OFFICIAL - New Album Delayed Until 2009

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I think this is great news. If their "creative juices" turn out stuff even better than what I've heard from the beach clips then 2009 really will be a great year for U2 and me:)

:hmm: you mean an extra couple months to add and work on material might be beneficial if they are feeling the songwriting mood? how dare you :wink:
Imagine if U2 didn't follow up The Unforgettable Fire until 1989.. That would have been crazy.

But these days it just seems like time is flying by.
I think I found the reason why they decided to delay the release date:

"I noticed that in the past 20 years, whenever the rock group U2 releases an album during a Presidential election year, the Republican candidate wins the election, The Presidential election years with no U2 album releases have been the years the Democratic candidate wins. Here's the chronology:

* 1980 - U2 released its first album "Boy". Ronald Reagan (Republican) won his first term as President.
* 1984 - U2 released the album "The Unforgettable Fire". President Reagan won his second term.
* 1988 - U2 released the album "Rattle and Hum". George Bush (father of President George W. Bush - both Republicans) became president.
* 1992 and 1996 - U2 did not release any albums. William Clinton (Democrat) wins his first and second terms as President.
* 2000 - U2 released the album "All that You Can't Leave Behind". The album even has a song titled "New York"!! George W. Bush is now the President. The trend continues...barely!! I think some U2 fans are named "Chad"!! Maybe the Republicans experience an "Elevation" if a U2 album gets released during a Presidental election year!!:)
* 2004 - U2 released their single 'Vertigo' during the early autumn with a new album coming out in late November. G. W. Bush won re-election.
* 2008 - ????

SYNCTOPIA - Weird Coincidences in My Life and Others I Noticed

So that means, Obama wins!!! :applaud:

I think I found the reason why they decided to delay the release date:

"I noticed that in the past 20 years, whenever the rock group U2 releases an album during a Presidential election year, the Republican candidate wins the election, The Presidential election years with no U2 album releases have been the years the Democratic candidate wins. Here's the chronology:

* 1980 - U2 released its first album "Boy". Ronald Reagan (Republican) won his first term as President.
* 1984 - U2 released the album "The Unforgettable Fire". President Reagan won his second term.
* 1988 - U2 released the album "Rattle and Hum". George Bush (father of President George W. Bush - both Republicans) became president.
* 1992 and 1996 - U2 did not release any albums. William Clinton (Democrat) wins his first and second terms as President.
* 2000 - U2 released the album "All that You Can't Leave Behind". The album even has a song titled "New York"!! George W. Bush is now the President. The trend continues...barely!! I think some U2 fans are named "Chad"!! Maybe the Republicans experience an "Elevation" if a U2 album gets released during a Presidental election year!!:)
* 2004 - U2 released their single 'Vertigo' during the early autumn with a new album coming out in late November. G. W. Bush won re-election.
* 2008 - ????

SYNCTOPIA - Weird Coincidences in My Life and Others I Noticed

So that means, Obama wins!!! :applaud:

Okay, I'll sacrifice a 2008 album release if your theory holds true. Thanks. I feel a bit better now.
This is actually the most promising news out of the U2 camp in years.

This delay is basically the opposite of the Chris Thomas delay. Back then things were not working and they knew the songs were not good enough. They changed things up and started over basically...

This time around it seems there goals are loftier and more grand. From what we heard back in June/July they already have a complete album in the can and ready to excellent one from all reports. The difference this time is that instead of a dearth of material, they are finding "diamonds" in the "darkness" and want to keep going because of ARTISTIC INTEGRITY. Isn't this the U2 we have been missing for nearly a decade or more? Isn't this what we all really want? Suppose they really do come up with even better songs or improve the songs they already have? Won't that be worth it?

You will have this album to enjoy for the rest of your life...getting it a few months earlier is not worth giving up any quality.

I know many are worried about the material being "overcooked" but from the sounds of things they are not so much producing existing material as they are coming up with new and great ideas. And with a mindset of creating something innovative, epic, classic, new, bold...I'm not so much worried about overproduction being an issue.

I agree entirely with this :up: :up:
so....lets think about's september we have september, october, november, december and then probably around january the single will be released? so.....that's 4 and a half basically we have to wait about 5 more months for this album.....well we were already having to wait 3 months for the Nov. 18 date we have been hearing that's only 2 more things have only been extended 2 months? That doesn't seem too bad...

but shit...5 months is soooo daaaaaammmmmnnnn lonnnnngggg this is fucking torture I swear.......:banghead: :banghead:

the other concern this gives me is Bono's it going to be in as good shape as it is now or has been recently? I'm reeeeally praying this turns out much shit could go wrong with this....then again, if we get a 3rd masterpiece, I'll probably die of happiness so we'll see :shrug:

I think I found the reason why they decided to delay the release date:

"I noticed that in the past 20 years, whenever the rock group U2 releases an album during a Presidential election year, the Republican candidate wins the election, The Presidential election years with no U2 album releases have been the years the Democratic candidate wins. Here's the chronology:

* 1980 - U2 released its first album "Boy". Ronald Reagan (Republican) won his first term as President.
* 1984 - U2 released the album "The Unforgettable Fire". President Reagan won his second term.
* 1988 - U2 released the album "Rattle and Hum". George Bush (father of President George W. Bush - both Republicans) became president.
* 1992 and 1996 - U2 did not release any albums. William Clinton (Democrat) wins his first and second terms as President.
* 2000 - U2 released the album "All that You Can't Leave Behind". The album even has a song titled "New York"!! George W. Bush is now the President. The trend continues...barely!! I think some U2 fans are named "Chad"!! Maybe the Republicans experience an "Elevation" if a U2 album gets released during a Presidental election year!!:)
* 2004 - U2 released their single 'Vertigo' during the early autumn with a new album coming out in late November. G. W. Bush won re-election.
* 2008 - ????

SYNCTOPIA - Weird Coincidences in My Life and Others I Noticed

So that means, Obama wins!!! :applaud:

Any chance the Beach Clips were an intentional head fake? Maybe those aren't even the album songs, ie bsides. They knew the album was going to delay but wanted to give the fans something?

Or another angle...they wanted to get fan feedback on some of the stuff they are working on?

If those are B-Sides then I would die happy
so....lets think about's september we have september, october, november, december and then probably around january the single will be released? so.....that's 4 and a half basically we have to wait about 5 more months for this album.....well we were already having to wait 3 months for the Nov. 18 date we have been hearing that's only 2 more things have only been extended 2 months? That doesn't seem too bad...

but shit...5 months is soooo daaaaaammmmmnnnn lonnnnngggg this is fucking torture I swear.......:banghead: :banghead:

I'd be willing to take an avatar bet that we won't see this album out before March.
Atomic Bomb is a near perfect album!



Sorry, couldn't resist.
At least the way things are worded in the article, they really are planning on releasing this "early" in 09.

They stress that repeatedly, "nearly ready for the new year of 2009."

"But early next year people will be able to start hearing what we’ve been doing. We want 2009 to be our year, so we’re going to start making an impression very early on …’

So while this really really sucks for the time being, hopefully it won't be delayed a whole lot and will lead to an even better final product!
Atleast the Spring will bring flowers and new U2

(trying to be overly positive here.....tyring REEEEAL hard now)

Spring also brings allergies! :yuck:

I'm not helping, am I?

Actually, I never keep my avatar for more than a week at a time, so it's like betting a used toothbrush or something.

That's not fair then! :p You wouldn't mind changing your avatar if you lose!
Over production.... just like "Xanax and Wine" become "Fast Cars". Xanax and Wine was soo much better... creatively they pounded that song in the ground. If they can't come up with something great after four years, there's a problem... maybe they are becomeing a little too fat and happy these days...I love those guys and have been a fan forever but its time to put up or shut up... they should'nt talk about the album until it is done... if it is going to be great then there is no need to hype the album.
I'd be willing to take an avatar bet that we won't see this album out before March.

ok so you don't see the album coming out for 7 more months? I doubt matter how optimistic you view this situation, it's just so frustrating! This news actually changed my mood went from a gradually building excitement inside me that has been building for awhile to almost no excitement whatsoever....the only positives we can take from this is Bono's comments about the JT/AB type change in sound, the innovation, the greatness of this record, how they're challenging themselves, etc....but we won't know that for sure until we listen....still very very very very frustrating....The clips don't even seem as exciting now for some reason....but I still hope we get some...actually everything seems a little less exciting at the moment for some reason....I hope this feeling passes....fucking shit, I pray Bono's voice stays the same or gets better...fuck this.
If they plan to listen to us they might as well retire. No way will all of Interference be able to settle on their opinions. And from what I recall for most part it was a positive reaction.

As for that Larry letter, I can still remember seeing the article where he said people would come up to him in the streets and said there were issues with the tickets. No way does the band read sites, least of all him. Their organisation, maybe.

Someone ran into Adam in Dublin 2 years ago and mentioned interference and asked Adam if he was aware of it. He responded "Intereference? Oh, of course".
They know the site. They're on it right now.
ok so you don't see the album coming out for 7 more months? I doubt matter how optimistic you view this situation, it's just so frustrating! This news actually changed my mood went from a gradually building excitement inside me that has been building for awhile to almost no excitement whatsoever....the only positives we can take from this is Bono's comments about the JT/AB type change in sound, the innovation, the greatness of this record, how they're challenging themselves, etc....but we won't know that for sure until we listen....still very very very very frustrating....The clips don't even seem as exciting now for some reason....but I still hope we get some...actually everything seems a little less exciting at the moment for some reason....I hope this feeling passes....fucking shit, I pray Bono's voice stays the same or gets better...fuck this.

The reason you're so disappointed and frustrated is not only because you have to wait, but because there's a strong possibility that everything we've been listening to may not be used in the final product. Outside of that possibility, I can't really see a 4-6 month delay being all that detrimental to the album.
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