I know I'll see your face again in DESCRIBE!!!

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ok, except for Until the end of teh world by the interferers, I have not heard one U2 song since Thursday.
it's time to change that, but which song wich song?
yes zoot...I knew that...I read about it on something I jut can't recall what it was, he replaced I berlive saddam hussein
please is good...hmm how on earth could zoot have known thatwas my favorite u2 song??? :hmm:

ok be strong with me guys, I'm about to find out how much TCU is offering me in financial aid..I'm frightened
oh wow...sorry I was gone so long, but Iwas just o blown away that I went and got my dad to look over stuff with me...

btw...this is a good blown away

btw pt. 2...I still haven't listened ot a U2 song
it's pretty cool...so far it doesn't sound that much different than theorigial, xcept he kinda messed up my favorite part a little
wait I'm confussed what happened?

do you guys want it?

it's pretty insane, and I don't know what I was hinking, my avorite partwas awesome
shit, I quoted the wrong post but it was still kayla tho.

what is this you're listenign to? please from mexico?
oh 'm listenign to a lot of U2 songs for the first time..

that's cause I got a bunch of new ones, put 'em on dad's computer, and then didn't come over here for like a month
ok...let me calm down...

I said ADIHFABOM/K1 because I was listening to Alex Descends into hell for a glass of milk

I said I"m listening to a lot of new songs because ARe you gonna wait forever just came on
I found this in an amazon.com review about Gilmour's new album...

"You could hand a pen and paper to a monkey in the zoo and it would scribble more intelligent lyrics than this."

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