PGP: You can just keep your bloody tumbleweeds!!

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Hey Molly, if you haven't already, go check the posts on the First Aid thread on the Ravelympics board since you posted there this afternoon... ;)
??? What's that? Is it a cover/tribute band or somethin'?
Yeah, tribute band. This fake-Bono has a passing resemblance to the real Bono, so that always helps. They're really good. :up:

So anyway. Work? totally overrated. Work, FTL. :down:
I concur wholeheartedly. :hug:

work = :madspit:

Holy Hell - the sky just cracked open. Lightning everywhere - rain so loud on the roof :yikes:

Wantz proper storm... it's been a while.

They made a bunch of us move desks at work today... I want my old spot back! And I can't alt+tab on this PC I have in the new spot... it was driving me nuts all day.

:hug:s for all!
at the risk of sounding stooopid, which is a risk I take ALLL the time, what does alt+tab do for a girl? :durr:


Drea and Molly, how are the 'lympics coming for you two?
GG, just take a pic of it, pleeeeeeeeeze! You could take it off for just a second, right?

The storm knocked out the power right after I posted last night. It was the first time that happened for my son - he was properly freaked! And it got soooooo hot w/o fans or A/C. All is well now and the desert is green today!

Drea and Molly, how are the 'lympics coming for you two?

I fail. I go home. 'Sokay, I got bigger fish to fry at the moment and I need knitting to be a stress reliever, not a source of stress. I can't really tell you all here what all is going on in my life right now, this being the internetz and all, but I CAN ask that you keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers, if you're the praying kind, over the next week.

Things are either going to be good or very, very bad. Right now I'm just sort of stumbling through the days, trying to keep it together and just....hold onto love, I guess.


I can't really tell you all here what all is going on in my life right now, this being the internetz and all, but I CAN ask that you keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers, if you're the praying kind, over the next week.

Things are either going to be good or very, very bad. Right now I'm just sort of stumbling through the days, trying to keep it together and just....hold onto love, I guess.

Hang in there. We're here for ya no matter what. :hug:
at the risk of sounding stooopid, which is a risk I take ALLL the time, what does alt+tab do for a girl? :durr:

well, it makes you able to switch trough active applications on the pc... for example: I have a msn chat window open, one internet open and say, my documents... that's 3 active applications... the one on top is now msn, I hit alt and tab, and now the one on top is internet explorer, hit alt tab again, and my documents gets on top... hit it again and msn will be on top again and so on :) it's useful for people at work who usually have something to hide :wink: like msn or myspace or such..
well, it makes you able to switch trough active applications on the pc... for example: I have a msn chat window open, one internet open and say, my documents... that's 3 active applications... the one on top is now msn, I hit alt and tab, and now the one on top is internet explorer, hit alt tab again, and my documents gets on top... hit it again and msn will be on top again and so on :) it's useful for people at work who usually have something to hide :wink: like msn or myspace or such..

ah ha! Thank you for enlightening me, GG!! :hug:
How I've managed to not know about that little shortcut for so long I don't kow, but it's very handy. :up:
Or you can get a mac and one of those mice with the cool little squeezy buttons on the side that does the same thing :love: Best. Feature. Ever.

:lol: I don't have that on my mac, being a Macbook. Talking of computers though someone at work asked how to screen print ( the button for it wasn't working and theres another way at work to do it). I was like :shrug: if you had a mac i could do it. :lmao:

Just a fly by post. Going to craigs soon. Work sucked. :grumpy::banghead:

Hope everyone is ok and has a good weekend.
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