center tells you what it is and where it is. It has dignity. Dunkin Donuts Center could be anywhere. And it sounds lame beyond all reason.

Ok, back to the thread.
martha said:

This is the problem with renaming stuff. Providence Civic Center tells you what it is and where it is. It has dignity. Dunkin Donuts Center could be anywhere. And it sounds lame beyond all reason.

Ok, back to the thread.

I fully agree, I wish they'd stop changing the names of all these places. I've lived in Mass since I was 12, living near Foxboro. I think they've had at least 3 names for that stadium since I've been here. Ridiculous.
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