Interference Random Music Talk Part XVIII - In Which GAF Listens to Sex Church

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Chace Crawford is not Justin Bieber.

Nor is he Justine Bieber.

He may, however, be R. Luke Dubois and also the lost member of Sex Church.
Ha ha ha! I love it, but just to be clear: Sex Church is actually a really good/promising band, and 6 Songs by Sex Church is a beast of a record. Black Angels fans should enjoy it. Laz, too.
I actually did rock that Sex Church album and, surprise surprise, really liked it. Looking forward to getting more spins in.

Thanks, old bean.
For sure. And the Black Angels segue made perfect sense, even if they're far from the same band. Good stuff though, for sure. Between this and the drunk Ewoks, you're on a hot streak. I'm gonna put it on the iPhone and rock it in my soon-to-be-soul-crushing cubicle tomorrow to kill some time.

Listen to the man, Martha. This shit's right up your alley.
Why is Sex Church now a meme? They were an incredibly solid recommendation.
How's work going, fucko?

I'm wiped the fuck out. Praying we get out early tomorrow, which is not at all like me. But, it's going well. I suspect it will just be the 3.5 months and then I'll be moving on, but I'm going to make the most of my time in the area.

Thanks for asking.

And how was day 2?
It's a funny name, it's a Shouter suggestion, and he presented it to GAF as, "Have you checked out that Sex Church record yet, bitch?" which GAF was thoroughly entertained by.

In the words of The Blum, I like it.

Anecdote: I drive by a sign for The Bluhm County Park every day, and it has become so commonplace that I now read it as The Bluhm Memorial County Park every day.

Every day when I drive by the Spoken Word Faith Center, I always read it as the No Spoken Words Faith Center. But I think I've shared that anecdote before.
Do you know that somebody tagged an old, busted up sign across the street from the Jefferson Park CTA with "NSW"?
Like, this has been there for at least two years, at this point. Or had been, as of a few weeks ago. I cannot believe I never mentioned it.
Any self-respecting company frees their worker bees early before holiday weekends. Here's hoping you can fly and be free before 2:00, little junebug. :hug:

I heard some of the little gossipy people whispering today, fully expecting NOT to be let out early. The fact is, I can waltz the fuck out whenever I like, but would prefer if everyone got let go. Regardless, it's not typical of me to think along those lines.
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