PGP: You can just keep your bloody tumbleweeds!!

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That's what I would have thought... but maybe they're going to go all the way back and dig up her ancestry dating to the Roman occupation... :lol:
:ohmy: WOW!

Glad you survived Day 1, Zooey! :hug: "Working on it"... well, I hope they get to the "actually did something and fixed it" stage soon!

ditto! :yes:
:giggle: Lets Ali do Dazz's posting "work" 4 her!

I'm trying to be a total album virgin. I've not so much as glanced sideways at WTAHNN since... well, forever. wink: So it's ignorance all the way for me! :up:
I listened to something a few weeks back......sounded interesting....but it was You Tube embedded .....

.....but :scratch: how to hear the rest of these beach Clips?:hyper:
They can't have links here.

:lol: ALi- this time I'm the reverse of you.
In2004....i had little to no acess to be able to hear some of these things THIS TIME I want "in"!

Oh, I'm not going to listen to absolutely everything, but catch some stuff!:drool:

..................any one :help: on these links thru e-m?
I'm doing pretty well at the moment. Being at art :heart: study & being with you:heart: folks almost always lifts my spirits, tho I was beginning to feel better before i got here.

It's a "beautiful day" outside tho maybe a bit rainy later, but then the next 2 days should alsobe goreous...mid 80's . low Humidity < for a NYC Summer, that iz :D >
I'm an unintentional album virgin.....I've been :| about any U2 related stuff/news since 2005 mainly due to my mother health.
:hug: :hug:
That's bound to affect your enthusiasm... I hope you can enjoy the album when it comes out!

That's because they're all on an all expenses paid trip to Beijing : lol:
:lol: Should have guessed... bad timing on our part.

:giggle: Lets Ali do Dazz's posting "work" 4 her!
Hey, I like this job! What's the pay? :wink:

.....but :scratch : how to hear the rest of these beach Clips?: hyper:
They can't have links here.
If you poke your head in the WTAHNN forum, I'm sure some people in there have links. You might have to PM or email someone, not sure.

:lol : ALi- this time I'm the reverse of you.
In2004....i had little to no acess to be able to hear some of these things THIS TIME I want "in"!

Oh, I'm not going to listen to absolutely everything, but catch some stuff!: drool:

In 2000, I was online here for all the hype and anticipation, except my net connection was so crap that I couldn't get the clips (or that studio webcam) to work... and I never saw anything on the webcam anyway, cos it was always too early in the morning over there when I looked.

Of course, when ATYCLB came out, I was kinda disappointed... :reject: It's my least-favourite U2 album. :reject: :reject:

I missed all the pre-Bomb hype completely cos I wasn't posting here during that time... someone gave Bomb to my for my birthday that year, but I didn't even listen to it for months. Too scared... :lol: But I like the album a lot now.

So, given that I love all of U2's other albums, which came out before I was a fan and knew about the online community and could follow the hype, I've decided I'm better off pretending that there is no hype, and knowing nothing about the album until I can go buy it. :D

I'm gonna go see the Australian U2 Show on Friday night... :D Haven't seen them since U23D came out here!

??? What's that? Is it a cover/tribute band or somethin'?

Still ignorin' the beach clips. But it is a bit tempting. :hmm: I want to hear that first single by chance on the radio and I want to go out on my lunch hour the day the album comes out and put it on the sound system in my theatre! :hyper: NOVEMBER is sooooooo far away!!

So anyway. Work? totally overrated. Work, FTL. :down:
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