Omicron Persei 8, Superthread

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Batshit insane mountainside castle's reflection in the Kunstmuseum in TWILIGHT TWILIGHT TWILIGHT TWILIGHT.

I wonder if I could walk from the west border of Liechtenstein to the east border in a day? :hmm:
I wonder if I could walk from the west border of Liechtenstein to the east border in a day? :hmm:

Yep, it's doable. North-south could even be done if you've got good legs and don't get distracted by KUNSTMUSEUM and MOUNTAINS and places with AMAZING ROESTI AND BRATWURST.
The screen on my laptop just snapped off...I think I might need a new one...

Either that or its just more portable now, or maybe less? :shrug:

John, I'm starting to write about little earthquakes, or I'm in the planning stages at the moment. So I'll hopefully have something submitted after I get enough time to do thangs.
Honestly, it's such a respectable little country. More so than Luxembourg?
Either that or its just more portable now, or maybe less? :shrug:

John, I'm starting to write about little earthquakes, or I'm in the planning stages at the moment. So I'll hopefully have something submitted after I get enough time to do thangs.

well it's certainlu easier to move the screen around, a tad harder to stay in place...I think I should go into the city centre and scout out prices and specs, I need something capable of being awesome

I look forward to reading it when it's done :)
Yep, it's doable. North-south could even be done if you've got good legs and don't get distracted by KUNSTMUSEUM and MOUNTAINS and places with AMAZING ROESTI AND BRATWURST.

Well, too bad for me. Because i'll stay for teh Kunstmuseum!
Ew, bratwurst.
Wait, no, that's not the one with blood in it is it?

Bratwurst is made when disobedient little boys and girls are minced up into sausages.

I hope that answers it.

No, no, it's perfect the way it is! Vaduz is amazing. This supposed capital city ... this is the centre of fucking town:


It seems really nice, just so peaceful and quiet and amidst nature. :up:
It seems really nice, just so peaceful and quiet and amidst nature. :up:

Yeah, it's like a country of lovely little towns.

And they have brilliant bright yellow buses that run everywhere all the time. And one of them goes to BALZERS.


Kicked in the BALZERS.
Oh and just to talk about food a bit more, last time dad made Toad in the Hole, HE PUT BACON IN IT. Bacon wrapped around the sausages. Oh my fucking god, and with onion gravy, I nearly died.
By the way, we're in a Futurama thread. You know, Bender. How has there not been a HOORAY FOR BEER yet?
Man, I just love the town names in the country, Vaduz, Balzers, Triesen. :heart:
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