Hooker Corner, Indiana Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Heh. Maybe I might listen once out of curiosity then.

Also, is this little corner of the Internet a bit unique in its hatred of Fix You or something? Because to me, it's the definition of just about everything wrong with music and a reference point for future crap. But I've recently encountered some references to Fix You as a good song, apparently with no trace of irony or sarcasm. And that worries me. What the fuck, people.

On the Simpsons forum I go to, a number of the people in the Coldplay thread there named Fix You as one of the band's best songs. When someone was wondering why they didn't care for it, I responded:

It's probably because the lyrics are an abomination, clearly aimed at 16 year-old girls.

Spread the word. It's a shit song.
On the Simpsons forum I go to, a number of the people in the Coldplay thread there named Fix You as one of the band's best songs. When someone was wondering why they didn't care for it, I responded:

Spread the word. It's a shit song.

Oh my God. I could see a Simpsons forum being EXACTLY like Inteference...no one really likes the show all that much anymore, so they just talk about everything else, and wait with baited breath for something good to happen
On the Simpsons forum I go to, a number of the people in the Coldplay thread there named Fix You as one of the band's best songs. When someone was wondering why they didn't care for it, I responded:

Spread the word. It's a shit song.

Fix You ... Coldplay's best song?

No, my brain refuses to process this. It's just stalling.

After all, it's clearly aimed at 16 year old girls. Whiny pseudo-emo 16 year old girls. Who sit on their bed with a teddy bear and cry. Because their mother won't let them get a top they want. IT'S ALL SO UNFAIR.
Oh my God. I could see a Simpsons forum being EXACTLY like Inteference...no one really likes the show all that much anymore, so they just talk about everything else, and wait with baited breath for something good to happen

You're correct, actually. The people in the A/V section (music, movies, etc.) are largely the most painfully hip folks imaginable and never discuss the show at all, looking on those who do with scorn.
the second was Speed of Sound, but that has a lot to do with the fact that the first time I heard it on hte radio, I swore up and down that it was a U2 song I didn't know, and only weeks later did i find out it was Coldplay

:lol: That's a pretty damning indictment of Speed Of Sound!
After all, it's clearly aimed at 16 year old girls. Whiny pseudo-emo 16 year old girls. Who sit on their bed with a teddy bear and cry. Because their mother won't let them get a top they want. IT'S ALL SO UNFAIR.

You're correct, actually. The people in the A/V section (music, movies, etc.) are largely the most painfully hip folks imaginable and never discuss the show at all, looking on those who do with scorn.

Oh my God. I could see a Simpsons forum being EXACTLY like Inteference...no one really likes the show all that much anymore, so they just talk about everything else, and wait with baited breath for something good to happen

Given how shit the last nine or so seasons of the Simpsons and the last two U2 albums have both been (and somehow that covers a similar timeframe), I can definitely see it being similar to Interference.
Given how shit the last nine or so seasons of the Simpsons and the last two U2 albums have both been (and somehow that covers a similar timeframe), I can definitely see it being similar to Interference.

The people there are more asshole-ish though.

Or maybe folks here just seem kinder to me because I'm one of them. Hmm.
Honest to God, there have only been two times where I thought Coldplay was ripping off U2 . The first was a b-side (and I'm ashamed to admit I started a thread in EYKIW about it) the second was Speed of Sound, but that has a lot to do with the fact that the first time I heard it on hte radio, I swore up and down that it was a U2 song I didn't know, and only weeks later did i find out it was Coldplay

For all the people who thought Speed Of Sound sounds like U2, I really want to make a thread saying U2 is ripping off Kate Bush. I mean Speed of Sound is so heavily influenced by Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush.
OH ... GOD ...

*points at the Coldplay thread and has no words*
For all the people who thought Speed Of Sound sounds like U2, I really want to make a thread saying U2 is ripping off Kate Bush. I mean Speed of Sound is so heavily influenced by Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush.

I'm sure that would go over really well. :lol: :wink:
Uhh...I haven't missed an episode. The average rating for me is about a 5/10 or 6/10 though.

Some of the very latest episodes I've seen haven't seemed quite as bad as the darkest days a few seasons ago.

But still, I don't know why you'd subject yourself to every episode. Not after some of the recent stupid scenes and plots they've had.
Some of the very latest episodes I've seen haven't seemed quite as bad as the darkest days a few seasons ago.

But still, I don't know why you'd subject yourself to every episode. Not after some of the recent stupid scenes and plots they've had.

After you've seen 14 seasons, it's hard to just stop there. Plus, there are usually a handful of low A, high B episodes per season.
After you've seen 14 seasons, it's hard to just stop there. Plus, there are usually a handful of low A, high B episodes per season.

I stopped! I used to watch the Simpsons every time they aired an episode, no matter what it was. Stopped in about 2004.
I stopped! I used to watch the Simpsons every time they aired an episode, no matter what it was. Stopped in about 2004.

I probably should have too. Season 15 was alright, season 16 was very good, season 17 and 18 were mind-numbingly average, and this most recent one wasn't terrible.
For all the people who thought Speed Of Sound sounds like U2, I really want to make a thread saying U2 is ripping off Kate Bush. I mean Speed of Sound is so heavily influenced by Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush.

Like I said, it's not like I heard it, knew it was Coldplay, and said "Ugh, way to rip of U2." I heard the song and thought it was U2. I don't even know how I did that now.
Morning All :wave:

Hey Ax, East Link just opened today....and the police have already made their first Speeding Fine!.....Some 18 year old doing 135km/h in a 100 Zone :lol:
LM, believe it or not, the very first forum I ever registered on was a Simpsons forum. Not sure what one now! This was back in 2002, the week I first got the Internet. I didn't even understand how messageboards worked, so I asked my friend to explain it to me and he said it was too difficult and I shouldn't waste my time on messageboards anyway. So I never actually posted and it wasn't until about another month or two later that I registered at another forum and figured out my friend was wrong on the dfficulty count. Whether I shouldn't waste my time on messageboards, however ...
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