U2 at Hollywood Bowl 10/15/11

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I watched the replay on Yahoo this morning and God I just love when Bono sings that opera. I wish I could have him sing opera to me and read poetry to me on my deathbed, or just every day of my life. I loved that, it was the magic I've been missing.

Lady Gaga :ohmy: Guess she's not too into protocol :wink:
really liked the string section for the "intransigence is all around" verse for staring at the sun.

now if only they did that on 360°. just shows how easy it would be to swap the acoustic songs in their set.
The lower level of the Bowl is set up with "boxes" of 4 or 6 seats, with fold out tables so you can picnic before the show, either with your own food or you can order ahead and have food delivered to your box. Then you fold your table up, turn your chairs around and watch the show.

Box Seats | Hollywood Bowl Tips

Thank you sir! :up:

Interesting..a "box"ed in picnic..I'm not sure I get it, it seems rather...confining? I dunno..
And taking a dig at Iovine...who would listen to a guy who suggests Trent Reznor work with Timbaland for Year Zero because his beats aren't good enough?? And who is responsible for the Timbaland/Chris Cornell album? Seriously, stay away from that guy. He's an idiot.

A Man And A Woman was decent; none of the other songs did much for me. Miss Sarajevo was OK. They should have played No Line and Cedars. And they should never play One again. It's embarrassing now. And what's with sucking Warlord Hillary's tits?

I think that was a jib at Iovine not a dig. Friendly nudge. Maybe they should work with him again since they are occuppied with getting hits and hanging with Ushers audience.
Downloaded the boot and the video earlier on, which wasn't easy, because my computer continued freezing all the time and tried to make my life tonight unnecessarily hard.

But honestly, what an amazing performance, I found it very very moving. Loved Bono's voice, the intimacy, the whole atmosphere, Edge and Bono duetting on ONE and the orchestra, which was especially lovely. Of course the two surprise tracks were truly great, but I found ONE to be moving and much much better than I had expected,simply because the arrangement was great and Bono sang it with a lot of passion. It reminded me so much of the Warchild concert with Pavarotti, I truly believe it was one of the best versions of One in a very long time.

Great they didn't play any more AB songs, that would have been an ackward way of trying to promote the upcoming release. There were interesting choices and I really think they both did a great job. The Mac Book incident was funny. I just thought: Larry, are you in there? :lol:

And yes, I found it totally irritating that Bono was going on and on about the whole "hits" issue. Maybe it was supposed to be a joke and I just don't get it, but is the man going through a depressive phase or what? That just didn't seem right and if he says something negative about No Line again I might just go to Dublin or wherever he is, sit the guy down and talk a few serious words with him. I'm good at that, I do that all the time and sometimes it helps :wink:
uploaded to U2T:

Bono & The Edge 2011-10-15
Los Angeles (JEMS, Church Audio CA-11 Cardioid Mics>Edirol R-09HR)
Not too sure why you're directing so much spite towards me...I suppose your query is supposed to be an insult of some kind, but it doesn't make any sense, so I'm not going to try to answer it.

I'm not directing spite towards you, way to play the victim card though :up:

However, I think it's extremely hypocritical to thank someone for bringing peace to one country and then, in the next sentence, applaud a lady who voted to go to war in Iraq and is at war with the aforementioned nation, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, and Yemen.

WHO CARES. If you want to talk about politics, please visit FYM. Otherwise stick to what you do best, bitching about u2.

And really...Bono whining about hits? At a fundraiser? Have some dignity, man. Part of me does feel for him though, because U2 have been at it for 30 years and just when it seems like they might get some commercial success, just when it seems like they might poke through into the mainstream - if only for a moment - they fall right back into the cold arms of the underground. I can see where he's coming from.

I'm sure Bono will sleep better tonight knowing part of you does feel for him. Maybe you missed the part of the performance where Bono jokingly referred to Edge and himself as the "tall good looking ones" (of u2). I suspect he was joking quite a bit here....to include talking about "hits". Afterall, how can a song that was never released as a single, or never intended to be played on the radio, be considered a hit? I suspect you missed out on that, because, like a lion patiently awaiting her pray, you saw an opportunity to pounce with your typical u2 bashing. And this has been your M.O. from the day you joined this forum. Everyone knows this, no need to search through your posts to see it. Personally i am all for being open minded and free thinking, not conforming to the rest of the crowd just for the sake of doing so. Yet you have taken this act to the extreme time and time again, for reasons unknown. I can think of 100 bands i don't particularly care for but i don't have the time or desire to find a website and register just to stir up shit and ridicule the band, their fans, etc. Life is too short, and quite enjoyable if you live it right.

The only thing that has changed about your posting habits this year is you have refrained from talking about Radiohead so much, also part of your defensive strategy is you always end with at least one positive thing about u2 or one song that you "like" by them which is supposed to make you seem as though you don't completely hate the band...or that you are not just trolling for kicks.

A Man and A Woman sounded great.

^ case in point ^
What was that percussion thing during Staring at the Sun last night? During the Intransigence part.

Probably Edge's laptop. But it sounds awesome. This is a really, really cool arrangement. Given more rehearsal, it would be incredible.
I thought I saw some members of the string section knocking the back of their instruments during that part, but I could be mistaken.
I thought I saw some members of the string section knocking the back of their instruments during that part, but I could be mistaken.

That is exactly what it was. I can't be certain, because I was not there, but the sounds sounded like what some bass players do by knocking the side of their instrument. There are also special bows they can use to produce different more "experimental" sounds. If you have ever heard the theme opening credits to Sherlock Holmes, this is a good example of what sounds can come from a bass. So anyway, that is why I loved SATS, the sounds in that middle section were awesome!

Who is this Jessie person that AMAAW was dedicated to?
Why no ultra-high falsetto "Round I go across the stream"? I'm sure Edge could have done it! :sad:
hand0lotion said:

Who is this Jessie person that AMAAW was dedicated to?
Why no ultra-high falsetto "Round I go across the stream"? I'm sure Edge could have done it! :sad:

He said chelsie -clinton-
Thanks. Oh yeah, she got married not too long ago right? Probably wishing her fidelity of her husband (joka, y'all, joke)

WOW. Bono's voice is so strong. Love the improvised/ new verse. And kudos to B for not using a teleprompter for this one. Hillary Clinton and the little girl were so lucky to have been serenaded during this!
I was surprised by how much I liked A Man and a Woman, considering I don't care for the album version at all.

One was lovely with the strings.
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