Crapaud, Prince Edward Island Superthread

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:love: did you see the episode where they did that for this old man? it was awesome!

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. The only thing about that cake, my dad and I both actually thought, was that if they were making it for an older man, they definitely should not have put the stadium lights on the cake, and they went through a lot of hassle to make sure those lights were there :giggle:
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. The only thing about that cake, my dad and I both actually thought, was that if they were making it for an older man, they definitely should not have put the stadium lights on the cake, and they went through a lot of hassle to make sure those lights were there :giggle:
:giggle: i know!

It actually REALLY bugged my dad, which I found hilarious since he doen't REALLY like the Cubs, more just follows them because Brittany and I do. Anyways, he kept saying "Old people HATE the fact that those lights exist." "Why Are they putting the lights on there!" "If They're having such a hard time, leave 'em off!" and I just laughed my ass of XD
I want to buy fancy cake decorating tools now.

But I'd stay away from fondant. It tastes okay, but it looks like playdough. Also, I don't like anything extra detracting from the delicious flavour of my homemade frosting :drool:
I want to buy fancy cake decorating tools now.

But I'd stay away from fondant. It tastes okay, but it looks like playdough. Also, I don't like anything extra detracting from the delicious flavour of my homemade frosting :drool:

OH my God. My aunt put Fondant bows on my mom's Wedding cake, and I had no idea HOW sweet that stuff was, and I took like this HUGE bite of one of them. I felt like vomiting from the sugar.
It actually REALLY bugged my dad, which I found hilarious since he doen't REALLY like the Cubs, more just follows them because Brittany and I do. Anyways, he kept saying "Old people HATE the fact that those lights exist." "Why Are they putting the lights on there!" "If They're having such a hard time, leave 'em off!" and I just laughed my ass of XD
Hi folks! :wave:

Awesome, you made it to a new thread in my absence. :up:
Welcome back Ax.

Do you start back to uni tomorrow? I thought I saw someone say you did.
Even that's too sweet for me. I have a very low tolerance for sweet food. I'll never understand why I'm so overweight :lol:
yeah, i hear you. for cake, i usually don't put too much icing on it. too much and you can't even taste the cake!

and i'd much rather have a savoury snack than a sweet one. like chips and salsa :drool:
yeah, i hear you. for cake, i usually don't put too much icing on it. too much and you can't even taste the cake!

and i'd much rather have a savoury snack than a sweet one. like chips and salsa :drool:

Chips and Dip are my fatal flaw. God why are they so delicious?!
Yep. Long day too, 10am to 3:45pm.

... OK, long by my lazy Arts student standards.

Ah that is kinda long, especially since you don't live on campus, and have that big break in there don't you?

I should go see what my schedule next semester looks like. I've completely forgot.
Also, folks, I really do not recommend carrying 10 litres of drinks plus other miscellaneous groceries home. Especially when you have photophobia and have to walk into the afternoon sun, i.e. completely blind.
Ah that is kinda long, especially since you don't live on campus, and have that big break in there don't you?

I should go see what my schedule next semester looks like. I've completely forgot.

Yeah, but almost nobody lives on campus here - and most of those who do are international students. I find it kind of bizarre how many people do in the US. I have a two hour break, but it's not too bad really. U-Wen's also got a break then, so I imagine we'll grab lunch and go to the free concert that's held at uni every Tuesday. If it were closer to a 3 hour break, I'd have time to come home and sit around for 1, 1.5 hours and have lunch here, but it's not worthwhile on a 2 hour break.
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