PGP: Bono, get yer fine ass in the studio please

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I'm watching a Foo Fighters live in Sydney Harbour dvd from a year ago, in honour of the dream I had earlier this week that Dave Grohl was my boyfriend. But in my dream, it was like he was a former rock star, like he'd given up music in 2000 and was removed from it. He had short hair and no facial hair, but was hotter than hell. We were hanging out with his sister, who was a PhD and her husband. It wasn't sexual, but he was a very good boyfriend, and I woke up feeling happy.

She still occasionally does it, too. It's still funny. :lol:

Poor nervous stinky kitty! :cute:

Do you have a pic of her? I know you've posted pics of Jamie, but I'm not sure about her?

Also, not sure if you're aware of it, but there's a cat thread in Lemonade Stand, full of crazy cat people who would love to see/hear about your cats! I used to be very active in it, but now that I'm working, it's all I can do to keep up on this thread.

People in there gave me a TON of support though, when I first took in our cat/discovered she was pregnant/found myself with 6 tiny newborn kittens. They're great for support and advice. :heart:
I'm watching a Foo Fighters live in Sydney Harbour dvd from a year ago, in honour of the dream I had earlier this week that Dave Grohl was my boyfriend. But in my dream, it was like he was a former rock star, like he'd given up music in 2000 and was removed from it. He had short hair and no facial hair, but was hotter than hell. We were hanging out with his sister, who was a PhD and her husband. It wasn't sexual, but he was a very good boyfriend, and I woke up feeling happy.

omg - Dave Grohl is probably my #3 Rock Star Crush (tied with Sting, go figure) I love him so much!!! Did you see Back and Forth? It just makes me love him more.
Omg. On this dvd, a guy with long, dark hair and a beard who looks very similar to Dave Grohl gets pulled out of the audience and up on stage. Dave Grohl makes remarks about singing a love song to "someone who looks just like me," and then security come for the guy, and Dave is all "no, it's okay, as long as he sits there and promises to go away after I sing the song to him" :lol:
Omg. On this dvd, a guy with long, dark hair and a beard who looks very similar to Dave Grohl gets pulled out of the audience and up on stage. Dave Grohl makes remarks about singing a love song to "someone who looks just like me," and then security come for the guy, and Dave is all "no, it's okay, as long as he sits there and promises to go away after I sing the song to him" :lol:

Is it a bootleg?
omg - Dave Grohl is probably my #3 Rock Star Crush (tied with Sting, go figure) I love him so much!!! Did you see Back and Forth? It just makes me love him more.

I didn't, but I should, thanks for the reminder. They're definitely in my top 10, which includes some pretty lofty company. And I adore the hell out of Dave, I've never had any romantic feelings toward him, but I'd love to have a beer and shoot the shit with him, you know

I've seen them live once, and it was a good, solid rock show, but to be honest, I wasn't wowed. Didn't make me feel the need to run out and see them again, immediately. And also, I've found with their newer material, say, post-2005, I inevitably love it, but it takes time to grow on me, as opposed to their older material, which was an instant love affair. Still, they're probably the most straight on rock band I like, these days.
I didn't, but I should, thanks for the reminder. They're definitely in my top 10, which includes some pretty lofty company. And I adore the hell out of Dave, I've never had any romantic feelings toward him, but I'd love to have a beer and shoot the shit with him, you know

I've seen them live once, and it was a good, solid rock show, but to be honest, I wasn't wowed. Didn't make me feel the need to run out and see them again, immediately. And also, I've found with their newer material, say, post-2005, I inevitably love it, but it takes time to grow on me, as opposed to their older material, which was an instant love affair. Still, they're probably the most straight on rock band I like, these days.

Yeah, they're the only "rock" band that I really love - I mean, new/modern rock band. And yeah, I'd love to hang with DG, and I think that's part of why I'm attracted to him too. The other guitar player isn't so bad either - looks like Dermott Mulroney.
I'm watching a Foo Fighters live in Sydney Harbour dvd from a year ago, in honour of the dream I had earlier this week that Dave Grohl was my boyfriend. But in my dream, it was like he was a former rock star, like he'd given up music in 2000 and was removed from it. He had short hair and no facial hair, but was hotter than hell. We were hanging out with his sister, who was a PhD and her husband. It wasn't sexual, but he was a very good boyfriend, and I woke up feeling happy.

Poor nervous stinky kitty! :cute:

Do you have a pic of her? I know you've posted pics of Jamie, but I'm not sure about her?

Also, not sure if you're aware of it, but there's a cat thread in Lemonade Stand, full of crazy cat people who would love to see/hear about your cats! I used to be very active in it, but now that I'm working, it's all I can do to keep up on this thread.

People in there gave me a TON of support though, when I first took in our cat/discovered she was pregnant/found myself with 6 tiny newborn kittens. They're great for support and advice. :heart:

I have a pic of a her from when she was a baby, but nothing recent... yet.


BTW: she destroyed the entire plant you see hanging on the ceiling. It was one giant vine-like plant, and she ate it. ALL OF IT. :lol:

I very rarely venture out of the PGP; and then I usually stay in PLEBA. *is terrified of the rest of the forum for some reason* :reject:
hey:lol: !!!! Before the song starts, he looks at the guy and says "Awwwkward!" Says for the guy to make himself at home then he asks if the guy needs a beer, gets him one, but the guy already has one, so he say "you've gotta drink that whole thing with me, c'mon!" They drink, Dave tells him to lie down, Dave shares a few more words of wisdom, Dave dedicates the song Up in Arms to "my bearded girlfriend Jim," and they play. :lmao:

I have a pic of a her from when she was a baby, but nothing recent... yet.


BTW: she destroyed the entire plant you see hanging on the ceiling. It was one giant vine-like plant, and she ate it. ALL OF IT. :lol:

I very rarely venture out of the PGP; and then I usually stay in PLEBA. *is terrified of the rest of the forum for some reason* :reject:

I used to have plants. In particular, bamboo. Stupid cats. :angry:

Aw, the cat thread is very welcoming! But if you choose to restrict your cat posts to us, I'll still look forward to them. :)
I used to have plants. In particular, bamboo. Stupid cats. :angry:

Aw, the cat thread is very welcoming! But if you choose to restrict your cat posts to us, I'll still look forward to them. :)

Yea, I can't even have my fake flowers out, as she tends to try to destroy them. :happy:

Here is a pic I just took 5 minutes ago.

I like it in here. :shifty: :D And as long as no one minds the occasional cat-related post, then I'm happy.
Yeah, they're the only "rock" band that I really love - I mean, new/modern rock band. And yeah, I'd love to hang with DG, and I think that's part of why I'm attracted to him too. The other guitar player isn't so bad either - looks like Dermott Mulroney.

I want to go drinking with DG. I've seen David 4 times in my life. 1) with Nirvana in 1991 in a tiny club. 2) 1996 in a converted department store with their first album 3) 2008 when i was 7 months pregnant with my daughter and 4) last fall. I remember 3 and 4 and they kicked ass.
Kitty pictures :cute:! Awwwwwwwww. Cutie!

My mom's friend has tons of cats. I don't know how many, but she's got quite a few. Many of them are strays she's taken in (she's a vet and works with animals, she's always loved them). And I know tons of people who own cats. So those who own many, you're in good company :).

That dream about Dave Grohl sounds interesting, VP! I don't mind the Foo Fighters. I've not seen them live, but they seem like cool guys. And I've heard Dave's been called "the nicest man in rock".

Practically every dream I've had about musicians or actors that I like, I'm watching them on TV. I can do that in real life! Aren't my dreams supposed to be more, I dunno, fun :grumpy:?

I just LOL'd at this because when the assistant went over the different treatment plans they'd come up with (dentures, keeping a few teeth and doing partials, or doing an absurd number of crowns & root canals) my first words were "Wow. NONE of those options sound like any fun." And that was BEFORE I saw the prices. :lol:

:lol: We're on the same mindwave!

I can't imagine what it'd be like to be a dentist.

When we first adopted her, she got into EVERYTHING, (as kittens are wont to do :p), and every time she got in trouble for getting into something she wasn't supposed to, she actually farted. No lie. :lol:

We would be getting mad at her one moment, and the next, we'd be giggling and saying "Ew! Stinky!"


:giggle: That's great.

"wont to do" is a fun phrase :yes:.
Kitty pictures :cute:! Awwwwwwwww. Cutie!

My mom's friend has tons of cats. I don't know how many, but she's got quite a few. Many of them are strays she's taken in (she's a vet and works with animals, she's always loved them). And I know tons of people who own cats. So those who own many, you're in good company :).

She's adorable, isn't she? :cute:

I wanted to be a vet once, but yea.... I can't handle seeing animals in pain. Or dying. It just breaks my heart and I sorta lose it. :reject:

That dream about Dave Grohl sounds interesting, VP! I don't mind the Foo Fighters. I've not seen them live, but they seem like cool guys. And I've heard Dave's been called "the nicest man in rock".

Practically every dream I've had about musicians or actors that I like, I'm watching them on TV. I can do that in real life! Aren't my dreams supposed to be more, I dunno, fun :grumpy:?

:lol: I've had dreams like that, and then I've had dreams like VP's.

Then there are the fun dreams. :shifty:

:giggle: That's great.

"wont to do" is a fun phrase :yes:.

It is a fun phrase! I never get to use it, though.
Angela, yeah, it was weird, in that it wasn't Dave Grohl now, but perhaps my perfect, idealized boyfriend Dave Grohl? :lol: And I think the PhD sister was supposed to be telling me something, too. Thanks subconscious, I know already. :angry:

Tara, 217 posts ago, I'd say!

Night everyone.
It goes by quick, doesn't it, Tara :D?

She's adorable, isn't she? :cute:

I wanted to be a vet once, but yea.... I can't handle seeing animals in pain. Or dying. It just breaks my heart and I sorta lose it. :reject:

I know. Same here. It's like working with animals at shelters and such-I'd love to do that, help animals out, take care of them while they're waiting around to be adopted and such. That part would be fun and I'd be more than happy to do that. But then I'd hear the stories of how some of them wound up there or see some of the animals who've been hurt and abused and whatnot and it'd be all I could do to not hunt down some of the "owners" and beat them upside the head a few dozen times.

She is very adorable. I like the one of her kinda lounging in...what is that, a bag, or something? She looks very comfortable :p (cats pick the WEIRDEST places/things to lay down at. Anytime my mom's stretched out on the couch with a book or a magazine, my cat apparently feels this need to jump up on her lap, and actually take her paws and push down the book or magazine and lay ON it. She does it practically EVERY time. Almost like she's saying, "No, pay attention to me.").

:lol: I've had dreams like that, and then I've had dreams like VP's.

Then there are the fun dreams. :shifty:

I don't get the fun dreams, either :(. I have fun DAYdreams, definitely, but nothing seems to happen at night. The most fun one I can think of that I had involving someone I like was one where my mom and I were sitting in the backseat of a car next to Craig Ferguson, and a couple girls were up front in the passenger/driver's seats (knew them in the dream, no resembelance to anyone I know in real life). Craig was talking about something, I commented to my mom how cute he was being, then I gave him a quick hug around the waist. And he seemed slightly surprised by it. And that was it :shrug:. Yaaaaaaaaaaay.

It is a fun phrase! I never get to use it, though.

Yeah, kind of a shame that in today's world there's not much room for those sorts of phrases. We're living in the wrong time period, I think, sometimes :p.
I want to go drinking with DG. I've seen David 4 times in my life. 1) with Nirvana in 1991 in a tiny club. 2) 1996 in a converted department store with their first album 3) 2008 when i was 7 months pregnant with my daughter and 4) last fall. I remember 3 and 4 and they kicked ass.

:grumpy: Envious.

I mean, I technically could have seen Nirvana. I would have no recollection, but other people would certainly remember a baby screaming her head off :hmm: Ha, no, would not have happened. My mom pretty much put aside concerts way before I was born...

(I like that I randomly entered PGP late night and there just happens to be Dave Grohl sitting in the past few previous posts :giggle:)

How was the JT anniversary, everyone? I actually...did just about everything but listen to that friend tried to explain ska to me, and tried to turn me onto metal and hardcore. Ha. Not working. I did get about halfway through Joshua Tree before that though.

It's break, finally! :hyper: Got to worry about buying food to sustain me until I travel (got about 1/2 a week)...but other than that, YAY BREAK :D I'm so glad it's here
Angela, yeah, it was weird, in that it wasn't Dave Grohl now, but perhaps my perfect, idealized boyfriend Dave Grohl? :lol: And I think the PhD sister was supposed to be telling me something, too. Thanks subconscious, I know already. :angry:

Night everyone.

LOL. Hey, couldn't go wrong with either option, really, right?

Subconscious is fun, isn't it :p?

Night! Sleep well.
Angela, yeah, it was weird, in that it wasn't Dave Grohl now, but perhaps my perfect, idealized boyfriend Dave Grohl? : lol: And I think the PhD sister was supposed to be telling me something, too. Thanks subconscious, I know already. :angry:

Tara, 217 posts ago, I'd say!

Night everyone.

:lol: Yea, I think so! G'night, VP! Sleep well! *sends pleasant dreams vibes*

It goes by quick, doesn't it, Tara :D?
Really, it does. It's weird... I'm so talkative here, and yet, offline, I rarely talk. :shrug:

I know. Same here. It's like working with animals at shelters and such-I'd love to do that, help animals out, take care of them while they're waiting around to be adopted and such. That part would be fun and I'd be more than happy to do that. But then I'd hear the stories of how some of them wound up there or see some of the animals who've been hurt and abused and whatnot and it'd be all I could do to not hunt down some of the "owners" and beat them upside the head a few dozen times.
:yes: That's why I can't even watch those ASPCA commercials... I almost start bawling every time they come on.

She is very adorable. I like the one of her kinda lounging in...what is that, a bag, or something? She looks very comfortable :p (cats pick the WEIRDEST places/things to lay down at. Anytime my mom's stretched out on the couch with a book or a magazine, my cat apparently feels this need to jump up on her lap, and actually take her paws and push down the book or magazine and lay ON it. She does it practically EVERY time. Almost like she's saying, "No, pay attention to me."). .

The first picture I posted of her? That was a pair of my sneakers.

I really loved those sneakers. :sad:
:fist: Stupid mean aunt.

I don't get the fun dreams, either :(. I have fun DAYdreams, definitely, but nothing seems to happen at night. The most fun one I can think of that I had involving someone I like was one where my mom and I were sitting in the backseat of a car next to Craig Ferguson, and a couple girls were up front in the passenger/driver's seats (knew them in the dream, no resembelance to anyone I know in real life). Craig was talking about something, I commented to my mom how cute he was being, then I gave him a quick hug around the waist. And he seemed slightly surprised by it. And that was it : shrug:. Yaaaaaaaaaaay.
I get the fun dreams once in a while, but not nearly as often as I'd like. :angry:

Yeah, kind of a shame that in today's world there's not much room for those sorts of phrases. We're living in the wrong time period, I think, sometimes :p.
Sometimes I think that too, but then I remember "iPods and laptops!" and I realize I couldn't live in any other time period. :p
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