Wild Irish Rose...

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Dorian Gray

Sep 4, 2001
Nova Scotia
Was a cd ever released with this beautiful song on it? Or was it only ever on that tv show?

Pictures in grey...
I don't think theres any cd out there with it.
I wish they would record an uniterrupted version!

"We got no style...swagger...but no style"
Yeah me too!
I've only ever heard two versions:
one where Bono speaks at the beginning and then a narrator speaks later,
and one version with just Bono, thats more or less uninterupted I suppose.

Pictures in grey...

[This message has been edited by Dorian Gray (edited 10-01-2001).]
Maybe if the box set sees the light of day we may get a version without any comments on it.

Not for me.. thats one song that I should have put in that 'songs that you could have last forever' thread.

Pictures in grey...
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