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Blue Crack Addict
Aug 16, 2002
I'm only sleeping
Tonight on MuchMoreMusic at 8:30 EST, Pop-Up Video is on. The theme is duets. One of the videos is "I've Got You Under My Skin". This is a duet between Bono and Frank Sinatra. Tape it. Watch it over and over and over and over again. :D
yeaa fuckin heaa! never seen that video. Thanks a bunch for the heads up.
mmm. chum scores again.

i cant believe that many canadians subscribe to mmm.
Re: mmm. chum scores again.

kobayashi said:
i cant believe that many canadians subscribe to mmm.
I thought it was included? Oh well - it's way better than Much. Or am I getting old?

Re: the video, it is a VERY cool video. I remember that was just about the time that Bono's voice was changing to what it became during and after the Zooeuropa tour. Bono in all his falsetto glory...
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