Romney to be Katrina Czar? also, Rove's pick for GOP candidate 2008?

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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 4, 2003
the West Coast
if so, it looks like we know who Rove's 2008 pic will be (and it isn't McCain):

Romney 'On Short List' To Lead Katrina Recovery

Jon Keller

(CBS4) BOSTON As the White House gears up for the massive job of rebuilding hurricane-stricken areas, there's been talk of bringing in someone like Governor Mitt Romney to oversee the project. And CBS4 News has learned there may be more to that than just talk.

He rescued the 2002 Winter Olympic Games from scandal, and made millions turning failing businesses into winners.

No wonder an Alabama senator put Romney's name in as a possible player in the post-Katrina reconstruction. And now it appears the White House is interested as well.

“It's an honor to have some people suggest that I should be a possible candidate to lead a reconstruction effort in New Orleans, but I'm happy being governor,” Romney told CBS4 Political Analyst Jon Keller.

For a guy who claims disinterest in the job, Governor Romney seems to have given it a lot of thought.


And two top Republican sources tell CBS4 News that GOP officials have made tentative inquiries about Romney's availability to help guide the recovery. Romney aides say they're unaware of any such contact. But our source says while no offer has been made, Romney is “on everyone's short list for the job.”

Meanwhile, Romney maintains it won't happen, as emphatically as someone can without flatly saying "no."

When asked if he could refuse a direct request from the president to become involved, Romney answered, ”you know, I spoke some time ago with Andy Card and said ‘I'm here for my full term, don't come to me prior to my four full years in this term and, if I'm elected again, another four years.’”
Romney would take it, if offered. It's a tradition that all GOP governors bail on Massachusetts before their terms are up.

This guy is from Massachusets? Interesting. There's a little mini-controversy brewing here about the NY Governor's race for '08. Pataki has decided not to run for a 4th term--the rumor is he has Presidential aspirations. (Get in line buddy. With Guliani in the mix you won't have a snowflake's chance in hell). The projected Democratic runner for Gov, Attourney General Eliot Spitzer, is HUGELY popular, even among state GOP'ers, not the least becuase of his long history of citizen consumer groups activism. and anti corporate corruption trials. He's made anational rep on this. Some of you may have read his famous report on corruption in the NY ticket business back in the spring. Some say that if the election today, Spitzer would win in a heartrbeat.

The prospect of NY again going Blue has Karl Rove so spooked that he has persuaded a former Republican governor (Romney's predecessor, apparently) to come out of retirement to run against Spitzer. He is a moderate, and as he was bern and raised in NY State would be eligable to run. Apparently Rove beleives he can win agsinst Spitzer. If he does, he'd be the first 2-state governor since Texas's Sam Houston 150 yrs ago.

My concern is that Spitzer might make the same mistake Texas Governor Kathleen what's her name made--being too gentlemany and not getting down and dirty like Rove relishes doing. They are alike. Amd we know by now how Rove works. He resorts to outright lies if necessary. And more importantly, no candidate he has worked for has ever lost.

That may be a little factor in Romney possibly leaving Mass.....
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Teta040 said:
My concern is that Spitzer might make the same mistake Texas Governor Kathleen what's her name made--being too gentlemany and not getting down and dirty like Rove relishes doing. They are alike. Amd we know by now how Rove works. He resorts to outright lies if necessary. And more importantly, no candidate he has worked for has ever lost.

for what it's worth, we've interviewed Spitzer and worked with his people on a documentary, and from what we learned about him and his background, the man is set to be a *major* Democrat over the next 10 years. he's brilliant, and generally decent (as politicans go), and the deal he cut wtih Wall Street post-telecom bubble crash should let you know all you need about him as a politicans -- he got to tout $1.5B in fines as a major accomplishment, yet no one went to jail.

from a left-wing standpoint, a sell-out.

from a political standpoint, genius.

the man is a player, and i think we're looking at a 2012/2016 presidential candidacy, depending on a million-and-one different factors.
While I do not agree with Romney on everything....I do not believe has been a terrible governor either.
Dreadsox said:
While I do not agree with Romney on everything....I do not believe has been a terrible governor either.

That's because he doesn't have to do anything. He can get paid to take a nap, since the Legislature can do whatever it wants.

Teta040 said:

The prospect of NY again going Blue has Karl Rove so spooked that he has persuaded a former Republican governor (Romney's predecessor, apparently) to come out of retirement to run against Spitzer. He is a moderate, and as he was bern and raised in NY State would be eligable to run. Apparently Rove beleives he can win agsinst Spitzer. If he does, he'd be the first 2-state governor since Texas's Sam Houston 150 yrs ago.

That would be William Weld.
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