Bono speaking on Band Aid Recent Documentary

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The Fly
Sep 3, 2002
Northern Ireland
Just a few images from the video i recorded from BBC Three's Band Aid documentary. Looks pretty new the footage....or has this been shown here before?


The footage of bono is mostly just shown in that room except for just random footage of him back when band aid was being made. One part of it he says about how he didnt feel it was right to sing 'well tonight thank god its them instead of you' in the original song which the whole documentary is based on (seeing theres a new one)
How do I say thank you?

Thise are some of the BEST clips that I have ever seen of Bono speaking via TV on Africa and his commitment to her Future. :bow:

I especially liked clip 2. I think it's always important for us to remember that as much as we love and respect his work for Africa, it is really BOB GELDOF who has been the spark for all these years for Bono's passion for change for that MOST MAGNIFICENT continent.

Bob Geldof is unyielding in his determination to save the Future of Africa and it is a Blessing on Africa that his commitment found a willing and able vessel to carry forth this struggle in Bono.:angel:

THE GOAL IS SOUL....:bono: :heart: :heart: ;)
Very terrific! :) Thanks so much. Be great to get these on the Angels site. I wonder if that's possible. Copyright and all...hmmm...

Thank you so much for the clips!!! :bow:

They're great :heart:
Thanks you so much for sharing these clips with us. I have not even watched them all yet (just the first one) but wanted to thank you before I melted away into a puddle of goo and forgot to do so! :wink:
Thank you! Those are great, I love how he talks about not wanting to sing "tonight thank God" and how he still gets chills when he hears it. I still do to.
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