Belcher Islands, Nunavut Superthread

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by Slim Newton

Aww I read that as Redneck on the Toilet Seat and I had a picture all ready to post :sad:

Ah why not!


Funny song though
:lol::lol: who's face is that. your momma's?


ETA: It was something that came up in the Temple Bar once, but for the life of me Idon't remember the story. For some reason though ti made me shop a picture of Bono on the toilet as a hillbilly eating a chalupa
Have a good one, cin! :wave:

Oh, and yes, I do actually recognise the meatball one. But not the others.
Have a good one, cin! :wave:

Oh, and yes, I do actually recognise the meatball one. But not the others.

The true question though, is, does the five little ducks song make you inexplicably feel like crying?
The true question though, is, does the five little ducks song make you inexplicably feel like crying?

It makes me wonder why some of these children's songs are so sad! Do parents want to scar their kids for life or something?
It makes me wonder why some of these children's songs are so sad! Do parents want to scar their kids for life or something?

I would think we were supposed to understand that the ducks grow up and fly on their own if it weren't for the DEPRESSING funeral procession esque way I saw it presented on Barney.,
Wow, it seems even when my tastebuds are fucked up, chocolate does not stop being delicious.
*wanders back out from photoshopland* :shifty:

i've been waiting for you to show up all night

My mom said she'd help me buy the Madden PSP when it came out on Monday (my PSP has been fucked for the last two years), and I really only care d to get a new one so I could finally play Final Fantasy Tactics again (possibly my favorite video game of all time, the only one I really get ridiculously excited about), and today, we went into Game Crazy, because I couldn't wait to have it any longer, even if I didn't have a PSP to play it on, AND MOM PAID FOR MY PSP! She bought it completley for me for my birthday, so I don't have to pay for it atall! Can't pick it up til 12:am on Tuesday, when Madden's officially released (it's the Madden bundle pack) but I am so f'ing excited, I can't wait to play Tactics again, since I never beat it before (it was too hard at my young age)
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