Still working on the album...

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oh c'mon are you saying that U2 fans taking their holiday outside B-man's house, when they could go ANYWHERE in the world, has nothing to do with celebrity stalking?! :lol:

The first beach clips were recorded by some people who were - you guessed it - on a beach, when Bono was playing the music loud as hell from his house in the south of France. From my recollection, they weren't even some psycho U2 fans and they were French. The clips first leaked on a French U2 forum.

The second ones were recorded by fans outside of the HQ studios. As far as I know, fans come there pretty often to check out the band (as opposed to coming to somebody's house and private homes, which is definitely crazy celebrity stalking). So I guess it depends how you look at it. Plus there were cases of Bono being eager to play new music to the fans, postmen, pizza deliverers etc.
They do seem pretty damn lax when it comes to "guarding" their new stuff. Music blaring out from houses, Edge infamously losing that CD, playing their shit to anyone who happens to be in the vicinity when the mood takes them. With the latter, they are probably much more interested in gauging what NON U2 fans think, as the typical fan would just go weak at the knees and start blubbering like a baby if they hear Bono so much as belch into the microphone.
The first beach clips were recorded by some people who were - you guessed it - on a beach, when Bono was playing the music loud as hell from his house in the south of France. From my recollection, they weren't even some psycho U2 fans and they were French. The clips first leaked on a French U2 forum.

The second ones were recorded by fans outside of the HQ studios. As far as I know, fans come there pretty often to check out the band (as opposed to coming to somebody's house and private homes, which is definitely crazy celebrity stalking). So I guess it depends how you look at it. Plus there were cases of Bono being eager to play new music to the fans, postmen, pizza deliverers etc.

The NLOTH beachclips were actually reported by two Dutch guys on holidays in the South of France. They just happened to be on the beach when Bono decided to loudly blast the new tunes from the balcony.
Right, I think there was an earlier Breathe clip that was recorded outside of HQ.
oh c'mon are you saying that U2 fans taking their holiday outside B-man's house, when they could go ANYWHERE in the world, has nothing to do with celebrity stalking?! :lol:

It has, at least in my opinion, even though it's a public beach. I'm torn about this, but I still think Bono and the band are kind of expecting that to happen. But yes, it's indeed an interesting holiday choice.

I do, however, know some people who are not U2 fans and who happen to have summer houses near Eze and some of them are telling me they see Bono and family all the time without being intersted in them :lol:

And if Bono didn't get drunk and play the music so loud, people's efforts to get these recordings could have been even greater.
It has, at least in my opinion, even though it's a public beach. I'm torn about this, but I still think Bono and the band are kind of expecting that to happen. But yes, it's indeed an interesting holiday choice.

I do, however, know some people who are not U2 fans and who happen to have summer houses near Eze and some of them are telling me they see Bono and family all the time without being intersted in them :lol:

And if Bono didn't get drunk and play the music so loud, people's efforts to get these recordings could have been even greater.

yeah, it HAS crossed my mind to go skinny dipping down there some time, but i haven't got round to it yet :D
These recent leaks are nothing, what we need is a proper leak 90s style where a few CDs worth of rough demos go walkies in between the studio and their homes. Can you imagine how many pages those topics would go to if the Axtung Beibi thing happened today? The place would be in meltdown.

I remember reading about the tapes going missing in the news section of the NME and then the real challenge came of how to track down a copy on vinyl. Those were the days...
I hope they're more stealth about it this time. I don't even want the temptation of Beach Clips this time around. I'm hoping to just be surprised with something good.
I remember hearing the beach clip of Magnificent. I was more excited with that version than the final product unfortunately. No beach clips for me this time.
Speaking of which, does anyone know where to find the beach clips of the NLOTH songs online? It's been a while, and i'm curious to hear what they sound like again.
Speaking of which, does anyone know where to find the beach clips of the NLOTH songs online? It's been a while, and i'm curious to hear what they sound like again.

I used to have a package compiled with all of the beach clips from 2004, 2006, and 2008. Unfortunately, I don't think I have it anymore.
I have them - Magnificent, UC, IGC, GOYB, and Breathe, anyway, don't remember if there were others. I can get them to you if you want. Leave your e-mails if you want them.
I ended up liking the album versions of all the songs better than the beach clips, but trying to make the songs and the lyrics and titles out from the recordings and discussing them was funny and exciting. Still glad the album versions sounded different after all.

I have nothing against beach clips and I'm curious if any fan recordings will surface this time. I like to hear the songs in their raw/early versions.
I have them - Magnificent, UC, IGC, GOYB, and Breathe, anyway, don't remember if there were others. I can get them to you if you want. Leave your e-mails if you want them.

There was a NLOTH clip too, but it was a weird mix or overlap with Unknown Caller. I have that and all of the beach clips in a file as well if anyone needs it.
I'm listening to the 2008 beach clips now. Wow... I am thinking back to being fifteen years old, listening to these beach clips over and over, trying so desperately to make out lyrics, and hoping so much that the album would leak soon. Incredibly dorky, but it was my first U2 album release experience, and it was somewhat magical. I still love the album too, although something I think my love for NLOTH is influenced by fond memories of the release experience.
I'm listening to the 2008 beach clips now. Wow... I am thinking back to being fifteen years old, listening to these beach clips over and over, trying so desperately to make out lyrics, and hoping so much that the album would leak soon. Incredibly dorky, but it was my first U2 album release experience, and it was somewhat magical. I still love the album too, although something I think my love for NLOTH is influenced by fond memories of the release experience.

Same here for me on all of this. Except I wasn't 15, dangit. :lol:
Wow! I didn't expect Bono to say that.

Mudfeld would be angry! :lol:
I was just about to post about this when I read your comment. You're right; Bono's been so corrupted by his own greedy search for money and the kinds of people like Bill Clinton who deregulated the American economy and pushed for the Washington Consensus abroad during his tenure. Now, the only people Bono criticizes are America's enemies. It's so hypocritical to be all for uprisings in places like Iran but not even nod to the courage of the Occupy movement and its search for justice. So upsettingly tragic.

More on the evil of the Clinton administration's top men who went on to advise Obama and how they refused to regulate the derivatives about which Brooksley Born warned them in 1996, and then sidelined her before Congress:
Watch The Full Program Online | The Warning | FRONTLINE | PBS
All those BTS clips of Fez show what they were intending at the time, that organic, group-oriented, emphasis on hand-played percussion groove that was slowly and methodically weeded out on their year and half of over-doing it with production and shoe-horning in tracks to make sure they hit nearly all the 'checkmarks' of U2-ness/fandom over the years. I still have a lot of love for the songs we got, but we got cheated out of what sounded like it could have been top 3 U2 and certainly enough to silence anyone saying they're unwilling to mix it up anymore, even if the result might turn even more people off for it being 'boring' than what was released already did.

That's what made the first quick sessions with DM such an exciting prospect (and also part of what made the idea of Songs of Ascent tantalizing back in 2009), that they'd dare to trust their gut, the more time goes by without any of that seeing the light of day the less likely we are to see something out of the 2000s vein. (style-wise or production-fatigue plagued) I still have plenty of hope though.

The strangest thing is how they all have such love for Moment of Surrender, a song essentially created in group-improvisation and yet they don't seem to see the wisdom in following that to a larger extent than the Lillywhite multiyear slog.
What happened to the Magnificent guitar solo at the start of this video?

U2 - Making of "No Line on the Horizon" (II) - YouTube

What happened to this riff?

What happened to this strumming?

Time for a toilet break guys!

Let's get stoned looking at amber gels!

Was this the early No line?

Beach Clip minus the beach – new audio | News Blog

Ah fuck it! We'll get it on the U2 anthology when they retire. Time to move on.

It's smart for the band to not let anything out so people don't get attached to unfinished material.
Wow there was some excellent material in those clips....:drool:
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