Barcelona II Setlist Party

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folks, don't get your hopes too high for ES. they only rehearsed it. it may take a couple more soundchecks for them to feel comfortable playing it.
How about they close the first encore with ES

and they do a sound/lights lightning storm at the end culminating in a huge flash/thundering boom... fog all over the stage and the band has disappeared.
Personally I think it was a bad choice to have the Crazy remix before SBS

That's what I thought too after seeing the setlist from last night. However, SBS does have the ability to jump in anywhere on the setlist and shake up the mood dramatically, in a good way.

That being said, the LAPOE/SBS with bono banging on the drums was such a great transition
My first 3 U2 shows did NOT have SBS and I left wanting to strangle a litter of puppies.

Hi ;)
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