10 years ago I checked Unforgettable Fire out from the shcool library..

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


ONE love, blood, life
Jun 20, 2000
southern california
And that was in 1994, and, well, it's June of 2004 now.. Maybe I should return the book to my old high school?

You think they'd charge me for it?!?!
They have (or should I say had?) U2 books in your school library???? :eek:

Bono was just a twinkle in his father's eye when our school ibrary last bought new books...
I think the word we're looking for here is 'typoed'.
actually you can find some rare stuff about U2 , Floyd and other bands in those libraries , and it's ahhhhh... priceless:wink: :wink: :wink:
my new school librarian is SO cool, she'll buy ANYTHING for the library, so I've put in requests for U2 at the end of the world, as well as U2 the road to pop. she said when she found them she would get them
:ohmy: *Blu daydreams about all the "lost" book fees she'd have paid if her high school library had carried books on U2* :shocked:
My school wouldn't have let me graduate if I hadn't returned any books, or paid to have them replaced.

However, my school would never have considered having something like U2 books, so lucky for me, it was a non-issue.
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