2014 FIFA World Cup

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Nice one Germany. After losing to Brasil in 2002, and finishing in 3rd place in last two World Cups, this is your time. Argentina doesn't play without a good Messi.

Agreed Neuer was lucky not to be sent off the court for that collision, and luckily the game was over while Schweinsteiger was still standing. Hopefully last World Cup without video calls for dodgy penalties/diving.
Goetze's goal was amazing. Great run down the flank and pass by Schurler, and a delicious take, control and finish by Goetze. A goal worthy of winning the world cup.
Messi golden ball ? FIFA can't get anything right.

The best team won , Argentina could barely scrape by Iran. Worst finalist since Argentina of 90.

Euro dominance continues, 3 wins in a row, 5 of the last 6 finalists , 8 of the last 12 sem finalists.

Congratulations Germany.

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Golden Ball to Messi? Muller & Rodriguez both had more goals and assists. Even Messi barely cared about it...and probably also thinks someone else should've gotten it.
Most of them on the counter. Argentina has great players, it's their strategy which is abhorrent. The epitome of anti-football. Anyone with a basic understanding of football can see it.

Defense and counterattacking is abhorrent because...?
Navas, Howard & Ochoa...or combined the "Great Wall of CONCACAF" were probably top 3.

But players for teams in the final will always get favored. But players in the final probably don't care. The losing side getting an individual award isn't a consolation...the winning side is more happy to have won the Cup and probably doesn't care much either.
I thought Neuer was pretty clearly the best keeper and Howard was pretty clearly #2.
Defense and counterattacking is abhorrent because...?

Who said they were? Defending deep into your own quarter (let alone half) throughout the game, choosing the counter as your only mode of attack, parking the bus in front of your goal, killing the game - playing anti-football is abhorrent. You said Argentina had just as many dangerous chances as Germany? Wrong. They actually had more. Argentina has really good players. Their team is organized. It's their tactical gameplay which is painful for a football lover to watch.

People bemoaned tika taka during Spain's period of dominance. It would've been a great shame for football if this Argentinan team with their negative gameplay had won the world cup.
So how much is FOX going to suck broadcasting now? They have 2015 Women's WC through 2022 WC.

Good test next summer considering its in Canada...USA timezone. They can't possibly screw it up too bad...right? All USA games should be on FOX. Hopefully they show every game like ESPN/ABC have done. Haven't used the FOX Sports streaming service yet. Watch ESPN is pretty great though.
Thrilling climax to a cracking tournament. The World Cup really is the pinnacle of all of world sport on so many levels.

Germany are fantastic winners, with glorious players. People claimed that it would be better for Argentina to win because Messi's deserved it? But he doesn't deserve it anymore than Lahm, Schweinsteiger, Klose, Neuer, Mueller and Ozil. Great stalwarts for the national side who thoroughly deserve that medal around their neck. More than any other players in the tournament.

Messi wasn't even Argentina's best player, let alone the tournament's. Mascherano anyone? He who held the team's defensive shape together?

Roll on Russia 2018, cannot wait for qualifying to begin.. But very excited for Australia 2015, the Asian Cup is on it's way here for the very first time.

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Messi is a dangerous devil, but he's not a good team player. In the second half, he was kind of pale, kept hiding somewhere in the back most of the time.

The Game was very fast and dynamic, but unnecessary brutal many times. You could see the nerves and tension in both teams.

Both Goetze and Schuerrle contributed to the goal that made them World Champion, both players brought in pretty late after Germany had bad luck with losing Khedira before the start of the final game and Kramer later after a bad foul.

They won because they were the better team and played as a team instead of relying on singular players, even though Argentina's defense was almost impossible to overcome.

Over all a great game with a lot of drama! In the end, when Messi had the final chance for Argentina, I was unable to watch, so much tension.
Messi the golden ball? :lol: What the heck FIFA? There were so many players better than him, Argentina as a whole was unimpressive, and Messi barely shone.

If they wanted someone from the finals so badly, Muller should've gotten gold. Otherwise Robben and James Rodriguez were better than Messi as well. The glove for Neuer is prety fair though, he was an amazing goalie. Not just saving on the line, but also brave enough to come out to defend outside the box. Though he probably should've been carded or sent off after that knee.

I'm really happy Germany won though, the best team pulled through. :D Great teamwork as well.
Though he probably should've been carded or sent off after that knee.

I thought this as well at first, but it's clear from the replays that he kicked out the ball first and then collided with Higuain. Higuain was not on the ball at the time. Referee's decision to have the foul for Germany was a mistake though. Reckless and potentially dangerous, but well within Neuer's rights as a goalkeeper.
While Germany is the better team, it seemed to me that Argentina lost the game more than Germany won it.
I never expected Argentina to miss out on so many 100% chances.
I thought this as well at first, but it's clear from the replays that he kicked out the ball first and then collided with Higuain. Higuain was not on the ball at the time. Referee's decision to have the foul for Germany was a mistake though. Reckless and potentially dangerous, but well within Neuer's rights as a goalkeeper.

Ah, well that's fair enough then.

The referees in this cup have been really bad, damn. Even the final and semifinal had so many bad calls, it's pretty damn sad.
While Germany is the better team, it seemed to me that Argentina lost the game more than Germany won it.
I never expected Argentina to miss out on so many 100% chances.

Both teams had chances and missed. Germany hitting the post if you recall.

Germany had more possession and went forward more. They tried to win it and won it, it wasn't an Argentina loss, it was a clear decisive win by Germany and a fair result of what was happening on the pitch.

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What a great World Cup. It was memorable for so many things, good and bad. Normally I think the Suarez bite would be the most remembered thing about this WC in most other years the way Zidane is the first thing most people think of when they think of the 2006 tournament, and the fact that I don't think that will stick out in the public's mind is a testament to how great the actual soccer was this time around.

Now back to not paying attention to soccer at all until the 2016 Euros roll around :up:
The Germans deserved to win the championship. They were the best team throughout thr tournament.

At the same time, that was an obscene non-called penalty on Neuer against Higuain. According to the rules, it does not matter if you get to the ball first, if you do with unnecessary violence, then it is a foul, in this case a penalty kick.

And, yes, I still cannot believe how Higuain, Palacio and Messi missed those chances.

P.S. The Brazilian crowd was pathetic. Go cheer on the Germans after being raped 7-1. They should have locked themselves in shame. How easy it is to hate the Brazilians after this...
Neuer jumped. That's how you reach a high ball. It wasn't a studs-up into the leg type tackle. The ref got the call 100% correct.

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It was quite a fight. Lucky the Kroos header to Higuain didn't result in a goal. I think both sides gave everything, and I am happy for the German team to have "brought it home". I also hoped for a finish in regular time, but extra time is also quite acceptable. Everything better than a win in a penalty shootout.

After the 1-7 many were expecting the German team would just have a cakewalk. I don't think that was realistic, and it didn't happen. That result didn't happen because Germany was so strong, but because Brazil was just beside itself.

I very much like Messi as a player and a person, so always sad to see him lose. But that's life and he still has a chance in Russia. Best player trophy wasn't justified, though. As great as he is, but he clearly wasn't that brilliant throughout this tournament. There were many other players with great moments, and some more constantly so. Benzema for the French for example.

Soon, the team should arrive at the Brandenburg Gate and then everything is back to normal.
Hi Leif :wave:

Congrats :wink:

Does all of Berlin have a day off today? The live tickers on several German media sites are hilarious. Have a great day today. :up:
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