Bangkok, Thailand Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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#872. A song by David Byrne sounds like Talking Heads?

#873. Also #873 of this thread. Bonnie shows off her depth of cultural knowledge. We all applaud and drink a Fourex.
Who Posted?
Total Posts: 872
User Name Posts
Axver 318
coolian2 107
Serena Vox 104
liamcool 54
The Sad Punk 53
cinnaminson 41
bono_212 33
mandy1973 32
WildHoney 26
mysterious_jen 26
Varitek 20
Irishteen 17
Galeongirl 16
LemonMelon 11
Lemonchick 5
zuropa_fit 3
DreamOutLoud13 3
Alisaura 2
RegularBonoFan 1

Go Axver, go! :hyper:
I've not had much of one either! My ex was and still is about as nerdy as I am! If not moreso. I mean, come on. We went to museums and shit like that. What is it with nerds? :tsk:

Yes, you are. But I suppose if you want a bottle of wine that much, I can buy you one. :wink:
There's just one problem. The fucking Pacific!

Kate and I used to go to museums. :sigh:

You could buy one on an Aussie booze website and have it delivered to me! :hyper:
#874. Patti Smith is a bint. Though we already knew this after she was trashed when appearing on stage with U2 and caused a gig in NYC to end peculiarly early and on a nonsensical note.

I am too tired to try to be clever. Fuckit why is this thread not done yet?
#875. Interpol almost get redeemed by shoegazers of distinction. Never thought I'd see the day.
#876, Bonnie makes a song title critique that, with appropriate title modification, should be posted on EYKIW every time somebody mentions Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get To The End Of The Title To Get Out Of.
So should've I, Serena. So should've I. But records are made to be broken.
wtf Ax?

Well, exam 1 grades were AWFUL! I didn't bother to compute a class average because it is disgustingly low! So don't feel bad about your grade because no one's exam grade accurately depicts your capability. So don't panic, you can drop your lowest exam grade, there is extra-credit work available plus we'll get your future grades up!
To make sure we get the exam grades up, I'm going to start preparing a study guide. I'll post the study guide for exam 2 on ecollege next week. We'll take a few minutes in class on Monday to discuss exam 1, so be sure to prepare your questions.

:love: I am a failure at Criminal Justice
Oh, and Ashley, what was the WTF for? There's a lot of WTF-worthy stuff happening on this thread right now due to me, you see.
Oh, and Ashley, what was the WTF for? There's a lot of WTF-worthy stuff happening on this thread right now due to me, you see.

I think i figured it out. You're doing a running diary of the thread?
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