U2 at Hollywood Bowl 10/15/11

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I felt bad about all the "hits" talk Bono was going on about.

They're one of the biggest bands in the world, if not THE biggest band. Over twelve albums they've had a ton of hits.

Just goes to show that they need to get back into the recording studio, especially right now when Bono's voice is so amazing, and get cracking on those more "relevant hits".

I think all the hitz talk was brought on by being in the Gaga and Usher audience (popular radio's present day) hitz churners. Almost like... inferiority complex? Nah...

I think Bono missed being on stage with his bro. His talk was full of chummy brotherly love for the Edge, and when he pointed at Edge during the climax of "One" when he sings "BROTHER", wow, the dam broke!

Is it just me, or did they cut many songs short? I was waiting for the soaring climaxes... which never came. Another influence by the radio crowd present there?
I was surprised by how much I liked A Man and a Woman, considering I don't care for the album version at all.

One was lovely with the strings.

The album version did take me a while to warm up to, but I always found the acoustic alternate version much easier to like. Did you like that one at all before them playing it that way now?
Did I like AMAAW at all, you mean? I don't hate it, but I can't honestly say that I like it. Hardly ever listen to it.
Did I like AMAAW at all, you mean? I don't hate it, but I can't honestly say that I like it. Hardly ever listen to it.

No I just wondered if you already liked it acoustic before at all, since you only mentioned not liking the album version. I always found the acoustic version to be more U2-ish, whereas the album version was a bit jarring to me on HTDAAB, almost UN-U2ish. I really didn't like it at all on the album. (Though I did later appreciate it.)

Edit to add that is if you have ever listened to that version!
There was a previous acoustic version? It rings a slight bell, I guess. I'm sure I must have heard it before, but I'm blanking on what/where it was from. So I guess that would be a no, since it must not have made much of an impression.
Ah ok. It's a B-side to the All Because of You single. It's quite nice and it probably actually helped me warm up to the album version.
brown eyed girl across the street, you mean?

:D Dammit, I'm so embarrassed to call myself a fan... of this song! Yes, that part. It's my favorite part because of how unbelievable high Edge goes!

Maybe I shoud make a contribution to the "often misheard lyrics" thread!

I loooooove A Man and a Woman, it's probably they're most underrated track from AB on. I certainly didn't expect a song they'd never done before, and it sounded great. Hopefully this is a step in the direction b-sides and rarities heavy kind of shows Bono kept blithering on about wanting to do next tour.
Oh, I just caught that comment about Jimmy Iovine's involvement in NLOTH, that was kind of barbed and yeah, the other stuff I was taking as tongue-in-cheek but that really turned my stomach. Come on Bono, forgot the fucking radio.

I seriously hope his talk while reflecting on AB about reinvention and throwing caution to the wind sticks when they get back to the studio.
Last night I decided that I'm sick and tired of overanalyzing everything Bono/U2 says or does*, and therefore I have decided I really don't fucking care what he meant by the "hits" comments last night.

*so why am I still even on this damned site? Oh, that million dollar question ..... ;)
Last night I decided that I'm sick and tired of overanalyzing everything Bono/U2 says or does*, and therefore I have decided I really don't fucking care what he meant by the "hits" comments last night.

I didn't think much of the *hits* comments, he was joking.
Wow! Man and a Woman is easily my favorite U2 song of the post-Achtung era so this was exhilarating to watch.
I didn't think much of the *hits* comments, he was joking.

You should have seen me watching it for the first time last night. He made the first comment, and I got all annoyed at the people who'd been talking about it on the internet. "It was clearly a throwaway comment, a stupid joke! Maybe not a very funny one, but Jesus, get over it!"

And then he made the second "hits" comment, and then I was just annoyed at Bono, so I'm glad I didn't rush to the interwebz to voice my initial bitching.

I think he just puts pressure on himself and that is why he says those things.

Also if anyone wants to put stock in what Bono says don't. He says things that are flippant, or BS, or in the moment. Just let them produce material on their own time. They always deliver the goods.
I think it was half a joke, half serious. To me, it seemed like a bitter comment, not really funny. If Bono meant it to be funny, it just didn't come across like that, at least that's what I think. Maybe he was just intimitated by Lady Gaga's presence on that stage :lol:
Again, most of it I took as usual self-effacing ramble, but the dig at Jimmy Iovine over NLOTH was wholly unprofessional and crass in my opinion. And I'm a huge apologist.
Don't forget that the Hollywood Bowl is in, well Hollywood, and none of the boys have expressed much enjoyment at coming out to these parts due to all the entertainment politicking and the celebrity crap they have to put up with. Who knows what else they did while out in LA, but it wouldn't surprise me if they'd had to put up with at least a few comments along the lines of "loved the latest album, too bad I didn't hear it more often on the radio, you should've had Jimmy more involved, he'd have taken care of the hits," or stuff like that. And thus, after hours of glad-handing and backslapping, he let loose a few slightly biting jokes. I didn't pick up anything mean in it, just the kind of jokes you tell with your mates when you know you're good enough friends to take a bit of chopping-off-at-the-knees.

Just a thought.
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