Question for the Ladies

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I don't personally think that Bono's appeal has anything to do with the fact that he's well known.
If this walked by me on some street...

I would whirl around and follow him!

If this walked by me on some street...

I would whirl around and follow him!


Physically speaking, I think he's the most beautiful man I've ever seen :love:
But it's also his personality that makes him so endearing.

I'm still looking for a boy who looks like him :wink: No luck yet :grumpy:
Poor GG, must have had whiplash in Ireland! But I know what you mean about the accents. :faint:

:reject: Sometimes I just asked one of the salesmen or waiters to repeat themselves just to hear their accent again. And I went to ask a guy for directions even when I knew the way.

:angel: Well it's not everyday you're in Ireland right!!
You girls are so mean, posting the sexiest pictures of B, it's impossible to say "no" :lol:

But honestly, I think the reason I'd turn my head for them would be because they look like the guys in U2 :D

I saw someone looking like Adam recently and I just watched that guy. I don't think I would have looked if I didn't know Adam, the guy in U2. So it's impossible to make an objective statement here.

If Bono was unknown and just a guy sitting next to me in a bar, but behaving, talking, moving, looking like Bono, without being famous, I certainly would look, because he has that "certain something", famous or not. There are little things I find attractive and interesting about a man like him and I look for that in "regular" guys as well.

And that voice .... I think it's also a factor, because I adore Bono's speaking voice and would really listen up when I hear someone with a voice like that, even if he was just a guy on the street and not a famous singer.
You girls are so mean, posting the sexiest pictures of B, it's impossible to say "no" :lol:

But honestly, I think the reason I'd turn my head for them would be because they look like the guys in U2 :D

I saw someone looking like Adam recently and I just watched that guy. I don't think I would have looked if I didn't know Adam, the guy in U2. So it's impossible to make an objective statement here.

If Bono was unknown and just a guy sitting next to me in a bar, but behaving, talking, moving, looking like Bono, without being famous, I certainly would look, because he has that "certain something", famous or not. There are little things I find attractive and interesting about a man like him and I look for that in "regular" guys as well.

And that voice .... I think it's also a factor, because I adore Bono's speaking voice and would really listen up when I hear someone with a voice like that, even if he was just a guy on the street and not a famous singer.

He's very charismatic. I think that might be a big factor too :yes:
The je ne sais quoi :D
Oh, definably, He always has pretty face, nice smile.
And Since I'm short I prefer short guys:lol:
I would look around to watch.
My answer is yes, and I'll tell you why. For me it's the nose :drool: Both Bono and Edge got 'em, and I like 'em.

I and that picture meet again. I try to avoid it, because it means I'm going to be completely no-functional for the rest of the day :wink:

There goes the rest of my day!!! And I like it :D
^I agree with all your pictures of The B man, I also agree that I would definatly look if Paul Hewson or David Evans were walking by or having coffee at at the local Starbucks, and yes I would just look thinking of course that they might be married (uh not to each other---well unless I saw them in the West part of Hollywood).
If I heard their accents Yes that would also make me intrested, I might even try to initiate a conversation, or would not deny a conversation if they initiated it. :)
Being that these 2 hotties (AND I REALLY DO MEAN THAT!!) are very public figures and have been most of their lives it is hard for me to imagine Edge working @ a bank (like he mentioned in IMGL) or Bono working construction/contractor, but If they were I'd look. :D

**I have liked Bono since the 80's. I saw him and said " I WILL FOLLOW"!!

are we posting pictures to show what a great looking guy Bono is :shifty:





^I would look at this guy If I didnt know him!!:love:
I'm a sucker for guys like Bono. I've heard several times from my best friend when I get this funny look on my face, she always asks, "You find that man strangely attractive, don't you?"

And don't even get me started on the guy at the bar that is this awesome mix of Alan Rickman and our dear Adam. Holy hell I'd nail that guy to the wall in a second.
Pfft, I would!

If Adam looked like he does now and was just a regular joe, I'd totally sneak a peek at him. :wink:
I would probably turn my head if I saw the "unknown Bono" walking in the street.
The difference is that, being the singer of my favourite band in the WHOLE world, I can't take my eyes off of him!! :love: (The same with Adam, Larry and Edge :heart:)
In fact, I feel weird when I think: 'I'm mad about 4 irish guys who have the same age as my dad!!'
But after all... I'm proud of it!!

:bono: + :larry: + :edge: + :adam: = :love: :drool: :cool: :rockon: :bow: :loveshower: x100000000000000000000

So, answering to your question: yes!!!
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