PGP: Bono, get yer fine ass in the studio please

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Wha...? :ohmy:

No Streets? WTF? Why not?!?

I forget why. But yeah, they didn't play it at all for that show. I was pissed when I heard they'd be including this show in the JT re-release because of course I wanted to see Streets live. But whatever. I have plenty of other live versions of it on all the other DVD's. :lol:
No "Streets" at a JT era show?!?!

I think I've seen that show once a number of years back. I can't remember. I'll have to watch it sometime and see.

Really, it does. It's weird... I'm so talkative here, and yet, offline, I rarely talk. :shrug:

This is me as well :yes:. I used to be incredibly shy as a kid. I've changed a bit as I've gotten older, but I'm still always known as "the quiet one" amongst people I know offline.

:yes: That's why I can't even watch those ASPCA commercials... I almost start bawling every time they come on.

I know. Ugh. So disturbing. You'll be sitting there watching something lighthearted and happy or be in a good mood or whatever and then those come along to just ruin the mood and depress the hell out of you.

The first picture I posted of her? That was a pair of my sneakers.

I really loved those sneakers. :sad:
:fist: Stupid mean aunt.

Oh, okay! I didn't quite know what they were at first, she's kinda draped on them all weird and everything :p.

LOL, do I want to know?

I get the fun dreams once in a while, but not nearly as often as I'd like. :angry:

Well, that sucks. Our brains clearly need to be rewired *Nods*.

Sometimes I think that too, but then I remember "iPods and laptops!" and I realize I couldn't live in any other time period. :p

:lol: This is true. Very, very true. Being without this place, or having a favorite artist play elsewhere in the world and I can't watch it on my screen here, or stuff like that? That would make me very sad.
This is me as well :yes:. I used to be incredibly shy as a kid. I've changed a bit as I've gotten older, but I'm still always known as "the quiet one" amongst people I know offline.
:yes: I'm still incredibly shy offline. It was worse when I was a kid; I wouldn't even talk to the server at a restaraunt!

I know. Ugh. So disturbing. You'll be sitting there watching something lighthearted and happy or be in a good mood or whatever and then those come along to just ruin the mood and depress the hell out of you.

Oh, okay! I didn't quite know what they were at first, she's kinda draped on them all weird and everything :p.

LOL, do I want to know?
About her sleeping on my shoes? :p

Basically: my aunt stole my stuff. And not just my stuff. My parents' stuff too.

I had almost 600 dvds. That's including my U2 dvd collection, and my tv-on-dvd collection. Up until that happened, I was current on my Doctor Who dvds. :sad:

Not to mention all of my cds, the majority of my clothes, and my original external hd, my laptop, my video games, my original x-box, and my playstation 2.

*is very pissed off and bitter about it* If I can find the time/someone to take me, I'm gonna go to her place, and demand our stuff back. It can't be my mom, as my aunt won't see her (her own sister, for pete's sake!). If I'm lucky, my brother can take me. Or one of my mom's friends from South Dakota.

Well, that sucks. Our brains clearly need to be rewired *Nods*.

:lol: This is true. Very, very true. Being without this place, or having a favorite artist play elsewhere in the world and I can't watch it on my screen here, or stuff like that? That would make me very sad.
No Streets? Is that even LEGAL?

I was just reading through the proposed treatments my dentist gave me in more detail, and in two of them, he includes a root canal on a tooth that's almost totally fine, just a small cavity. :huh: I'm now further convinced that he's totally on crack.
:yes: I'm still incredibly shy offline. It was worse when I was a kid; I wouldn't even talk to the server at a restaraunt!

Wow. My sister was kinda like that at times when she was a kid, which is funny, 'cause she's MUCH more of a chatterbox than I am.

I never had a big issue with talking to adults. I oddly enough often felt much more comfortable around adults and chatting with them than I did kids at school. I was one of the older kids in my class, though, and I got picked on a lot as a kid, so that probably factored in-I've just always often felt out of place with many people in my age group a lot of the time for some reason or another. I was much happier just sitting by myself on the playground and daydreaming or doing whatever I wanted a lot of the time.

About her sleeping on my shoes? :p

Basically: my aunt stole my stuff. And not just my stuff. My parents' stuff too.

I had almost 600 dvds. That's including my U2 dvd collection, and my tv-on-dvd collection. Up until that happened, I was current on my Doctor Who dvds. :sad:

Not to mention all of my cds, the majority of my clothes, and my original external hd, my laptop, my video games, my original x-box, and my playstation 2.

*is very pissed off and bitter about it* If I can find the time/someone to take me, I'm gonna go to her place, and demand our stuff back. It can't be my mom, as my aunt won't see her (her own sister, for pete's sake!). If I'm lucky, my brother can take me. Or one of my mom's friends from South Dakota.

Yeah :p.

Holy shit. That's awful. I don't blame you at all for being pissed and bitter about it, I would be, too. I hope you do manage to get the chance to get your stuff back-it's yours and you have every right to demand it back. I'd definitely go for it if I were you. Hopefully your brother or mom's friend will have your back for you-I'd do that for a family member.

That sucks that she won't even talk to her own sister. I don't understand how family members can cut each other off like that-I've got some relatives who are the same way. My mom, sister, and I are all very close, sure we get mad at each other sometimes, but I could never, ever cut them out of my life over stupid crap that won't matter in the long run.

Any particular reason why she stole that stuff, or is she just a beeyotch that way?
Wow. My sister was kinda like that at times when she was a kid, which is funny, 'cause she's MUCH more of a chatterbox than I am.

I never had a big issue with talking to adults. I oddly enough often felt much more comfortable around adults and chatting with them than I did kids at school. I was one of the older kids in my class, though, and I got picked on a lot as a kid, so that probably factored in-I've just always often felt out of place with many people in my age group a lot of the time for some reason or another. I was much happier just sitting by myself on the playground and daydreaming or doing whatever I wanted a lot of the time.
It wasn't really adults; I managed to talk to my parents' friends just fine.... just strangers in general; even kids.

Though, I've never gotten along with people my own age before. :shrug:

Yeah :p.

Holy shit. That's awful. I don't blame you at all for being pissed and bitter about it, I would be, too. I hope you do manage to get the chance to get your stuff back-it's yours and you have every right to demand it back. I'd definitely go for it if I were you. Hopefully your brother or mom's friend will have your back for you-I'd do that for a family member.

That sucks that she won't even talk to her own sister. I don't understand how family members can cut each other off like that-I've got some relatives who are the same way. My mom, sister, and I are all very close, sure we get mad at each other sometimes, but I could never, ever cut them out of my life over stupid crap that won't matter in the long run.

Any particular reason why she stole that stuff, or is she just a beeyotch that way?

:lol: We've never been able to figure that out. It was always just my shoes. She wouldn't go near my dad's shoes (and I don't blame her :lol:), and my mom usually only wore flip-flops, so it was always my shoes.

She's crazy. And, I don't mean that in the way people usually say it. I mean she could actually be certifiable. My mom's life growing up was pretty bad, and one of the few times I spoke to my aunt about it before we went to stay with them, she acted like they grew up in the freaking Brady Bunch or something. :crack:

And, if you knew my mom's family, you'd cut them off too. My grandmother is a mean drunk, my mom's youngest brother is a mean drunk who lives with my grandmother, my mom's oldest brother is... um, well, let's not go too much into that except to say he's a drunk and an ex junkie and should never ever be alone with children, and I had one other aunt, but I didn't know her very well, and she died in 2003 (which a whole other story I'm not going into). My grandfather died in 2006, and that wasn't a medical surprise (he had cancer), but emotionally it was because my mom and I agreed that he was too mean to die.

Sorry. :reject: Didn't mean to go off on a whole thing and get so personal and depressing there.
No Streets? Is that even LEGAL?

I was just reading through the proposed treatments my dentist gave me in more detail, and in two of them, he includes a root canal on a tooth that's almost totally fine, just a small cavity. :huh: I'm now further convinced that he's totally on crack.

I agree with Thora: no Streets should be illegal! Only: take them to jail, but then, for the general population, have PLEBANs instead of actual criminals. :shifty:

:crack: @ dentist

It should be illegal. TAKE THEM TO JAIL!!!1!!

Get rid of your idiot dentist. :tsk: Bastard.

I was going through my YT favourites just for fun, and came across this hilarious little gem. :lol:

That cheered me up immensely! It was funny! And I am now tempted to find video of the Peanuts gang dancing around Schroeder, and just watch that while listening to U2. :lol:
It wasn't really adults; I managed to talk to my parents' friends just fine.... just strangers in general; even kids.

Though, I've never gotten along with people my own age before. :shrug:

Ah. Well, hey, fair enough reasoning, strangers by their very definition can make someone feel really nervous/shy/awkward/what have you. I totally understand that.

:lol: We've never been able to figure that out. It was always just my shoes. She wouldn't go near my dad's shoes (and I don't blame her :lol:), and my mom usually only wore flip-flops, so it was always my shoes.

She's crazy. And, I don't mean that in the way people usually say it. I mean she could actually be certifiable. My mom's life growing up was pretty bad, and one of the few times I spoke to my aunt about it before we went to stay with them, she acted like they grew up in the freaking Brady Bunch or something. :crack:

And, if you knew my mom's family, you'd cut them off too. My grandmother is a mean drunk, my mom's youngest brother is a mean drunk who lives with my grandmother, my mom's oldest brother is... um, well, let's not go too much into that except to say he's a drunk and an ex junkie and should never ever be alone with children, and I had one other aunt, but I didn't know her very well, and she died in 2003 (which a whole other story I'm not going into). My grandfather died in 2006, and that wasn't a medical surprise (he had cancer), but emotionally it was because my mom and I agreed that he was too mean to die.

Sorry. :reject: Didn't mean to go off on a whole thing and get so personal and depressing there.

Go figure cats :p. My sister's cat likes to curl up on pizza boxes (or in them, if they're empty). And mine likes to lay on my mom's purse (it's one of those bigger bag-style purses), or her clothes, or piles of random paper that might be on the floor... I fail to see how that can be remotely comfortable, but if it works for them, what the hey :shrug:?

Ohhhhhh, I see. Eesh. Well, that's at least an explanation for the behavior, not that it really makes things better. Perhaps that's her way of trying to block out whatever crap happened in their childhoods or something? I dunno. But that suddenly makes the whole thing very sad to me.

Wow. Ugh. Yeah, mean drunks are one thing and suck enough as it is, but the whole "not being around kids" thing is particularly troubling. I can certainly see why you want to distance yourself from such a group, I'd be scared to be around that regularly, too. I think your comment about your grandfather is quite true-it does seem like some of the nastier people in the world seem to stick around longer than the nice ones for some reason or another, so I would've probably thought the same thing, too.

That's okay. I feel bad now for even getting you into all this discussion, I didn't mean to get you onto that sort of thing, given it seems a difficult topic. But you do have my sympathies, I'm sorry that you have to deal with that sort of crap :hug:. I hope somehow things work out for you and your mom and brother on the family front, even if just by getting your things back and moving on and focusing on a happier life for you guys.
I was going through my YT favourites just for fun, and came across this hilarious little gem. :lol:

Bahahaa! I am so glad I clicked on that. :lol:

Hey folks :wave: ... :hug:s to anyone who wants one!

The cover band I joined less than six weeks ago played our first gig on Thursday, it went pretty well, all things considered! We thought my bass had something wrong with it last week, as a bad buzzing noise was coming out of the amp, but the guitarist (who offered to fix it) thinks the new cable I bought is to blame.

Hope you're all having a good weekend :)
I could use some hugs right now.

Going through a hard time right now. Basically a broken heart :sigh:

I'm sorry K. Boy broken heart or friend broken heart? Both suck - but I think it's worse if it is a friend. :hug:

Here some JT Larry for you




Oooh, here is the come hither look.....


Kristen, here's a thought to make you smile. I don't know why it never occured to me before...

Watching a close up of Chris Martin's hands playing piano. Imagine how "dexterous" he a guitar player, how skilled he is with his hands
Bahahaa! I am so glad I clicked on that. :lol:

Hey folks :wave: ... :hug:s to anyone who wants one!

The cover band I joined less than six weeks ago played our first gig on Thursday, it went pretty well, all things considered! We thought my bass had something wrong with it last week, as a bad buzzing noise was coming out of the amp, but the guitarist (who offered to fix it) thinks the new cable I bought is to blame.

Hope you're all having a good weekend :)

Glad you liked it! It made me laugh, and that's not always an easy thing to do. :D

Congrats on the gig! :hi5:

I could use some hugs right now.

Going through a hard time right now. Basically a broken heart :sigh:

I'm so sorry to hear this, hon. :hug: I don't have the time right now, as I'm about to head over to a friend's house for breakfast in a little bit, but I'll post some Larry lovin' for you later on today.

Thora, congrats on the job! I love your positive attitude! :up:

Thanks! :) It will be so nice to get out of the house every day and interact with people again.
:hug: For Kristen. Stoopid boys. :angry: (Except for Jj :sexywink: )

I noticed all GR's JT Larrys also included JT Bonos. :wink: She's very thoughtful.

Ali SO COOL about your band! :applaud:

Cool link VP (and Jj ;) ) I have another site bookmarked that also has a bunch of pics saying they made it. I wonder if it's the same company or another that also had a hand in it. I'll have to check, it's been awhile now. :hmm:
Bahahaa! I am so glad I clicked on that. :lol:

Hey folks :wave: ... :hug:s to anyone who wants one!

The cover band I joined less than six weeks ago played our first gig on Thursday, it went pretty well, all things considered! We thought my bass had something wrong with it last week, as a bad buzzing noise was coming out of the amp, but the guitarist (who offered to fix it) thinks the new cable I bought is to blame.

Hope you're all having a good weekend :)

I missed Ali???? And somehow in catching up this morning I missed her post too. Awesome news about the band, Ali! How'd it feel playing for a crowd? Did you get a new cable already?
Miss you!!!
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