Ewan McGregor covers Running To Stand Still

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ONE love, blood, life
Jun 20, 2000
southern california
I was watching his show on Bravo out of boredrom and in the episode I saw he started playing acoustic guitar for people and was singing Running To Stand Still, and he knew the words and stuff. I guess he's a fan!

It was actually quite nice.
When is that show on? I keep missing it

Thanks for the link Queen Bee, you always know how to help the ladies out :D

He could read the phone book and I'd thoroughly enjoy it
Thanks Queen Bee.

Ewan, besides being a ridiculously talented actor (thank God he's in the new "Star Wars" films otherwise they would be horrid), is also a great singer. Listen to him not only in "Moulin Rouge" but at the end of "Down with Love".
Do they show re-runs of that so I can see the first two? I couldn't see where/if it said that on the web site

I think he's a good singer as well. Maybe he could fill in on the tour if Bono lost his voice :wink:
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